Categories > Cartoons > X-Men: Evolution > A Rogue's Journey

Chapter 5

by Fatalbluesweetie 0 reviews

A story that follows Rogue from the night her powers first activated onward until...well whenever I want to stop. Eventual Romyness, Jhonda and Kiotr...R&R...

Category: X-Men: Evolution - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Colossus, Cyclops, Gambit, Iceman, Jean, Nightcrawler, Professor Xavier, Rogue, Scarlet Witch, Shadowcat, Storm, Wolverine - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2006-03-07 - Updated: 2006-03-08 - 2508 words

Chapter 5

The book was like something forbidden, something that you longed to delve into but were afraid of the consequences. Here sat the one thing that will uncover all the secrets of the one person that he couldn't crack. But yet he hesitated to read it, to read the thoughts and feelings that no one but her knew. Was he really as low to actually read it? To break her trust like that? But on the other hand there was a very good chance that he could return it without her ever finding out.

The decision was made for him, at least momentarily, when the door slowly eased open. Remy startled, hastily shoved the book under his sheets as John walked into the room. He's eyes were half closed and he was mumbling.

'Mus' be ex'aus'ed.' Remy mused. Remy stifled a yawn with his hand and closed his eyes for a second.

It wasn't until then that he started to contemplate why Rogue had acted so out of character.

'Ma'be it was jus' dat time a dee month,' had Rogue heard his thoughts just then he probably would have hit him for the comment.

Remy being as tired as he was, reached for the concealed book, closed its pages and placed it on his bedside table. He was so tired and all he really wanted to think about was sleep, he'd decide what to do with the book in the morning.

Rogue woke up the next morning with a headache equivalent to that of drinking a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster (AN: kudos to you who know what that's from, to those of you who don't, look it up). She opened her eyes a sliver and instantly regretted it. The sun was up and bright and the curtains over the french doors were open. She quickly snapped her eyes shut again but not before Wanda noticed her lack of a regulated breathing pattern.

"Theres a glass of water and some aspirin about a foot away from your right hand," she whispered. Rogue grunted in gratitude and sat up, her eyes still closed but her head swam anyway. She reached out tentatively and found the glass of water, she was able to catch it too, before more then half of its contents end up on the floor. She found the aspirin on the table beside the water and popped it in her mouth, the water washed it down. She waited several minutes before she even thought about moving again, and when she did, it was only her eyes that flickered open. The sunlight befuddled her for a few seconds but she soon got her bearings back. She groaned and held her head, but shortly after felt a strong sensation in her bladder. She pulled herself out of bed and made a rather, hilarious too all but her, mad dash to the bathroom.

After relieving herself, she walked a bit more steadily out of the bathroom and changed out of her crumbled clothes that she wore to the club the previous night and into a pair of sweats and a long sleeved t-shirt.

Wanda stood up from her desk at which she was doing her last minute homework,

"Im going to get some lunch, you want anything?"

"Lunch?" she mumbled.

"Yeah, it's a little after one,"

"Really? No Ah'm okay. Ah'll get somethin latah."

Wanda nodded and left the room.

Rogue, remembering everything of last night, well at least up until the point where she passed out in front of the front door, walked to her bed and reached under her pillow in search of her diary, she didn't find it.

Rogue's heart dropped into her stomach. That black book had everything in it, everything! Every feeling she'd had since she left Mississippi. She had gotten the book from a rest stop the night she left. She tore her bed apart, but to no avail, it wasn't there. She went through the drawer from her bedside table, nothing. She remembered using it last in the bathroom yesterday morning and dashed into it, she tore through all the drawers and cabinets but it wasn't there. It didn't hit until just then that she might be in deep shit if someone found it and flipped to the back inside cover.


She proceeded to tear the bedroom apart, her side and Wanda's. When she was finally satisfied it wasn't in the room, she flung the door up and ran down the hallway and down the stairs into the kitchen where she harshly questioned the occupants.

"Where is it? Which one of ya asshole's took it?" she questioned loudly.

"Uh...Rogue like what are you like talking about?" Kitty asked confused.

"The black book that was in mah room, which one of yah scumbags took it? Ah swear when Ah fahnd out who did it, there wont be enough of the body left ta identify if they ever fahnd it,"

She stormed out of the kitchen and into the rec room. She questioned them the same way. Only this time her explosive nature got the better of her and when the occupants of the room denied any knowledge of the black book, she screeched and slammed her fist into the wall, the sheetrock caved and she left a hole the size of an angry girls fist.

It was at that exact moment that Remy decided to make his grand appearance. He saw the scared expressions of the kids in the room, and a girl so angry she was practically crying with her hand stuck in a wall.


"Ya took it didn't ya?"

"Took what Rogue?"

"Ya did, didn't ya? How dare ya, ya asshole. Where is it? Where the fuck did ya put it? If ya read it Ah swear ta god Ah'll kill ya." She screamed so loud Remy could almost feel the building shaking. Remy was bombarded by emotions, her emotions. Her hatred and pain was so strong that he couldn't stop his empathy power from picking them up. He staggered back from the force of them.

"Rogue, Rogue! I don' know wha' your talkin about," he managed to get out. Inside Remy's head he was screaming at himself. He knew that she was going to react like this, he knew and still he read it and didn't put it back. His heart was ripping open as another wave of her pain and sadness hit him. He realized how much it meant to her and he how much of an idiot he had been.

He had spent the morning reading the black book, from start to finish. He knew about Cody and how he was still in her head. He knew about her time in New York and her loneliness and hidden depression. He knew about how grateful she was to be here and having Wanda, him and John. He knew about her feelings for him and he knew about the affect her powers are having on her mental stability. As Rogue feared, Remy had turned to the inside back cover and had found the little black pouch that had her razor sharp blade in it. He knew of her scars on her skin and her heart. He knew this all and regretted taking the book now because of what it was doing to her.

"Tell m', wha's wrong? Wha' did I take? Ma'be I can 'elp you find it?" Remy asked.

Rogue took a deep breath trying to calm down. She didn't want to do this, not to him, not to the one she loved. She took another deep breath and calmed down a bit, at least enough to stop from shouting.

"A black book, its mahne and Ah need it back,"

"Okay, well where 'ave you look' for I?"

The wall of tears that Rogue had been fighting to keep back finally cracked. Tears slowly began to leak out of her eyes. She brought her blood covered hand to her face and ran out of the room.

The occupants of the Rec. Room stayed quiet as they all stared at either the hole in the wall or the pained Remy, who just stood there stupefied. Remy turned and dashed out of the room after his friend and caught up with her half way down the hallway to her room. She was on the floor in a heap, crying.

She hated it, she hated crying, feeling weak. This was the second time in two days she had been reduced to tears and she despised it. She didn't hear Remy approach her from behind and barely registered when he kneeled down beside her and wrapped his arms around in her in a hug. She leaned into him and cried harder. She cried with everything she had. She cried for all the times she had wanted to but had never let herself. She cried for everything that had happened in the past five months or so. She cried the pain that her mutation had caused her, she cried the teenage things she was going through. She cried till her eyes hurt.

She looked up from her position on the floor and saw the demonic eyes of Remy. She sighed and shook herself. Remy felt the tears stop and looked down at her.

"Feelin' bette'?"

"No" Rogue answered morosely.

Remy stood up and set Rogue on her feet,

"Come on, le's go look in da room one more time. Mayb' ya missed it 'cause ya was so frantic,"

"Okay," was all Rogue managed to get out. She wiped her face with her hands removing the last remnants of the moisture from her face.

Remy took hold of her gloved hand and started up the hallway to the girl's room. Rogue followed, more because she had to rather then because she wanted to. Remy stopped in front of the door and flung it open. He almost gasped when he saw the carnage inside.

The bed was thrown aside, mattress and all. Her lamp was shattered on the floor, the shade askew. All the drawers in the room were open with things spill over the tops of them and onto the floor. The balcony doors were open and a strong wind seemed to have come through whirling things about. The bathroom was a mess, things scattered the floor.

Remy took a deep breath before heading into the room, dragging Rogue with him.

"Okay Chere, pick a co'ner an' start lookin,"

Rogue sighed, knowing it was no use, but humored the Cajun heartbreaker anyway.

The next twenty minutes was spent shifting piles from one place to another in search of the allusive diary, well in Rogue's case shifting piles and in Remy's straightening things and putting them away.

"Ya know Chere, if ya clean up in de process, den ya might find it quick',"

Rogue just grumbled in response and shifted another pile.

It wasn't until Remy had started to fix them bed that he subtly took the diary from the inside of his trench and placed it inside a pile of sheets and blankets that were strewn haphazardly.

He stood up, leaving the book in its hiding place and strode over to the overturned mattresses.

"'ere Chere, 'elp Remy wid dis,"

Rogue looked up from the pile she had just been examining and walked over to the other side of the bed, the side that the diary was hidden near.

"On t'ree lift", he said "one...two...t'ree" and the two lifted the mattresses and placed them back on the frame. She bent down and pick up a pile of sheets to toss on top of the bed, but when she picked them up a black book tumbled out and landed open upside-down on the floor at her feet.

She was in shock, she hadn't really expected to see it again, her life, her most treasured possession. Her eyes water but she blinked back the tears of surprise and happiness that threatened to fall, she had cried enough and wouldn't let another drop escape her eyes.

She bent down and picked up the book, feeling the cold of the hardcover against her hands, she brought it up to her face and saw that it had landed open on the page that recounted her first trip to the institute, meeting Remy and Wanda. She smiled, genuinely smiled. She had been happy that day, even if she didn't actually feel it then. That day had filled her with hope, and just remembering that day, a small flame of hope enlightened her heart. She didn't know why but she figured that all this bad had been happening to her, she was bound to get a little good somewhere.

She closed the book and sat down on the still unmade bed, closed her eyes, and took a deep calming breath. She opened her eyes again and looked over her shoulder at the boy that was leaning against the wall, smiling at her, a real smile not one of those detestable smirks he always wore.

"Ah'm sorry Rem, Ah shouldn' have accused ya with out facts. And thanks fah helpin' meh look, Ah really appreciate it,"

Remy's heart clenched when he heard that last part, it was his fault it had gone missing in the first place.

"Twas Remy's pleasure mon ami,"

Rogue's heart throbbed a tad, 'mon ami,' she thought. 'That's all Ah am ta him,'

"No offense or nothin but do ya mind leaving. Ah kinda wanna be alone," she asked.

Remy smirked at her and bowed to her before walking to the door and flinging it open, and striding out.

Rogue sighed once more, but stood up and walked to her untouched stereo and cd's. She selected a cd and popped it into the cd player, pressed play and turned around to examine the amount of damage that was left to repair, all the while clutching the beloved diary to her chest. There was still a lot of work to be done, so the rest of the afternoon was spent cleaning up her mess. No one approached the room, not even Wanda, for fear of the rather enrage Rogue (Remy hadn't told them all was calm. He figured she'd want peace and quiet. Well at least not any interruptions because the volume of the music had people that walked past her door covering their ears as to not go deaf).

AN: Hey guys, Fatal here. Hoped you liked it, sorry it wasn't as long as the other ones but they'll get longer I promise. Yes I know it was angst ridden. I think I might have to change the category but whatever, there should be more laughs coming in the next chapter...expect that in the next week sometime. So review if you want. I appreciate hearing from people, makes me feel special, so review if you feel up to it and I'll talk to you guys later...

-Bye for now

PS. I don't own X-men or anything...although I really wish I did...Remy's sooo yummy.
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