Categories > Original > Sci-Fi > Endless Ocean

A Thrust Into The Great Beyond

by Kairu-kun 0 reviews

Space. And endless ocean of stars, planets, moons and...emptiness. The possibilities in such a place are as endless as the sea of black itself.

Category: Sci-Fi - Rating: R - Genres: Sci-fi - Published: 2008-08-12 - Updated: 2008-08-12 - 373 words

A Violent Thrust Into The Great Beyond

Earth, year 2113 - Earthlings established contact with an alien species, one far more advanced than themselves. The creatures were nothing at all what many had expected. They didn't have large heads with massive black eyes. Nor did they have any other highly unorthodox features. They looked much like us, only every single one had bright silver hair, golden eyes and two black dots on their foreheads, just above each eyebrow. The people of the blue planet were nothing but excited and thrilled to finally see evidence that they weren't alone in the universe. Pompous little humans, the alien species though. The fact that some humans honestly believed they were the only intelligent life-forms in the galaxy was absurd. By the standards of most species, they wouldn't be considered intelligent themselves. Not yet anyway. The beings, calling themselves Il'Tak in words the beings of earth could understand, felt pitty for humans. Their planet was dying and they were trying to hard to leave their planet so they could survive. Having learned quickly the human's language, which by now the primary languages on earth were chinese and english, the Il'Tak decided to educate the earthlings. The silver-haired saviors, or angels as some called them, gave them the knowledge of the stars and the technology required to start their journey into the great black sea called space. When asked what else was out there, the Il'Tak always responded, "That is what all must discover for themselves," in their melodic voices.

Earth, year 2123 - The planet was near dead and humans had finally prepared themselves fully to leave the dying giant. A number of people already lived on stations surrounding the planets atmosphere. All but the most stubborn of humanity had finally left behind the doomed planet. Those that stayed behind likely died with it as it became uninhabital only a few years later. In the first years, humanity stayed within the Milky Way. In the year 0067 NL (New Life), the former earthlings left their galaxy to explore the universe as much as possible, thus beginning the young species' true adventure.

[Author's Note - Yes, short I know. It's an intro, more-or-less. The chapters will be much longer, I promise]
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