Categories > TV > Buffy the Vampire Slayer > Life Just Ani't Fair


by LLN 0 reviews

enter the blond

Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Spike, Xander - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2006-03-15 - Updated: 2006-03-16 - 603 words

Life Just Ain't Fair-ch.12

Inara lead them to a large room that was decorated in red and gold silks. Cushions were placed through out it, in the same colors. Kaylee and Simon sat on a large red cushion cuddling together. Zoë had found the only lone black cushion to sit on. Mal sat on a gold one, that was next to a red and gold patterned one that he knew Inara would use when she was done pouring tea for everyone. Xander stood in front of a big arch window, looking out into the courtyard, where male and female students of the school were training in self-defense and weapons, bows and arrows and swords. Jayne and River sat on opposite sides of the window, where Xander was standing.

Xander half listened to the others conversations.

'Something about this place...' he thought.
It made him feel things, things that made no sense. Feelings of longing, happiness and joy, love too. But he was sure he had never been here before today.

"Why do Companions have to learn weapons or self-defense?" asked Kaylee innocently after seeing the students train.

"For protection, in order for a Companion to do there calling well, they must open themselves in a way you never would. Making them vulnerable. People would take advantage of the Companion. If the Companion knows they can take care of themselves, even on just a physical level. They learn the self-confiedents in order to be able to do this." This was not said by Inara but by Xander as he looked out the window. Inara's eyes widen in surprise.

"That is one of the reasons the owner of this school teaches." She said,
"Were you a stood here?" She had noticed Xander's beauty and grace of movement.
Xander turned to face them.

"I don't know." He said softly. Inara was about to ask how he couldn't know. When Mal stopped her by laying a hand on her arm and shaking his head.

"You said you knew a Companion." Said Jayne. Xander looked at him confused.

"I did...when?"

Jayne looked at him in concern.

"Ten minutes ago, when we were in the courtyard garden. I asked if she was pretty, you said he was breathtakin'...don't you remember?" Jayne asked as Xander wrapped his arms around himself. Looking down at the floor he shook his head

"Don't remember that." Xander said the fear in his eyes obvious.

"Xander maybe you should let the Doc, see you to you. Maybe he can help." Said Mal.
Xander saw Simon was going to agree to that. But Xander knew it wouldn't help.

"Don't bother, Doc. What's wrong with me isn't physical not even really mental."
River then cocked her head to the side.

" The Heart hid its secrets from the Red Goddess. So she couldn't steal them away. Deep in the darkness they hide. But all will be revealed."

"You think." Xander asked hopefully.
"Cause I don't mind being crazy, that can be fun, but I would like to know what make me that way."

"Whelp, you've always been crazy!" Said a cockney English accent.
Standing there in the doorway of the room was a slim young man, dressed in black and sliver patterned a kimono type robe that was a couple inches shorter than Xander. He had short platinum blond, electric blue eyes and a scar that cut through his right eyebrow. Who just seemed to ooze sexuality, not the prim and proper type of a Core trained Companion, but something more animal like, more primal. He affected everyone in the room.

"Spike!" Xander said in shock.
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