Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Love Potion


by duochanfan 0 reviews

Harry is going after his Potions Master. But young Ginny Weasley is ging after Harry, how will that cause problems for the pair as they try and get together and stay together. To get her man she tr...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Snape - Warnings: [?] [V] - Published: 2006-03-10 - Updated: 2006-03-11 - 490 words

Disclaimer: Harry Potter does not belong to me no matter how much I wish upon a star.

This story will contain slash and mpreg as well as some not very nice situations later on. This story is finished and like Frozen I am going through it once again as I post it.


Ginny had found the book, and had copied it down word for word. All she had to do was to get Professor Snape's cauldron and make it. She snuck out of the common room and down to the dungeons; she had learned how to bypass the professor's safety locks a few weeks ago. In preparation for what she was about to do that night. She entered the room and got out the Gold Cauldron that she was supposed to use for this potion.

She got all of the ingredients out and placed them in the order they were to be added. Putting some water into the cauldron, she let it heat up as she prepared, measured and chopped the ingredients. She read the list of ingredients one last time:

One Love Potion

1 size 2 golden cauldron

½ a gram of fairy dust

2 chopped bat hearts

20ml of crocodile tears

Hairs or essence of the first love (Harry)

1 dove feather

Hairs or essence of second love (Me)

To be added in that order.

Yep she had what she needed. The water was hot now. She gently added the fairy dust, stirred anti-clockwise ten times, before adding the next ingredient. She had picked up what she had thought to be Bat hearts when in fact they were bat uteruses; she gently added them to the mix. She stirred the contents together fifteen times clockwise, and then twice in an S motion. With the addition of the crocodile tears the mixture went a bright purple colour. She added the hairs she had taken from Harry during the day and lowered the heat for five minuets. She gently threw in the dove feather. Instead of changing in colour to white, like it should before the final ingredient was added, it changed to red, saying it was done. It had taken her over an hour to make the potion.

She looked at the contents of the cauldron. 'One of my hairs must have fallen out and went in,' she thought to herself. She got the empty flask and poured the potion into it, well Harry was going to be going out with her soon. She cleaned the area up, making sure not to leave a thing out of place. She didn't want anyone to know what she had done.

What she didn't know was that the potion had changed, because of the different ingredient and the fact that the cauldron was not hers. The cauldron was Severus Snape's and was infused with his magical essence.

Well I hope you all like it. Please review, would love to know what you think of this story.
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