Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Never Told You I'm Not Dead

I Never Told You I'm Not Dead

by cherry_skull101 1 review

The Black Parade Is Dead. What now? After two years of touring the Black Parade, it's finally over and Gerard can finally spend time with his wife, but what happens he finds out about her dirty lit...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-08-31 - Updated: 2008-09-01 - 870 words

This was the last time any of them would have to spend hours upon boring hours on a tour bus, at least not for a while. Frank sighed, and draped his arm over the side of the couch he was spawled across, and reached for the remote, and flipping through the channels. After about ten minutes he groaned and flipped the T.V. off. "Nothins on." He muttered.
"There never is when you're bored, haven't you figured that out yet Frank?" Mikey replied from his place at the table where he was shuffling a deck of cards. Frank heaved a sigh of dramatic annoyance, and lifted himself from the couch. "I need a beer." He walked over to the mini fridge and pulled out a budweiser.
"Don't let Gerard get ahold of that." Mikey said, and then all of sudden yelled: "Ow!" and rubbed the back of his head where Gerard had hit him upside the head. "Shut up Mikey." He said as he walked by. Mikey broke out in a laugh, and went back to his cards. "So does anyone know what to talk about?" Ray asked as he walked into the front lounge scratching the back of his head, and looking like he had just woken up.
"No idea." Gerard said, sitting down on the couch, and picking up the remote.
"I wouldn't even try, there isn't anything on." Frank said. "Yes there is, there's just nothing you like Frank." Gerard replied.
"Yo driver!" Mikey yelled, "How much longer till we reach the States?!"
"About two hours boys, hang in there." Drey, the bus driver, replied and Frank growled loudly. "Two fucking hours? That's fucking gonna take fucking for-fucking-ever!"
Ray laughed loudly, "Frank is the only badass mo-fo that I know who can fit the word 'fuck' four times in a sentence
"Yeah, that's some badass talent right there." Gerard remarked from the couch, where he was watching Criss Angel Mindfreak.
"Hey, do any of you got any service?" Gerard asked, moving his cell phone around his head in the air, trying to catch a signal.
"I do." Mikey said, throwing Gerard his red razor. "Why do you need it?" He asked.
"I need to call Lyn-z, see how she's doing."
"Damn, he's like lost without his woman." Frank said, and got a glare from Gerard for his comment.
"Lyn-z?" Gerard said into the phone. "Hey, how ya doin babe?.....Oh really? What inspired him to do that?!? Really? Meth? What are you gonna do?....yeah....I think so, I'm not sure, I never did meth....yeah....well...I don't really know, but it should....well ok, I just wanted to see how things were with you, we're lilke about a half an hour from the states, so it sholdn't be too long. I can't wait for this vacation, this tour's exhausted me....exactly, well I'll call you when we're back in Vegas K? you too...bye."
Gerard tossed the phone back to Mikey, "Thanks." He said.
"Aww, did you hear that Ray? He loves her!" Frank said in a mocking voice, hitting Ray's arm.
"If I'm not mistaken Frank, you said you loved a girl many times, and I've never once isulted you." Gerard said in response.
"Yeah, but that's you, we're talkin about me." Frank said.
Gerard smiled, and shook his head.
"I'm right aren't I? And I never said it was a bad thing you said you loved her, she is your wife after all."


"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Gerard yelled as he fell onto the bed. "I can actually sleep without the fear of dying in the midst of a fiery explosion of bus parts."
"You're a dork Gerard." Mikey commented as he poked his head into Gerard's room. "Happy the tour's over?" He asked. His brother nodded, and kicked his shoes off. "So glad." He said.
"Well, I'm gonna go, the other guys are down the hall, so...see ya in the morning. I wanna get outa before Lyn-z gets here."
"Why?" Gerard asked.
"Because I don't know what kinda business is gonna be goin down between you two after not seeing eachother for nearly two years."
His comment waas met with a pillow in the face.
"Goodnight Mikey." Gerard said. Gerard's brother saluted as he left the room.
Gerard put his arms behind his head, and layed flat on the bed, and checked the clock on the bedside table: 9:37pm.
He sighed, and closed his eyes, intending to rest them for a moment, but after a few minutes, he fell into a deep, much-needed sleep.
His eyes opened to a sand-brown ceiling, a bit blurry at first, but clearer as the grogginess slowly dissipated. He turned to his side to find the bed empty, and no sign that anyone had joined him during the night.
He sat up and looked around the room. "Lyn-z?" he asked, sliding off the bed, and walking to the bathroom, checking it. It was empty.
"Lyn-z?" He said a bit louder. When he got no responce, a mixture of anger and fear spread through his stomach.
Lyn-z, the woman he married hadn't shown up.
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