Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A story for the broken girl

The girl with hair like fire

by ocean_soul 2 reviews

As the years passed...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2008-10-29 - Updated: 2008-11-16 - 433 words

"I still don't remember, anything, I remember the sentence, that the boy said..." Kelly repeated the same sentence over agian.

She was sitting in the cold mid-winter air, just outside the house that she had called home for the past 10 years, "I remember lights, blue and red, I remember the band, our favourite band... my Dad, he's dead and I can't even remember how he died" She placed the ciggarette that was twisted in her fingers into her mouth and took a long drag.

"You don't remember anything else?" Came the voice that was sitting next to her.

"No, nothing." Said the broken girl as she finished the last of her ciggerette and threw it to the ground.
She couldn't remember any of her school life, she couldn't remember who the girl she was sitting next to was, everything was just a blur. She straighted herself up, and began to walk towards the door. She felt vunerable in the girls presence, like she knew her more then she knew herself. In fact she knew that the girl knew her more than she knew herself, she can't remember, what was she supposed to say.

As the broken girl, entered her home and braced the warmth that lay inside, Simone was left alone outside in the cold air of Derby, England. She had travelled all this way to find Kelly, and she had hoped that Kelly had some recollection of the event. She reached for her cell phone, that aly in her pocket and was softly ringing.
"Gerard, she can't remember a thing." Her thick New Jersey striking the cold air.
"Damn" Echoed the voice out of the phone and around Simone's head.
"She remembered what you said to her..." She trailed off, as she shed a silent tear.
She quickly wiped it away, along with memories that she held close to her heart, memories that she knew she would never be able to share with her friend.
"I told her that I loved her... and I still do..." He broke down on the end of the phone.
"Gee, It's OK... It's been 10 years, let her go, she doesn't remember you" Simone was calm, Gee was sad, Kelly was hurt, scared and confused.
"I can't let go, I promised her I wouldn't." He cried at her.
"God, Gerard." She shouted.

The broken girl, who was standing in the doorway, the name lighted up something in her heart.
"Gerard?" She repeated.
Simone looked round at the girl, her long red flowing hair flicked round into her face as the wind whipped it up.


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