Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Star Wars: Birth of the Ninja Nations

Chapter 3

by Ninja-Magic 0 reviews

Naruto awakens

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Crossover - Characters: Naruto - Published: 2008-09-11 - Updated: 2008-09-11 - 1687 words

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Star Wars. Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, and Star Wars belongs to George Lucas.

Thoughts are in italics

Chapter 3:


Even in the depths of a coma-like sleep. A ninja’s instincts cannot be ignored. As soon as Naruto heard the noise with his extremely acute hearing, he awoke in an instant.

As he just was just abruptly woken up from an extremely long sleep, after not being able to sleep or maybe a week or more, Naruto thoughts were very frazzled and jumpy. He did not know where he was or what happened. But he figured he would figure all that stuff out after he dealt with the intruder.

While not using any unnecessary movements, Naruto opened his eyes and surveyed the area. He seemed to be in an alley and at its entrance there was a figure in tan wraps and robes. Actually they were the perfect clothes for surviving in a harsh desert environment, which struck a chord in Naruto for some reason.

Naruto could not see the being’s face, but did note other things about it. Its body’s structure seemed human-like; but not quite the same as a normal human being's bone structure. It was very similar, but it was just off a bit. It also had had more than 2 arms, which while not unheard of in the Ninja world was still really rare. In two of its 4 hands it held strange looking knives, which were, if his senses were correct… vibrating.

The figure after realizing Naruto was awake lunged for him, but even tired and feeling like crap, Naruto could handle some street thug. Lifting his right foot, which strangely did not have his usual open toed boot on it, Naruto rammed it into the thug’s right kneecap. The audible snap that resulted made it clear what had happened to the joint. The thug fell to the ground with a scream and Naruto simply kicked his leg again, this time landing on the side of the figure’s skull. Another snap clearly signified the end to this fight.

With the excitement over for the moment, Naruto tried to gather his thoughts.

What the hell is happening? The last thing I remember is being on one of the Konohagakure refugee ships. But, no that is not right, there were alarms, and sirens, and explosions and blood. I remember being ordered to flee the ship, but what happened next? I… I think I crash landed somewhere, a place of endless burning sand. I remember now… but how did I survive. I must have gotten out of the desert somehow. I am not entirely sure, as most of my memories from that time seem to be a blur.

Having a general grasp of his situation, Naruto analyzed his personal status as well as his equipment.

Well, I feel like the entire Akimichi clan just sat on me. My stomach feels like it is trying to eat itself. My throat and stomach feel like sandpaper, and I am so tired I think I am hallucinating. Oh look, dancing ramen. Sanity aside, I think I will probably recover from this… eventually. However, it certainly does not feel that way at the moment.

In terms of equipment my boots are gone, and my outer clothes are shredded. My armor appears to have taken little damage though. I just now wish I wore a full body armor suit like some ninjas do instead of just a torso piece. I know that those full armor suits impede my mobility slightly, but in this case I would have appreciated the extra protection. Also, my hitai-ate is missing.

A hitai-ate was a cloth and metal headband that almost all ninjas wore to show to which ninja village they swore allegiance. Each village had an unique symbol that was inscribed onto the metal of the headband, which was what showed what village a ninja had loyalty to.

Almost all my kunai and shuriken are gone. And I am completely out of wire, smoke bombs, and exploding tags. Though the lack of exploding tags is not that big a deal, as I know how to make more.

Naruto's sensei Jiraiya, (who was often referred to as Ero-Sennin by Naruto because of Jiraiya's perverted habits, Ero-Sennin meaning perverted hermit), discovered in one of their training sessions, that Naruto liked to blow things up, but unfortunately because of his tenant, it was nearly impossible for him to buy quality weapons and merchandise such as exploding tags. Thinking it would be a valuable skill for Naruto to learn, Jiraiya taught him how to make them. While not easy to make by any means, they were still easier to make than Naruto expected. They just required a lot of chakra (which Naruto had in abundance), blood and/or ink (which he also had), a steady and careful drawing hand for the seals (this was very hard for him), and a very good memory (which was also pretty hard for him). It was hard for Naruto in the beginning, especially because any mistakes creating seals have catastrophic consequences. But since he wanted it enough, and was capable of quickly recovering from any of his frequent catastrophic mistakes, he learned.

Uh… what do I do now? I don’t think there was any lesson from the academy that covers this kind of situation exactly. Heh, if I ever run into Iruka-sensei again I’ll make to tell him about this deplorable hole in my education. Though considering my luck, he probably covered in class when I was sleeping. Thinking about Iruka sent a surge of pain and sorrow resonating through his body. But after a second he beat the feeling down, he’ll have time to deal with emotional stuff later.

Maybe there is some lesson from the academy that I can modify to fit this situation. Let me think… man I was an idiot in school. I spent almost all my time sleeping or thinking about pranks. Not that I still don’t enjoy a good prank, or sleep for that matter. But I am getting distracted again. Naruto shakes his head to clear it and continues.

Thinking in the long term was hard for Naruto. He was very much a person of action, and tried to avoid planning or thinking if at all possible. Because of that Naruto was very bad at it. Not to say he was stupid, on the contrary he was pretty smart. He just had a lot of trouble focusing and paying attention, which in addition to a lack of social skills, tact, and much of the knowledge you would normally learn from parents or peers, made it appear like he was stupid to others. However, he is a lot better now than he was before.

Naruto’s mind continued to run through possibilities.

Maybe I can relate my situation to a long term infiltration assignment.

It was a good idea but there unfortunately was a problem with it. Naruto knew nothing about this topic. It did not interest him at all in the academy so he ignored most of it, and his later teachers during the invasion couldn’t afford to teach someone a skill they had no talent in, instead of improving a talent that student already had. He had an aptitude and natural talent for fighting and destroying stuff so his teachers focused on that and skills related to it. Leave infiltration and spying to the people with an actual interest and aptitude in that sort of thing..

Unfortunately now, Naruto was in need of those skills. Remembering things from the academy was hard but eventually he was able to remember a few basic principles.

Principle 1: Gather as much information as possible that are related to your ability to immerse yourself into a society, a group, or an organization

Principle 2: Firmly establish yourself into a role, which allows you to observe and/or interact with your target

Principle 3: Get money and build connections

Principle 1 could easily be used, as just gather as much information as possible. Naruto decided he could achieve that by finding a library or something. Principle 2 was just as significant. The target in this case would be Palpatine (his anger temporarily flared before his thoughts continued) and he would decide a role after doing research. As for principle 3 hopefully the role he chose made a lot of money and allowed him to build connections.

With his mind made up, he turned his mind towards other issues, namely food, water, and more sleep. He could not do anything about the food or drink situation at the moment, but he could do something about the sleep, though first he had to do one thing.

He walked over to the corpse of the thug who woke him up, and started stripping the corpse of items. Hey, it not like he needed them anymore. Naruto found two odd vibrating knives, some cards of some sort, some jerky (which he quickly ate), and a small canteen of water (which he quickly drank). He, after some thought, decided to take the man clothes as well, while they would fit horribly and were way too large for him, they still would still offer more protection from the sand then he had already.

“What the…”

Naruto gaped at the site of the man’s body. It was blue, with a face that seemed normal enough, except it appears that it had two giant tentacles growing out of it. What he mistook as extra arms were instead these fleshy appendages. Naruto immediately dismissed the sight as another hallucination caused by his lack of sleep, and ignored it when taking what he needed from the body.

After taking the items, Naruto stepped back and took a good hard look at the body, but he decided after a few very long moments he was not quite that desperate for food yet. Moving back to his sleeping spot, he lay back down on the ground (after he brushed away a few shards of glass that were there), and fell asleep.
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