Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > From Dusk 'Till Dawn

Chapter 24

by arquero333 6 reviews

Chapter 24

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Horror,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-12-20 - Updated: 2008-12-21 - 814 words

Hey guys, sorry it took so long, but right after the play and I thought I'd have time to write again, my teachers started piling on tons of assignments before the Christmas break. So now that the breaks here, I'll hopefully be done this story before school starts up again. There isn't a whole lot left, but I'm thinking of maybe doing a sequel... we'll see. Depends how this one pans out and if I have time. Well, I'm sure you're bored of me, so heres the chapter.

I woke up and looked around. I must have cried myself to sleep. No one moved me, I was still sitting in the corner of the bedroom. Maybe it was all a dream...
I stood up and felt my stomach growl. I peeked out the door and down the hall to see if there was anyone there. Seeing no one, I made my way to the kitchen.
I opened the fridge and looked around for something that seemed to fit my appetite. Salad... apples... steak... STEAK! I looked at the steak. It had obviously been put in the fridge to thaw out and hadn't been cooked yet. I grabbed it and ripped it out of the wrapping. I needed to eat this steak. I wasn't sure what, but something was drawing me to it with immense power. I sat on the floor and started to bite into the steak. I felt the blood gushing from the meat into my mouth. The thought of it repulsed me, but I have never tasted anything so good in my life.
"You'll never survive off of that." I heard from behind me. I hadn't heard anyone come in. I whipped around, startled. I felt a pain in my mouth as I looked at Brendon.
"Woah. Relax. Its just me." He laughed.
"Don't sneak up on me." I hissed, shocking myself.
"All I was saying is you wont survive on that for long."
"I don't need your advice, bloodsucker."
"Isn't that kind of the pot calling the kettle black?" He laughed. I dropped the steak and advanced towards him.
"I didn't choose this. I didn't want to be an inhuman, blood sucking, parasite."
"And you think I did? It just so happened it worked out for me. Trust me. It'll grow on you." He shrugged, not the least bit intimidated.
"It will not grow on me!" I screamed, jumping at him. One second I was lunging towards him, the next he had me pinned on my stomach with my arm twisted behind my back.
"Silly newborn." He whispered in my ear, sending chills down my already cold back. "You're much too weak to attack an elder yet. However, you do show great mating potential..." I could feel his lips on my ear. I could also feel somewhat of a pull happening to my insides, and I could practically hear him thinking, commanding me to feel attracted to him.
"Brendon. Get off of her." I heard William's voice boom in the quiet room. I looked up as Brendon got off of me. William looked very angry. Brendon ducked out of the room quickly and William came over and offered me his hand. I eyed it carefully before accepting his help up.
"He's right you know. You'll never survive off that." He said, looking at the steak on the ground.
"Do I have to.. you know?" I whispered.
"I'm afraid so." He frowned. "But first, you have to learn how to use your powers."
"What are they?"
"We don't know yet... thats the hard part." He sighed. "Come on, lets get out of here." He leaned over and kissed me on the forehead, leading me out of the kitchen.

~~William's POV~~
I stormed down the hall and shoved the door open. Brendon jumped and turned to see what had happened. I was at him in a split second. I grabbed the collar of his coat and shoved him against the wall.
"What the fuck was that?!" I screamed.
"What are you talking about?" He replied, surprisingly calm.
"Why the fuck did I walk in on you seducing my girlfriend."
"Hey man, she attacked me!"
"Don't give me that bullshit!" I pulled him towards me only to shove him against the wall again. Something fell off a shelf a few feet away.
"Well maybe if you married her by now, she wouldn't go looking elsewhere." I punched him in his left cheek. He hissed in pain and surprise. I saw his fangs descend. "Fuck off." He hissed.
"Watch your step." I whispered as I let him go and started leaving the room.
"Watch yours." He called as I shut the door.

There you go guys. Again, sorry it took so long. If you didn't already, read my top paragraph to know whats kinda going on. Hopefully you haven't all given up on me :)

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