Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Babysitter

Chapter 13....Part 2

by dtng101 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-08-23 - Updated: 2008-08-23 - 562 words

A/N:SORRY I havent't updated like in three days.I've been threating to go back to school.And I've been busy with the whole school thing.Getting ready-D.Well here's a chapter
Normal Pov.
Saturday Night

"Sorry I'm late,"Karina said,tossing down her backpack and pulling off h jacket."The bus had a flate tire.Do you believe it?We were stranded.they had to call out another bus.the driver wouldn't change the tire.It's against union rules."She realized she was chattering a mile a minute,but she felt terrible being late two nights in a row.
"You should leave a little earlier,"Gerard said,pulling nervously on his tie.
"It's okay,"Nacy said,giving her husband a quick frown."You know we have plenty of time."She handed Karina's jacket tohim.He started for the coat closet,remembered the door was jammed,then jogged up the stairs to put it in the bedroom closet.
"Don't pay any attention to him,"Nacy whispered confidentially,bringing her face close to Karina's ear.Karina could smell her perfume.It smelled just like her perfume.It smelled just like her mother's."He's been very nervous.That's why I decided to get him out a couple of nights a week."
"I see,"Karina said,feeling foolish.She couldn't think of anything else to say.What was she supposedto say?
"I think it's the new job and the new house and everything,"Nacy continued in a low voice,looking up to the top of the stairs to make sure Gerard wasn't returning."He's really a very sweet man,but lately he just seems to get excited about things.He worries so much more than he used to."
Karina started to say"I see"again,but decided just to nod her head.
"I try to keep things smooth for him,"Nacy whispered."If little things go wrong in the house while you're here,I'd appreciate your not troubling him about them.You know what I mean."
"Sure,"Karina said.She felt flattered that Nacy aka Mrs.Way talked to her as an adult,confided in he that way.
Gerard aka Mr.Way reappeared on the stairs,and his wife quickly put a forced simile on her face."Try to get Bob down a little early tonight,"he said,picking up his gray wool overcoat from where it was draped over the bannister."He's been looking a little more pale than usual today.He may be coming down with something."
"He looks perfectly fine to me,"Ncy said lightly."He is naturally pale,you know,Gerard."
"Not that pale,"Gerard insisted."the number where we'll be is on the pad in the kitchen."
"SHe knows.She knows,"his wife said,pulling him by the hand."See you later Karina.It shouldn't be too late.We're going to a very boring party."
"Besure to keep the doors locked and the curtains pulled,"Gerard warned as they stepped out the front door.Karina locked the door behind them and went to look for Bob.
A/N:SOrry it was so short.And I promise there's going to be a thrid part since it was short.And c-line I'll try to put you in the next chapter k.So thanks C-line for the reviews.
Your awsome!-D.
Hope to get more=D
Well until next time-D
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