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Everyone meets each other on MySpace

by 3goodloves 0 reviews

Dude why give it away?XD

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2008-09-18 - Updated: 2008-09-18 - 894 words

Nick's POV
Well I walked around the lot where everyone parked their buses and I gotta say its hard finding Taylor Swift! The first bus I knocked on ended up being Miley's. I can't believe I knocked on my ex's bus! I guess she got a better one because hers never looked this good. When she opened the door she practically slammed me to the ground.
"NICKYYY!" Miley screamed and drug me into her bus.
"Miley, I didn't mean to-I-," then I was cut off by her lips crashing onto mine, something I never wish would happen after we broke up. I pulled away from her and ran around behind some persons bus. YES! That person happened to be Taylor Swift's. I think. I knocked on the door and got greeted by this guy who looked like a rebel with eyeliner on.
"Uhhhh Hi I'm Nick," I said "I think I got the wrong bus, see I'm looking for Taylor Swift's."
The mysterious person then said "Hey I'm Grant, and I happen to be her guitar player,"
Thats where I've seen him before!
"Its right down there to your left." he finished.
"Thanks a lot! Really!"
I slammed the door to the bus shut taking in what all happened. Miley, yuck. Grant, cool name and awesome hair. (AN-seriously search Grant Mickelson and he is HOT! and think about it I gave him a high 5 XD) After hiking up the lot a ways, I finally found a bus that said Taylor Swift on it. Wow I felt stupid. I knocked on the door to see a normal looking red-headed girl who screamed. Did I get it wrong again?
"Hey is Taylor there?" I asked.
Taylor's POV
Holy snot! Nick Jonas?! I walked past Abigail who couldn't control herself and asked what was up. Then he told me about the whole signature thing and I couldn't help but blush. Then I said the 'Abigail' part of it was the crazy one over there, who about cried all her make up off. Then he mentioned his brother, Joe. I had to admit he was really cute. Then, Nick had to leave to make sure everyone got ready in time, and he said that we would definetly meet up later. Ah, I really would love to see Joe.
Since I played my guitar enough to almost have my fingers bleed, I set down the guitar with the last few minutes I had before I had to get the dress on, I went on my myspace. I noticed I had about 10 friend requests and which the Jonas Brothers were one of them. I read the note that went with it and it said:
'Hey Taylor, its Joe. I really like you music, think we can meet up later?
PS You're really cute'
(AN- Joe isn't afraid to tell a girl shes pretty haha.
Was I dreaming or was it Joe Jonas?! I immediately added them and messaged them, I just really hope that they notice it. Well I guess he was still online so I sent Joe a message hoping to see him tonight and then I got off so I could put on that wonderful dress and to get Abigail's make up fixed.
Kevin's POV
Well while Joe was getting into his outfit, I was on the myspace when I saw a message from Taylor Swift. YES, she added us and she sent a message for Joe. Yay! She wanted to meet up with us tonight. I guess I shouldn't tell Joe this so to make sure he didn't get on I turned the laptop off. Time for me to get ready!
Joe's POV
I walked out of the bathroom, thinking of Taylor. Today is going to be great! All of us were wearing this I gotta say my hair looked awesome though and the sunglasses were totally rockin! I really want to know what Taylor was wearing because she looks good in anything! I really wish that it was 5 instead of it being 4:30 so we could get to the red carpet faster!
Taylor's POV
Wow I love this dress and I can finally wear it! Abigail looked really good too. The blue dress looks really good on her. Well I guess we're ready so we can go early I guess to do more interviews. Sadly, Abigail could only come with me half way then she would have to get her seat in the building. Oh well, we're off.
Joe's POV
Well we all were done getting ready and everything, so we decided to go early. Then I saw an angel walk down the street in a purple dress. Could it be? Oh my gosh I can barely breathe! She was accompanied by a girl who looked like she was going to pee her pants to see us. I looked at the side of the bus where all the signature was to get my mind off of that pretty girl. Whoa look at that signature..

So Stefanie I have a question did I leave you wanting more again? XD Well I was being nice so I gave you more haha. I guess I'll try calling you to tell you to read this because I'm sure you're dying=P
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