Categories > Celebrities > The Used > Pieces Mended.

Chapter One.

by madzMCRMY 2 reviews

The last day of summer begins.

Category: The Used - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2008-11-11 - Updated: 2008-11-11 - 446 words


Scarlett Williams quickly jerked awake to the obnoxious sound of her cell phone alarm. She made an attempt to grab it off the floor under the couch she was just sleeping on, but a pair of arms constricted her.

"Robert Edward McCracken!" She shouted at the sound-asleep boy wrapped around her. "Get your lazy ass up and off of me! It's the last day of summer, and we've got Warped Tour to go to!" She giggled a bit as he just grumbled and settled himself closer to her, causing her cheeks to turn a light pink. Scarlett had to admit she liked it. But, she had to wake him up.

The beeping of the alarm increased its' volume, and Scarlett's temper started to rise a little. "Okay, Bert. You really need to let me go." She began wriggling her body out of his tight embrace, causing him to move, but he was still out. Dropping off the couch, onto the carpeted floor she muttered, "Thanks so much for that." and shut off the alarm. Now she needed to wake Bert up, and she knew just how to do it.

"Oh Beeerrrttt?!" She began in a sing-song voice. He tossed and turned, but still didn't show any signs of waking up. Scarlett rolled her eyes, and dove onto the heavily cushioned couch. "YO! MCCRACKEN! WAKE THE FUCK UP!" She yelled, laughing and pushing him around. Bert's eyes snapped open, and he looked like a madman with his long, greasy hair sticking out everywhere.

"Oh my God! Scarlett!!!" He yelled, grabbing her and shaking her around. His odd, childish laugh filled the room as she just stared at him in awe. "I've been wide awake the whole time!" Scarlett smacked him in the arm, and propped herself down on top of Bert, resting her head on her arms, laying them on his chest. With any other person this would be uncomfortable, but Scarlett, standing at around 5'2 and weighing a little over 100 pounds wasn't much for him.

"This, my friend, is no time for pranks." Scarlett stated, as Bert began braiding strands of her long, near orange-colored hair. "Today is the last day we have before we go back to the living Hell that is high school, our junior year to be exact. We have an amazing day ahead of us, so we need to get up and ready, fool!" Bert grinned and poked her tiny, freckled nose. "Then let's go get ready!" He said. And with that, he picked her up, throwing her his shoulder, and carried her out of the basement they stayed in the previous night.

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