Categories > Original > Romance > Margo & Sonny's Infinite Playlist.

Plan's gone a Ry

by Kill-Your-Own-Chorus 0 reviews

Trace loses more than just his temper.

Category: Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2008-12-12 - Updated: 2008-12-13 - 1519 words

Okay, before anything. Ryleigh's "Team Name" has absolutely NOTHING to do with Pete Wentz's clothing line. I'm telling you this now, because I'm not some underage Teenie fan. I already got some remarks from my other site, calling me a teenie. Peh, they wish!

Review and Read! Por favor!

"You're LEAVING me?!" Adam exclaimed. Ryleigh smacked her hand to her head and let out a sigh. This wasn't as easy as she thought. She looked over at Trace and begged for him to explain. Trace took a sip of orange juice and set the bottle in front of him.

"No Addy, you guys can meet us on the road, anywhere you want" Adam let out a huff and folded his arms. Mason and Ant exchanged worried looks.

"What about the band, dude?" Ant asked.

"We can still continue what we're doing, just in a different location" Trace answered. Mason smoothed his hair back and let out a huge sigh.

"Where will you guys go?" He asked. Ry and Trace exchanged glances. She smiled lightly at him and took his hand.

"We were hoping either Chicago or New York" She answered. The boys nodded their heads in agreement.

"Again, you guys can meet us anywhere on the road, you can even follow us along the way" All four boys exchanged worried looks. Ryleigh's hand gripped tighter as they all went into deep thought. Trace watched mason closely. He was giving off an unsure look. He really hoped his best friend would be with him in this all the way. They had been through so much shit back in tennessee, why stop now? Finally, he broke the ice. Mason shook his head and scoffed as he held out his fist.

"Alright man, I'm in" He answered. Trace's face lit up with joy.


"Yeah dude, let's rock this bitch!" Mason cheered. Then, like dominoes, the rest followed suit. They all agreed on New York being their home base. Not only could they see America all the way through, but also becuase there were top Music labels living there as well. They all put their fists in and cheered for their team.

"Go team-"

"Clandestine!" Ryleigh chirped.

"Why that?"

"Because this is such a huge secret, a clandestine" Ry explained. Trace laughed a little and shook his head.

"Alright, in two days we shall leave LA and head for new york!" Mason announced. Everyone clapped and cheered in agreement. In two days, they would embark on the most kick ass adventure of their lives.


"Tish, honey, you need to stop pacing!" Billy Ray spoke. The entire Cyrus clan sat on the couches along with the police. Brandi had just come back from florida to visit the family, only to find out later that her brother had run away. Ms. Musso and Mitchell came over as well with Emily beside them, due to the fact that Mason and his friends were missing too. The two kids hung over by Miley while the adults huddled with Officer Hendricks.

"What happened? Did you find him?" Tish asked quickly. Billy ray took hold of her hand and squeezed it. She took a deep breath and waited for Hendricks' reply.

"We did find him over at Ryleigh Cole's place,"

"I knew it!" Billy spoke out. Hendricks continued.

"We had him in custody and we were about to take him home, but when we told him Ryleigh was going to the station, he completely lost it. He fought and struggled with us and managed to escape"

Tish's face immediately went from worried to devastated. Her face fell into her hands and she burst into tears. Little noah came by and wrapped her tiny arms around her mother. Billy ray held the two tightly and shushed his wife lightly.

"It's okay honey, we'll get him back" Miley let out a huge sigh and let her arms fall between her legs. He looked down at her chucks in sadness. Why would Trace do this to his own family? Didn't he see that he was hurting everyone? How could someone change so fast like this? Emily took hold of miley's hand.

"Hey" she whispered,"It's gonna be okay, ya hear? it's gonna be fine." Miley smiled lightly at her best friend.

"Thanks Em" She replied,"I know. I just wish Trace could see that he-" Miley suddenly noticed something pop up from the fence out in the yard. She peered outside the back door closely and watched as a little head cautiously rose up slightly. She recognized that neon red color anywhere! It was Ryleigh! Miley wanted to jump up and down and scream to everyone about her discovery, but that would only make them run. She had to play it cool.

"Officer Hendricks" She called. The officer turned his head towards her, the family doing the same.


"Don't look now, but Ryleigh and the others are spying on us behind the fence" She announced. Tish was just about to shoot her head around when Miley let out a shrill "Don't!"

"She's right," hendricks agreed,"We need to be sneaky about it, I'll call my men and tell them to go in quietly" The cyrus family nodded in agreement.

"In the meantime, everyone look worried and devastated" He demanded. Everyone followed hendricks' orders. They all put on their best sad faces, Noah even did a good "Stella!" Impression. But instead, she called out "Traceyyy!" Just then the loud sound of yelling and screaming came from outside. There was a shrill sound of screeching tires, and then the front door flew open.

"WE GOT HIM!" A police man yelled. Trace yanked and jerked around violently as the family all shot up from their seats. The police man shoved him into the family room. Tish shot straight up from her seat and ran to her son. She grabbed his face and gave him baby kisses on his forehead. The police men nodded their heads with approval as Ms. Musso led them out.

"TRACE!" She cried as she wrapped her arms tightly around him. Trace didn't hug her back, his arms hung firmly to his sides. His mother noticed this and shot back a little.

"Don't you care that you're with us now? What's wrong with you?" Trace opened his mouth to speak.

"I'll tell you what's wrong," His dad interrupted,"He's been too attached to that girl!" Trace shot a death glare at his father, Billy shot one back as he got up and walked towards him.

"He's been too busy drinking and partying, too busy ditching school and having sex to care about us! All he cares about is that STUPID GIRL!!"

"SHUT UP!" Trace lashed out violently. Everyone except Billy shot back in surprise. Ms. Musso rushed in to see what the commotion was about. Billy ray folded his arms.

"Why are you back here Trace? Need some money? Your clothes?" Trace clenched his teeth and took a deep calm breath.

"I'm going away" He announced. Billy ray let out a scoff of satisfaction, which made Trace even more angry. He was trying his hardest to respect his father, but he was just pushing his buttons right now.

"Really now? Boy, does she have you wrapped around her finger!" He laughed.

"It wasn't her idea dad okay?! It was mine! I planned this! So you can just leave her alone and fuck off!" He snapped violently. Miley covered Noah's ears as everyone let out a gasp. Billy's eyes went dark and cold. He pursed his lips together and rushed at Trace. He quickly grabbed Trace's arm and began pulling him towards the stairs. Tish begged and pleaded with Billy not to hurt him, but he ignored her pleas. Trace dug his nails into his dad's hand, but he didn't budge. Billy was pretty well built compared to Trace, he definitely had more muscle than him. Just then billy swung open Trace's bedroom door and threw him inside. Trace turned sharply at his father.

"You're not leaving this room, nor this house Trace!!" He yelled.

"You can't keep me in here!" Trace yelled furiously. Billy swung the door and slammed it shut. The vibrations pulsing through the floor and the house. Trace charged the door and banged on it violently.

"LET ME OUT!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. No one answered. He felt his eyes glaze over with fury and malice. He grabbed his bookshelf and threw it off the wall. It landed with a violent SMASH! crushing trophies, glass cups, and a lamp along with it. He yelled and cursed violently as he threw his shoes against walls, as he took apart his drawers and smashed them against the doors. He had never been this angry in his life, nor this violent. Right now though, he felt like an animal. An animal that was once free and careless was now being chained and secluded from everything he loved. He grabbed his computer chair and aimed it at the window.

"FUCK YOU!!" He screamed as he threw it with all his might.
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