Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Love Potion


by duochanfan 0 reviews

Harry is going after his Potions Master. But young Ginny Weasley is ging after Harry, how will that cause problems for the pair as they try and get together and stay together. To get her man she tr...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Romance - Characters: Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Snape - Warnings: [?] [V] - Published: 2006-03-16 - Updated: 2006-03-17 - 1109 words

Disclaimer: Harry Potter does not belong to me no matter how much I wish upon a star.

This story will contain slash and mpreg as well as some not very nice situations later on. This story is finished and like Frozen I am going through it once again as I post it.


Tonight would be a perfect night to get herself and Harry together. The potion had been ready for the last week. It was the Halloween Dance, everyone was going to be there including her Harry. She walked into the Great Hall and saw Harry with his best friends Hermione and Ron. On her way to him she stopped off at the drinks area, picking up a pumpkin juice for herself and one for Harry. She looked around her making sure no one saw, she poured the potion into the drink.

She walked over to Harry after Ron and Hermione went to the dance floor. Harry stood there alone, staring into the crowed, she couldn't tell who he was looking at. It didn't matter, he was alone and didn't have a drink, perfect opportunity. She reached him and smile. "Hey Harry, I got you a drink." she said handing the cup of juice over.

He smiled back and said "Thanks Ginny, needed a drink." he drank the juice in one go.

They stood and talked for a little while. Ginny was getting a little impatient, nothing was happening. The potion should of taken effect with 20 minuets. It didn't work, why she had made it perfectly. She quickly said her good bye to Harry and disappeared back to her dorm room to try and figure out what was wrong.

Harry watched as Ginny nearly ran out of the room, he wondered what was wrong with the younger witch. He didn't mind, he could go back to watching a certain Potion Master. He like Severus Snape, though Ron and Hermione knew, they were somewhat surprised when he told them both. They were going to help him snag him, they just needed a plan.

Harry watched the silent Potions Master for a few more minuets, before he glanced over to where his two best friends were dancing with each other. He still remembered those two getting together. They had once again started to argue with one another, but instead of ending up huffing and puffing away from each other they were huffing and puffing up close with each other. He gave a small chuckle at the memory.

He felt a twinge of something in his stomach, he the twinge turned into a painful cramp. His arms came around his stomach to fend off the pain. It intensified once again and he dropped to his knees, closing his eyes and gritting his teeth. Hermione and Ron saw Harry fall to the floor and rushed over to his side. Hermione wrapped her arms around him and pulled him towards her, so he was leaning against her. She gently rubbed his back soothingly. She looked up at Ron, he understood and ran off to get one of the teachers to help them.

Ron came back with Professor Snape and Madam Pomfrey. Madam Pomfrey knelt down next to Harry; she cast a diagnostic spell and waited for the diagnosis. It didn't tell her anything why Harry was in so much pain. Professor Snape bent down and picked the young man up. They went to the Hospital Wing, to see if they could find something to help him with the pain.

Severus gently laid the young man down, taking extra care not to jostle him. As soon as he was down Harry curled up in a fetel position, still trying to fend off the pain. Pomfrey had disappeared into the store room a few minuets ago. She reappeared in a rush and went straight to Harry. She had Severus help her administer the numbing potion.

"What is wrong with him?" Hermione asked no one in particular as she sat down on the bed and gently ran her fingers through Harry's hair.

"I don't know child, now of you both go. He will be safe and fine here." Pomfrey said gently to the two, she shooed them out of the Wing and went back to her work.

Professor Snape stood watch over Harry for a little while; his eyes not as had as they usually are when around each other. To Severus, Harry looked peaceful now the numbing potion had taken affect. Severus shock himself out of it and walked away, it would do no good to be caught watching over Harry Potter.

It was morning and Harry felt much better than he did last night, and most of the early hours of the morning. Madam Pomfrey came bustling through the ward and straight to Harry's bed. She smiled when she saw he was awake.

"Well you gave everyone a little scare last night." she said softly as she checked him over, making sure he was alright.
"Sorry," Harry winced "one minuet I was fine the next if felt like someone was mixing something in my stomach, it burned and hurt like nothing I ever felt before." he explained.

"Well I would like to keep you in here for the day" she started, Harry looked up at her and gave her the 'puppy dog eyed look' "I'm going to let you go, but take it easy." she laughed, shaking her head, remembering James using that look on her when he was at school.

Harry quickly got changed into some clothes and went to find his friends. He was thankful it was a Sunday. They would either be in the library or out by the lake. He just hoped he would walk in on something like the last time he had to go looking for them. He found them in the library, Hermione looked comfortable and Ron looked desperate to get away.

Hermione was the first one to see him; she jumped up from her chair and ran to him hugging him. Harry laughed, while Ron rolled his eyes. "I'm fine Hermione." he said to reassure her.
Hermione pulled back and looked at him "We can't help but worry with you, you're always in one type of trouble or another."

They talked for a little while longer, Harry told them what the pain felt like. Hermione and Ron didn't like the description that much. Harry didn't know what could have caused it; Hermione and Ron didn't have any idea either. They let it drop; they had other things to concentrate on, like getting Professor Snape to see Harry differently.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please review.
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