Categories > Original > Fantasy > Forest of Darkness


by ladydark 1 review

A keeper of a mysterious forest is suddenly interuppted when some travelers appear in her clearing. After a year of experiencing multiple attacks of her former allies, animals, she is wary. She soo...

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Romance - Published: 2006-03-19 - Updated: 2006-03-19 - 431 words

Once, in a far off place, there was a forest. Except, this wasn't any average forest. Nope, this was a special place, a magical place. This place was full of creatures of all shapes and sizes and breeds. Now, you have your normal woodland creatures but there were magical beasts as well. Dragons that were powerful and mighty, unicorns with their shyness and grace, and flying horses with razor sharp talons, all sorts of these magnificent creatures. However among them all, woodland beasts and magical fantasies, there was one human. Although one wouldn't call her normal, nay... she was full of mystery and power.

Now, about this mysterious lady, she was what you would call the keeper of the forest. This dame knew everything, and anything, which went on in that forest. She had strong magical powers, and she was a vampire as well. A sad one this one, for she did not care at all for eternal thirst for blood, the cravings were unbearable at times. Even though she was lonely, she kept her forest clear of intruders. She feared the destruction of her humble sanctuary. The woman called herself Lady Dark, for that's what this forest is called, The Forest of Darkness. Lady Dark kept this title for a time unknown, and was known to be cruel and heartless. She stayed in a clearing in the center of the forest. Travelers have always hoped to see this clearing, for it was said to be the most spectacular place on the planet.

The Lady's clearing was truly magnificent piece of earth. The space stretched for almost half a mile. Neighboring the northeast corner, there is an orchard full of the juiciest and the most wonderful fruit of all types. However, the northwest was just a barren place with only a small creek passing through it. A bit further south, there lay a large vegetable patch. In the heart of the clearing, there stood two majestic trees, this was where the Lady stayed for the most part. Towards the southern end of the meadow was a massive, crystal clear lake. To the east, sheer cliffs guarded the lake, a massive waterfall cascading down the largest cliff. The shore of the lake was a spectacular sight as well, the thick, lush grass was filled with wildflowers, and a slight incline which is perfect for stargazing. Along the western border of the clearing, there was a tunnel and an over grown path. At this particular location is where our story starts. It is at this location that the travelers first made their appearance
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