Categories > Original > Fantasy > Storm


by KateMarieCullen 0 reviews

Category: Fantasy - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2009-01-17 - Updated: 2009-01-17 - 820 words

AN: 1. Coelan is said KEEL-an
2. The song Coelan refers to is "It's the End of The World as We Know It" by REM.


We started at the sound of the unfamiliar voice, especially since they called Jez by her nickname, which is only done by people we know well.

Turning, we saw a man of about 24 striding straight towards us. This must be the person who had sent the letter, or at least have had a hand in its sending.

Jez was appraising the stranger as he approached. He’s almost as tall as you are, Storm, I’d say about 6’1”. I like his outfit. That colour blue looks awesome with his dark denim jeans. He’s got a good hairstyle, too. It isn’t dodgy, just messy enough to be totally... cool. He seems to be... glad? That we came, I think. And worried, concerned, maybe, perhaps for some close friends.

All of three seconds was how long it took Jez to scrutinise this man from his hair to his mood. Half a second later, he was right next to us, and I did not have the chance to puzzle over how my sister could know the man’s moods.

“Who are you?” Jez and I asked simultaneously.

“My name is Coelan McCarty,” he introduced himself, sitting down next to us. “I am going to tell you some very strange things, and you must believe me. There are others like you; I am one of them. We have formed a group to protect the world against the wrath of Dr. Hotham Hotham.”
I laughed. “He sounds like a carton character.”

Jez giggled with me. “Yeah. I feel like I’m in a book.”

Coelan smiled grimly. “Unfortunately, this is all true, and despite his comical name, Dr. Hotham is a very dangerous individual. Coincidently, we believe that his name is what forced him to become evil, but we haven’t managed to get him monologuing long enough to prove this theory.

“Dr. Hotham wants to take over the world to get revenge, so a group was formed to prevent this happening.”

I caught on to Coelan’s intent. “So you want to recruit us to your group. Why us?”

“Because it has been prophesised that you two should join us.”

“Prophesised?” Jez said scornfully.

“Yes. A philosopher foresaw our battle thousands of years ago, saying that we will only be able to defeat Hotham with ‘the coming of the brave twin warriors.’ One of us, Alice, can see into the future and the past. She saw you in the storm that happened a month ago, and decided that now would be the best time for us to approach you.”

“And if we refuse?” I asked.

“Then ‘it’s the end of the world as we know it,’ as the song goes. In the past two hundred years, we have been losing more and more of our people to the battle. Dr. Hotham is gaining advantages we can’t beat. We need you both to help us. Trust me, you don’t want to live in a world run by this madman.”

“We still don’t understand completely, but I see you are forcing our hands. Perhaps, though, it would be easier for us to understand if we met the others that you speak of. How many of you are there?” Jez asked of Coelan.

“Seven, but with the addition of you, nine.” Coelan replied.

He seems happy we have agreed to go along with his tale. For now, at least.
How do you know that, my sister?

I don’t know, I can just… feel it, maybe it’s intuition? But it seems that my guesses are right, anyhow.

“We meet in an old warehouse in the industrial area of town,” Coelan told us. “We use this area to train and strategise. I can organise for everyone to meet us there tomorrow, say, 1 p.m.?”

“Sounds great,” I replied. “We’ll see you then.”

As Coelan told Jez which warehouse to meet at, I called Al and put his leash back on.

Walking home, Jez and I had more time to ponder the things that Coelan had said. We both thought he was telling the truth, Jez had sensed a genuineness coming from Coelan, her improved intuition telling her to trust him.

I wonder how you got this new intuition, I pondered.

Maybe I got it in the accident? It is really weird isn’t it? Sort of like a sixth-sense.

Yeah, weird. I felt an odd twinge of jealousy
. I had never been jealous of my sister before. How could something so paranormal cause me to feel like the green-eyed monster towards my sister and best friend? I tried to suppress the jealousy before Jezabel noticed. Thankfully, she was busy testing out her sixth-sense on the people we passed in the street on our way home.
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