Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Clandestine's School for the Strange

"I'm Going Through Changes." *insert song titile*, Black Sabbath. Chapter II

by Chicago-Kid 0 reviews

Flashback/Blog entry. Path of self discovery (I am not gay). Help us get Andy away from Karaoke!

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2008-12-18 - Updated: 2008-12-19 - 702 words

So, do you want me to tell you more about the whole “shadowing” incident?
Well too bad I was going to anyway, mwa ha ha!

A few days after the sleepover, Pete and I were walking around the school field (yeah, just the two of us. Aweness much?) and we were close to the bleachers. We were just sitting down and then I got pulled back into the shadows of the seat. It’s weird though. I can still move around in the shadow (like the oh-so clandestinely Misery-LovesMe), but nobody can see me and I can’t even see myself. I could see him freaking out and to be brutally honest, it was funny in a kind of sadistic way. I mean, how would you feel if someone who was next to you just got sucked into their own shadow. It isn’t something you see everyday, you know.
I don’t know how it really works though but somehow if I think about getting out of the shadows, I can.
Once I reappeared we were both scared. In the land of the shadow, it’s lit up by a strange light. It’s completely black but you can see everything. You just follow the black light and you’ll get to your destination.

I scared Patrick at home and he almost screamed.
That was all too funny.

Dear readers (yes, the accent changes to a creepy British one),
After that little incident, I was searching around on the internet and I saw this:!
It’s freaking epic and it’s just like this only with WAY better graphics and all that. Check it out!
Sorry aboout the short update though. I’ll be back soon, don’t worry.

P.S: I’ve got a FOE account as well. I’m under RHCPONHIGH. Yay!


Hey, I got a mention. Sorry about my name, I’ve always been shy to give that away (lol). My name is Gerard Way. Yeah, I’ve got a manly name!
I really want to go and meet you all. I would ask around here but I don’t really trust anybody except Mikey. By the way, his accounts name on here is Scotalian_Unicorn. He’s been reading the blogs too.


Yeah, and you should be damn grateful too. Are you both Italian and Scottish or something?


Yes, yes we are. . .
Introducing the Micheal Way queue scary drums
I like pie and unicorns. I went to the National Unicorns Conference/Fan Meeting. It was SO cool.
Mom is half Italian, half American and Dad is the Scottish one.
What type of pie do YOU like.
Sorry, but I am undeniably hypo. . .



Oh that’s cool. Um. . .
Dad is Irish, Mom is just plain old American, brought up in Maine.
I don’t really look related to anybody in my family, hehe.
I like apple pie but pumpkin pie made by Mom is freaking sweet!


Now let’s us not get to acquainted with young Mikey. He is only a mere whipper-schnapper.
Seriously if I ever see you, I will tackle you down on the street. Don’t worry, it’ll only hurt a lot!
That was only a heads up for your safety, make sure I’m not coming to find you, haha!


Hey, what’s happening in the shizz house?
P.S, Guess, who am I?

Nice page. I saw Pete when you shadowed for the first time. Brendon, Andy and I were walking by.
It was quite hilarious, I wish we could of made a video of his face and put it on YouTube.
We all had to take a breather because of his face.
Andy came to my house and wanted to play Lips again o_0
We really need to find a way to destroy it before it’s too late!!!
Young Gabriel introduced me to your blog. Trust me, I went onto Patrick’s and left a good few messages there just to annoy him.!

OMG, is it Gabe?
Wow, how are we gonna stop Andy from Lips?!

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