Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A smile on a her body

Kickin and a scratchin!

by Rainbow_Skittles 2 reviews

me third chapter. the title's exciting right? ooh what could it be about?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-11-05 - Updated: 2008-11-06 - 619 words

Haha sorry for being so long but I’ve been busy with Culture Fair and other reports for my school. Oh the life of the 14-year-old genius. Just kiddin and don’t mind all the random stuff. A lot of it is inside jokes with my friends. Like the mad face thing, and stalker thing, and some other stuff. Enjoy mi amigos. sorry I might get a little writers block so it’ll be short. Also we’ve been watching High School Musical in drama for a spoof project so it’s kinda on my mind…What team? Wildcats! What team? Wildcats!!! What team?! WILDCATS! GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME!


‘This is bad, this is bad, this is bad!’ Kristine thought as she ran to “The Meeting Place” for her dance/drama group. Kristine, being the genius that we all know she is, ran straight passed the place, ran back, passed it again and finally ran back and got there, to the Starbucks about a block away from where she was before. Convenient, no? Yeah, she didn’t think so.
“Creepy stalking therapists!” She yelled at Noel and Leon, currently the only twins in the group troupe thingy. Yes that’s what she calls it.
“Au contraire,” Noel began.
“We are simply magnificent and-” Leon stated.
“Magnanimous.” They finished together.
“How long did you two plan that one out?” Jacob, the oldest out of the group, asked with Taylor at his side. The twins looked at each other.
“Awhile.” They shrugged, “It was good though, right?”
“Magnificent and magnanimous.” Kristine and Taylor mocked.
“Oh shut up you short twigs.” Noel scoffed and smacked them both upside the head.
“THIS IS MY MAD FACE! HEAR ME ROAR! RAWR!” Kristine yelled leaping forward to attack with her incredibly mad, and not at all pouty at all, mad face.
“Alright children let’s calm down.” Jacob said grabbing a hold of Kristine and Noel yet somehow keeping them apart. He must be a witch! “We need to practice and still get Crystal and Diamond for later.”
“Fiiiiiiine!” everyone groaned and set off….after getting Coffee of course. Caffeine and sugar make the world go round.

“Where are they?” Frank whined, “We’ve been looking forever!” Frank was very unhappy. He was promised, not really, entertainment but he’s already been walking for forever! GASP!
“It’s been one block Frank,” Bob sighed, “you’re not gonna die. Besides you could stand to lose a few pounds.” He joked.
“GASP!” Frank said all insulted like, “just for that, you’re gonna carry me.” And he jumped on Bob’s back.
“Great,” Bob sighed, “just what I needed.”
“You’re welcome!”
“ah here it is!” Clare yelled, “They’re just starting!”

“Anything you can do, I can do better!” Kristine sang.
“I can do anything, better than you!” Leon sang back, pushing her slightly.
“No you can’t!”
“Yes I can.”
“No you can’t!”
“Yes I can.”
“No you can’t!”
“Yes I can, yes I can!” As the two continued to sing the others, Jacob, Taylor, Noel, Diamond and Crystal, all began stretching or singing quietly.
“No/Yes you/I can’t/can!” The two finished.
“That was nice.” Leon said, helping Kristine down from her position in his arms.
“No, you were nice. I sounded horrible.”
“Lalalalala I can’t hear you! Lalalalala!” She….lala-ed?
“Ugh let’s just move on.”

“Bop Bop Bop!” Kristine, Diamond, Crystal and Taylor yelled.
“Oh god no.” Taylor mumbled.
“Yeah we’re gonna bop bop bop! Bop to the top!”


Yeah it was short. Yeah it was sucky. Yeah it was weird. But at least I got it out…right?
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