Categories > Anime/Manga > Death Note > Death Note: A New Era


by Shank 0 reviews

Light and Ryuji come closer still

Category: Death Note - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Characters: Yagami Raito,Yagami Soichiro - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2009-01-20 - Updated: 2009-01-20 - 2058 words - Complete

Another viral video had been released to the world via the internet and it had got a heap more attention than the others. It was being played on every single television station throughout the world and the mysterious man in the scary leather mask seemed to actually be making some headway in gathering support. “Kira, I am currently working alongside L and he has accepted my wrongs and knows that it is I that truly stands for justice unlike you. With the both of us working together, you are surely no chance in staying a free man much longer.”

Light was watching on the newscast. This Ryuji was playing things very uniquely. He as Kira and L knew that he was lying when he said he was working with L and he didn’t know what Ryuji was trying to achieve by doing this. He knew that Ryuji suspected Kira may possibly be on the investigation team and by saying this, maybe he hopes to trap him further down the track. He has however targeted the larger possibility that Kira isn’t on the investigation team and someone else, who wouldn’t know that he was working with L and would most likely be a little worried. What Light did know for sure was that Ryuji would be making contact with them today, at some stage, to set up a meeting or a direct line between them.

Later on during the day only confirmed Light’s beliefs when Soichiro’s phone rang and it was Ryuji. The phone got passed to Light who was very ready to try and gain some clues as to what kind of a person he was through the way he spoke. “I am guessing you want to meet up with us today?”
“Almost correct. I cannot meet up with you face to face without knowing my freedom is safe, so I want to give you a phone that I have fixed and modified o that you will not be able to track me whenever I call it. We can both cut the shit and admit that if you see me, you will try to arrest me, so I will be keeping my distance as my job isn’t finished yet.”
“Why don’t you let us bring you in and you can work alongside us from all of our supervision?”
“No I cannot accept that.” Light knew that a truly free man wouldn’t mind this as opposed to being on the run unless he was scared for his safety. This Ryuji definitely suspected someone on L’s team was Kira and it annoyed him that he was right in his suspicions. Ryuji kept talking, “There is an apartment building on the other side of town called the Yellow Sun Apartments, and you will all be there in an hour.” The phone hung up and the unit looked around. “We should get going,” said Matsuda.
“Hold on. We are dealing with a fugitive, who may possibly believe Kira is on this team therefore we should be on our guard. We should expect that there is a trap there for us-we need a plan before we just listen to what he says.”
“But we have to be there in an hour,” Matsuda said irritably.
“Yes but he will surely change the location. It is a basic technique, normally used in kidnappings at the ransom drop. It ensures that we cannot adequately set up our own formations and surveillance of the area and completely at the disadvantage.” The unit sat down and got out their notebooks to begin planning.

In the hour, a few police officers rolled up outside the Yellow Sun Apartment building. They were not in an official police car, and they were not wearing their uniform, but everyone walking the streets knew they were police officers and wondered why they were there. The officers that arrived on the scene were Yagami Soichiro and his son Light and they were scoping out the area. The plan that Light had contributed most to making was already underway. Aizawa and Matsuda were in a car heading in the opposite direction and Aizawa was running through the plan in his head.

“Because he will change the location, he may be hiding somewhere, or has someone waiting there to tell him when officers arrive on the scene. So if nobody shows up, he will assume we are onto him and not change the location, therefore we will not get anywhere close to him. I would like to arrive first on scene with dad and we will surely stand out as police officers. Soon enough, Ryuji will call Soichiro in his belief that his trap is getting us, but it is our part at the Yellow Sun Apartments that is the least important. This is when you Matsuda and Aizawa will play a big part and wait for the new location that Ryuji gives us, most likely the other side of town and have a head start in getting there, possibly to catch him way off guard. We will be appearing to be at the disadvantage while really being very close.”
“Don’t we need more than us? We should call Mogi.”
“Mogi is minding Misa so he cannot afford to be out in the field with her.”

Aizawa couldn’t believe Light’s ability to plan things out. He was so young and worthy of the title L. With years of experience he could be the greatest detective in history. As they were driving, a call came in on his two-way radio. “Aizawa, are you there?”
“Yes Light.”
“Ryuji has called dad, he has changed the location. It is now at a café across town.” So Light was correct in knowing he would change the location. Matsuda looked over at him, “Wow Light is amazing.” Aizawa nodded but said nothing. They continued driving across town and Aizawa looked at Matsuda, “Give Mogi the call, to meet us at the café.” Matsuda listened and got out his phone and dialled in Mogi’s number.

Light and his dad were walking back to the car. He knew of the café that the meeting had been changed to but he had never been there before. It annoyed him to think that Mogi was probably being called right now to make his way there as he didn’t want him or Misa there. He knew that using Misa at this time was a waste as Ryuji wouldn’t be making direct contact with them today but probably getting a visual on everyone in the Kira investigation unit. Other than this, things were going smoothly; he had offered himself to go to the first location as he knew Ryuji wouldn’t be there and therefore wouldn’t be able to see what he looked like. He couldn’t believe he had been overruled on the decision to include Mogi, he remembered how they had disagreed on this point before.

“We cannot let Misa be out in the field with an officer it is too dangerous,” said Light to everyone as Aizawa had insisted Mogi be bought along.
“We need numbers Light, we do not have the greatest amount of resources at our disposal. Besides do you really think he is going to make contact with us today? Misa will probably disguise him as an officer anyway.”

Light didn’t want to smile. He had tried planning and although this had thrown a spanner in the works, he was still confident. Ryuji wouldn’t make contact today, but it bugged him how he knew what he was up to. If he was dropping something off to them, he could have easily just dropped it anywhere and told them the location to pick it up. He definitely had other motives, but how he was carrying them out wasn’t completely known to Light at this time. What it did serve was a way for Light to see how he worked things. To get a glimpse at how he planned his operations and what he achieves by doing it. Everything from today can be used as clues later on in trapping him and killing him, which was why Light needed to be very careful about how he acted.

Aizawa and Matsuda had made the café. They looked over and saw out of the corner of their eye that Mogi had also arrived with Misa. Misa was wearing a very short skirt and they couldn’t help themselves from looking for a second. There was nothing out of the ordinary in the area. Nobody in particular seemed suspicious, until Matsuda pointed to someone behind Aizawa. He turned and saw a random man taking photos. He was taking photos of the buildings, the streets and the people-he seemed to be an ordinary photographer. “I’ll go talk to him,” said Aizawa. He began walking over before he got another call in on his radio. “Aizawa, you there?”
“Yes Light.”
“Dad just got another call; he has changed it back to the Yellow Sun Apartments.” Aizawa stopped the conversation and turned back to the car, “Matsuda we have to go, the location has been changed back.”
“Is this guy smarter than Light?” Matsuda asked while they got into the car. Aizawa quickly rang Mogi to also make his way back.

Light couldn’t believe this guy had been able to get one up on him. Changing the location back to the original place was something he had never heard of before. It seemed they all had dismissed the apartment building as unimportant so they hadn’t put any emphasis on it and this is what Ryuji was hoping for. He couldn’t believe his plan was seen through, but then he thought maybe his dad had played a part in this. He couldn’t believe he was suspecting his dad of planning against him. But his dad did know the guy from somewhere and covering for him and now Ryuji was clearly at the advantage. Moving them all across the city, only to return to the original place meant they would be very unorganised.

They had to turn back and when they got there, they waited for Matsuda, Aizawa and Mogi to arrive. Something in the back of Light’s mind was bothering him a lot. He didn’t know exactly what it was, but he didn’t like what he felt. They waited on another call and soon enough, Soichiro did get it, “Go inside, up the stairs and take the first left. There will be a locked door and you will pull on a string on the ground, which will bring out a phone to you.” Soichiro filled everyone in and they prepared themselves to go in. “Dad, he could have dropped the phone anywhere and told us to get it. It must be a trap.”
“No son, this guy will possibly be a great lead to get Kira-he isn’t trying to trap us. Stay here if you would rather not go in.” Light couldn’t believe he was getting spoken down to like this. He wasn’t scared of anything. For his dad to be talking this way meant Ryuji was probably a friend of his on the force. It aggravated him to think that even after he got rid of L, someone had still managed to convince his dad to be suspicious of him. Although he didn’t like not going into the building, he didn’t want to be a part of this Ryuji’s plan and waited outside. Soon enough, he saw his dad come out, with a phone in his hand.

That night, Ryuji sat quietly thinking about everything that had happened during the day. He had got a lead on who he was going to do some more surveillance on as they had caught his interest. He had successfully been able to get the phone to L’s unit and he was still going to be in direct contact with Soichiro. Starting from tomorrow though, he would have to do some tailing. He wouldn’t have expected to be following this person on something like this, but nevertheless he hoped it would bring him closer to L’s unit and the knowledge they knew on the whereabouts of Kira.
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