Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > For a Pessimist I'm Pretty Optimistic


by PancikingTonight 1 review

"Good News, i found my pants"

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-12-20 - Updated: 2008-12-21 - 1149 words

Bill’s POV
I’ve lasted longer then I expected. Almost a month. But we still constantly texted each other and called up to three times a week. This serperation was exactly what we needed. She’s probably asking herself when I will purpose to her so we can be together forever and this separation won’t hurt—but I don’t think I’m ready for that kind of commitment.

In the last 72 hours she hasn’t called, texted or said anything when I text/call her. I’m changing back into one of those guys who worries about where there girlfriend is. And I can’t help it, Im worried.

I got up from bed and walked out into the living room, Pete wasn’t wearing a shirt, and he was standing in front of a camera—stripping.

“Keep it in your pants” I yell as I walk through. He must be sending like a single sex tape to Ashlee. Just like Adri sent me porn. Great, Adri and Pete are exactly the same. Like father like step-daughter.

What if someone got that sex tape? What would people say.

“Pete Wentz has an abnormally small dick”
I would totally laugh if that happens.

“Your just jealous that Adri is out having fun” Pete snickered at me asi passed.

“At least I’m not stripping for the French people outside” Pete, of course didn’t know that the windows were wide open. And that the French are outside wondering and saying: “Pourquoi est-ce mec nu?"

I think that means “Why is that guy naked”, but I could be wrong. I walked into the small kitchen. Carden was playing chess wit Sisky. And with Sisky being Sisky he was losing. He hit the chess board and the rubber pieces went flying everywhere—seriously, rubber chess pieces that bounce around like a fucking ball?—not the brightest idea ever.

“Attack of the rubber” the butch came running across with a cup over his manhood. I wondered what he was doing in his room. And then I looked and saw Christine naked—great.

“God, can’t anyone keep it in there pants besides me” I screamed to nothing as I left the room to go back to mine. I turned on the radio. One of the first songs I listened to was Kate Nash’s “Foundations”, it used to be Adri’s favorite song—but that was before I introduced her to the Smashing Pumpkins.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. I slide my phone into my back pocket. Just as I felt I was going to fall asleep my phone started to vibrate and I fell off the bed.

“Hey” I said as happy as I could, even though my phone just sexed me.

“Hey” she replied rather bouncy and excited.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“Not much…go outside” She responded.

“Where?” this was getting strangely odd.

“Anywhere…a park”

“Ok” I thought to myself. I walked outside into the local park. “Now what?” I asked, looking around me, just to make sure they weren’t going to send me something from 200,000 miles away. There was no reply on the other line. “Adri?” I asked. I waited a couple seconds. I was standing outside in Paris, France, in a blue V-Neck and light blue skinny jeans, it was fucking freezing, but I was doing it for Adri.

I heard Rikki’s high pitched squeal from the other side of the phone, and a deep accented laugh with a low toned one. It sounded like Ajax and Kevin. “ADRI” I shouted. I threw my free hand in the air, I was fucking freezing, can someone please answer me? I looked around, I looked to the hotel window. Pete was mooning the poor French with his ugly ass. I sighed.

“BEEEEEEEEEEEEEL” I heard people scream. I turned around. I gasped and dropped my phone. There stood, Adri, Rikki, Ajax and Kevin, right across the park from me. They ran to me, and I ran to them. I strted by hugging and kissing Adri for as long as I could—not only because I missed her, but because I was tuning blue.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, gasping and losing my breathe as I held Adri in my arms.
"In Germany they let me out along with Tokio Hotel, the U.S came in" Kevin told me, I realized I missed his accent.

"That's awesome" I say.

"But that's not the best part" Ajax continued.

"After he was released we all met up in Paris and Adri got you on the phone long enough for us to make this dramatic entrance" Rikki finished. I just couldn't hold my excitement. I just smiled like a fool. I looked over at the hotel window. No sign of any ass near. I saw Pete and the rest of the TAI guys run out. Pete was clutching his pants, probably flashing a couple people that were close and lucky. Sisky nearly attacked Adri; we all gave a huge group huge. This was just so exciting it killed my insides.

"We gotta call Tony" Pete threw his hands in the air, he let go of his too-big pants, it fell to the snow covered grass, I heard a few camera's click and a few hundred people stop and run. Being in France for long? We'll be banned by the end of our visit.

Our show tonight held special guest playing a couple songs...and who is that? Well duh, the one and only Misery Riot. After the show, Adri had to do the stuff that she promised to do one month ago. And truly, we all had fun—and I’m not saying “We all had fun” like we had a threesome or anything.

"Good News" Pete shouted in the middle of the night, "I found my pants"

Oh, Pete.

The crew and the bands sat in the living room drinking wine around a fire. It was awesome.

“So” Pete started at Adri. “Why did you send porn to Bill?”

“Because I can” she replied. “Jus like you can send a sex tape to Ashlee—I had her phone when you sent it to her—thank you for burning my eyes and scaring me” Everyone laughed. I was on my computer uploading the pictures I took hear in France and the pictures Adri sent me—yes the porn pictures.

“Hey, that’s that” Pete asked. He pointed to a video on my computer untitled “XXX”

Adri gasped. “Our sex tape?” she whispered. “I told you to delete that”

“I thought I did” I replied.

“Ha, I new I wasn’t the only guy that made a sex tape here” Pete gloated.

“You guys have a sex tape?” Sisky laughed. “Can I watch it?”

“When pigs fly” Adri said as she deleted the video.
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