Categories > Cartoons > Teen Titans > The Afterworld

As the girl finds out

by BlackRaven66 0 reviews

Anadie tries to get closer to Beastbot and figure things out.Raven gets more suspious about Beastboy.

Category: Teen Titans - Rating: PG - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Romance - Characters: Beast Boy,Cyborg,Raven,Robin,Starfire - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2008-09-19 - Updated: 2008-09-19 - 486 words

Chapter 5. As the girl finds out

Anadie runs scaredly down the streets. 3 Police officers and 2 secerity gaurds are chasing after her. All part of her plan. As she ducks into a abandoned ally, the Titans appear. "Stop running now, or you will be hurt." Starfire growled madly.Raven rolled her eyes and landed in front of her,blocking her path. "You think nobody knows who you are, your wrong. I know exactly who you are. Once they know, you'll be a goner. Just like your sister?"Raven said misciviosuly raising an eyebrow. Anadie widened her eyes and her mouth gaped open for mere seconds, before she snapped out of it. "You'll never tell them!!!" She yelled eyes glowing blue. Blue stars began to circle Anadie slowly at first,then began to speed up.Raven backed up speechless as the rest of the Titans began throwing starbolts and explosives. Cyborg was using his sonic cannon. Anadie was floating in the air now. Beastboy dug a hole so that he was behind her. "Anadie stop!" Beastboy yelled furiously. "You don't have to attack them! Their my friends, if you can't respect that your no longer my friend either!" Beastboy spat out visiously.The stars stopped circiling, revealing a Angel, looking alot like Anadie. With Orange eyes insted though. "You! You all...know you hate me!" She yelled before she began to spin in circles.Raven blinked twice as her eyes flickered to Black. "LEAVE THEM ALONE!" Raven yelled as she flew up to her along with Starfire. Anadie made two big blats of acid hit them both, knocking them out. As she also made the ground where they fell hot. She then turned to Cyborg and froze him. As she landed on the ground, satisfied with her work, the two cops grabbed her arms and handcuffed her. Anadie then depowered, looking like a normal girl, as usual. "Wha-.." She started to say,but got cut off by the cops. "You have the right to remain silent, everything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law." Cop 1 said. "Alright lets take her in." Cop 2 said silently. Cop 1 nodded. Anadie put her head down and muttered. "Sorry." SHe said before crying. This....was definatly not her plan.Beastboy ran to Raven's side, as Robin defrosted cyborg. "Are you ok?" Beastboy asked her shaking her. "Sh-....she hurt you two." Beastboy said softly. He tried to blink back tears as ambulances started to come and check out the scene. "You,protected us Raven! The...they, wh,why did she hurt you?!?"Beastboy asked confused. The ambulances arrived and took Beastboy and Raven to the hospital. "Be safe..."Robin muttered. Cyborg,Beastboy, and Robin, walked home for what seemed like,the last time they were going to walk home.

So glad I could upload another chapter,oooo chills.She what happens next in a while. :) BYEAS!
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