Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Tell Me My Life

chapter fourteen

by erinisavictim 1 review

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2009-02-07 - Updated: 2009-02-07 - 1836 words


"Hold on, William!" I laughed, running to the door as he knocked loudly again. When I reached the door, I unlocked it and threw it open for him.

"What'd you forge-"

My voice got stuck in my throat, my question incomplete, as I stared into the two pale, jeering faces in front of me. I didn't know them, but I was certain than they were not good company. My heart pounded, and my mind went blank as I desperately tried to slam the door again. But one of the figures stopped it lazily with his hand.

"Didn't William just tell you not to open this door? Look at what you've done now, Katelynn."

My body shook frantically as I backed into the room, trying in vain to get away from these people. The pair simply followed until I was backed against the same wall Brendon had shoved me against the day before. Trapped and defenseless, I took in the appearance of my guards in horror. The man who had spoken was short, only just over my own height, but still deadly looking. His short black hair was matted with dirt and grease, his paper-white skin smudged with black and grey. The other was a female, her auburn hair long and straight to her waist. Her skin and hair was in the same unkempt state of the man's, and both of them wore similar tattered black clothes.

They were vampires, I was sure of that, but they were nothing like those that I had met before. Unlike Brendon and William, their harsh laughs revealed razor-sharp teeth. Their faces were stretched and tight looking, the colour much whiter and more sickly looking than any of the Dandies. A heavy stench of sweat, dirt, and blood hung around them. I knew instantly what was facing me-- the Sangladri.

"You don't look very... special," the man commented, snapping me from my thoughts and back into this terrifying reality. "But you're certainly the right girl-- you have Dandie all over you!" The woman sniffed the air with distaste and nodded in agreement.

"L-leave, please," I finally managed to whisper in a barely audible voice. "Please don't kill--"

"Oh, we won't kill you, Katelynn. That's Gee's work, not ours." He smiled in what he seemed to think was a comforting manner, but to me it made him scarier than ever. At that moment, I cracked. The only word I could think of came to my lips, first as a whisper but louder until I was screaming.

"Bren... Brendon. Brendon, please help! Please! Bre--" And then a hand was slapped across my mouth. My screams turned to shaking sobs as I realized that Brendon was probably nowhere near me.

"For the love of God, shut up!" the woman snapped angrily. "Frank, lets just take her and go. This place reeks."

"Mh, I suppose so." I watched in terror, still crying fiercely, as he drew from his dirty jacket a length of fabric which he handed to the woman. She removed her hand from my face to quickly replace it with the cloth, so that I couldn't make a sound. I felt my hands being bound behind me, and then someone lifting me up roughly. My eyes closed and, with one last sob, I surrendered.


"Katelynn, are you up?"


"He's here."


It had been two days since my capture. Two days of being locked in this tiny, dark room that reeked of rotting wood. Two days of the gaudy old wooden furniture, of sleeping on tattered grey sheets on a huge Victorian four-post bed. I was done crying by then, done (consciously) pleading for Brendon to come rescue me. I'd accepted that it wasn't going to happen that way.

Two days of frequent visits from my captor, who's name I had learned was Frank. Other than the woman who helped him kidnap me, he was the only one of the Sangladri I'd seen so far-- I wasn't complaining about that. I'd quickly learned not to fear Frank, as for a bloodthirsty vampire he was quite civilized. More so, he told me, than most of his lot, at least. Soon after my very last shred of hope was lost, I developed something like a friendship with Frank. He was the one who brought me food, water, and a book to “take my mind off things.” I'll admit, it did help.

Gerard, he had informed me, was the leader of the Sangladri. When he arrived from the states, he would be the one to decide when and how to complete his plan. He would decide when to kill me.

"Yeah," Frank muttered, pulling the book out of my hands and dog-earing the page before setting it down. "He wants you downstairs in half an hour, so get dressed."

"Right. Thanks." So this was it, this was the end. I would meet this Gerard person, and he would kill me. Kill me because of what Brendon did. I still couldn't find it in me to blame Brendon for any of this, though, because what he did brought me to him. If only for a short while, it was well worth it. But... it's still the end.

Frank seemed to read my thoughts on my face, because he smiled gently and reached his cold, dirty hand out to touch my arm. "He won't kill you. Well, not right now. Half of his fighters are still in the states keeping the Dandies held down, and he won't spill your blood until we're all here. He just wants to meet you today."

There was the odd thing about the relationship between Frank and I-- that, while we talked and acted like friends, the subject of my death was not uncomfortable for him. Even odder, it wasn't particularly uncomfortable for me anymore, either. So I dressed and, with Frank's help, brushed my filthy hair into the best possible shape before following him down the stairs for the first time.

The whole building was as I'd predicted-- dark, rotting, and wooden. The staircase was ornately carved, but the steps bore holes and dangerous cracks every few feet. It seemed deserted, so I asked Frank why.

"Most of us... aren't really good at being near humans. Like I said, he doesn't want your blood shed yet, so he made everyone leave except for just a few of us."


A few more minutes of walking, and then:

"This is the place, Katelynn." We were stopped in front of a heavy wood door, as ornately carved as the stairs and paneling on the walls. I could hear a couple people speaking inside the room. Suddenly, I burst out with a dry laugh. Frank stared at me like I was insane.

"What's funny?"

"N-nothing, it's just... nothing." In truth, I was reminded of the first time I attended a Dandie meeting, how I was terrified of seeing William and the others. I remembered being so much more nervous then than I was standing in front of the huge wooden door with Frank. How funny that William, my protector, scared me more than my own death. With a last wary look at me, Frank pushed open the door and led me inside.

"Gee, she's here," he announced to the back of a tall figure clad in all black. The figure turned around, and I gasped. It seemed that, seeing this man, all my fears had returned to me.

His jet black hair hung nearly to his shoulders. His skin was somehow even paler than Franks; it would have made Brendon look quite tan. His eyes were a vivid, piercing red, and showed humor when they fell on me. His thin lips turned up into a smile, revealing tiny pointed teeth. Unlike Frank, or any of the vampires loosely gathered around him, he seemed clean and well groomed. He was the most horrifying creature I had ever laid eyes on.

"Ah, Katelynn! We finally meet!"

I'd thought I was finished crying, but tears were now streaming freely down my face, a scream threatening to break through my lips. Without thinking I turned and buried my face into Frank's shoulder. Everyone in the room burst out in laughter except for Frank and Gerard.

"Shh, Katelynn. Don't be scared."

"He's right, Katelynn," I heard Gerard's terrible voice say. "No one will kill you today. I just thought I should meet you properly. I'm interested in you. In your... abilities. I take it that you've, ah, inherited some of the Dandie's power?"

Hesitantly, I lifted my head from Frank's shoulder and faced Gerard, though I didn't look directly at him. "I... I don't know. Maybe."

"Hm," he said thoughtfully, walking over the a large wooden chest and laying a hand on it. "Katelynn?"


My arms threw out instinctively as the chest came flying across the room at me. I cried in pain as it made impact with my hands, but although it hurt the chest splintered and broke where my hands touched it.

"Wow," Gerard said, sounding genuinely impressed. "You are strong. And very fast reflexes, as well. Not even a scratch on you..."

My breathing was heavy, my heart pounding as I anticipated another strike from him. This time, I would be ready. But Gerard seemed to have no intentions to try again.

"You'll be very valuable to me, Katelynn, when the rest of my family gets here." He began walking toward me. I stayed rooted to the spot, trembling, as he stopped inches from me. His eyes ran over my face, narrowing as he took in the long white scar from Brendon's bite. "So the Dandies haven't been treating you very well, have they?"

"They- they have," I croaked out. "Accident."

"I see. You carry Beckett's scent, good God! No wonder there was an 'accident',” he laughed, “if you're getting that close to them.”

I stayed silent, trembling all over from being so close to this terrible creature. So close that I could smell blood in this breath when he laughed. I tried to take a step back, but found that my legs were locked with fear.

“Well,” Gerard sighed, still staring down at me. “I guess I'll let you go back upstairs until my friends get here. But... there's just one more thing that I'm curious about, Katelynn.”

“W-what?” My voice shook so much that I didn't know if he understood. But he seemed to, as he smiled his sickeningly sharp smile before answering.

“Are you stronger than me?”

Nooooo worries, I haven't forgotten what band this story is about. and no worries, you havent been linked to the wrong page, either. By request of one of my favorite readers and a very close real-life friend of mine, my 'bad' vampire just so happens to be a pale skinned, dark haired, tiny-teethed Gerard. Didn't say it was Gerard Way, didn't say it wasn't ;)

go to
and listen to the song 'progress'
you'll be thanking me for telling you to (:
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