Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Tell Me My Life

chapter one

by erinisavictim 0 reviews

be patient!

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2008-12-13 - Updated: 2008-12-14 - 784 words

Sunday, February 7th; katelynn

My fingers drummed on the open book, annoyed. i could stare at it for a century and the horror that was calculus would never make sense to me, i thought. i gave it five more minutes before i snapped the book shut with a sign. the blank sheet of paper-- my homework-- was blown off the desk by the rush of air it created, coming to rest on the floor. a shower, maybe, and then i'd give it another try.


once i'd showered, i went downstair into the kitchen. my mom was at the sink washing dishes; i could hear the television from the living room, which told me where my dad was. homework, dishes, the sports channel-- sunday night routine for my family.
"hey, mom."
"hey honey. hows the calculus coming?" she asked without looking up from her work. i sighed again, and she laughed.
"that bad? here," she turned around and handed me the coffee mug she had just finished drying. "hot chocolate, sweetie, i promise it helps."
I smiled, taking the cup. "thanks, mom." Minutes later I was walking back to my room, hot chocolate in hand. I took a sip as I shut my door. Mom was right, it certainly made me feel better. Enough for math homework, though? I nearly groaned.
I placed the mug on my desk and bent to pick up the sheet of paper I'd been (almost) using earlier. settling into my chair, i opened the book and tried to focus.
one minute.
two minutes.
five minutes.
has i really not done any work? my gaze drifed to the blank paper, and I blinked. I'd thought it was blank, at least. written in the center of the page, in tediously neat writing, was a note:

do not be afraid, we will not harm you. however, please do be prepared for us.

my eyes widened as i read it again, a third time, trying to understand. despite what the message instructed, I was afraid; who could have possibly--

"wha--?" i began to shout as I felt a hand on either shoulder, pinning me to the chair. but another hand quickly covered my mouth. my heart raced as i struggled against the strength of my hooded attackers.
but it was in vain, as the person holding me down was so much stronger than me. A point that frightened me further-- I was quite strong for someone my size.

"damn it, katelynn, stop it!" one voice muttered harshly. But i pushed and kicked harder than before, terrified. the hands on my shoulders tightened to the point where it hurt, but i didnt relax.

"katelynn, please." the second voice surprised me. it was much softer, much gentler than the first. "katelynn I promise, I swear we wont hurt you. Just listen."
... almost calming. against my better judgement, my struggles relaxed almost instantly at the sound.
"you see?" the second voice muttered quietly to the first. then he turned his attention back to me. now that i was sitting still i could see that the soft voice belonged to the figure covering my mouth.
"katelynn?" he whispered. "please, please dont scream."
I wouldnt promise anything, I thought, as his hand moved cautiously away. only a quiet cry of terror escaped me. I couldnt be sure, but I thought I heard a soft "i'm sorry".

"listen carefully." the first voice again. "you will stay quiet, you will do as we tell you. nod if you understand."
I swallowed the scream building in my throat and nodded vigorously.
"good. Now--"
"william," said the softer voice. the one called william growled quietly at the interruption.
"bill, let her go. please."
a frustrated sigh, and then the hands binding me disappeared.
"anyways," william continued, "we are here to save you, so it would be wise to cooperate. you need not bring anything, but you will leave with us--"

"what?" i shrieked. Leave? i started to shake again. i was being kidnapped.
Williams hands found my arm sagain and I gasped in pain as his fingers dug angrily into my skin.
"i told you to be--"
"william, stop. please, we owe her an explanation at least."
"i owe her nothing," he growled, but he released me all the same. he moved aside, gesturing toward me to his companion, who moved to kneal in front of me.

"katelynn," he began sadly, shaking his head. "i am so, so sorry for this." then, suddenly, he had pulled his hood off revealing his face. I gasped.
"yes," william laughed. "seen him before, right?"

I looked up to see that william's mask was gone too. before me were to very beautiful, very familiar faces.
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