Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A different reality

A different reality

by assuming_she_is_dead 2 reviews

MCR have split up!!!Mikey believe it had something to do with the fortuneteller he went to see. but now he is off to start a new life.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Mikey Way - Published: 2009-02-05 - Updated: 2009-02-05 - 781 words

A different reality
chapter 1

I looked up at the sky drearily. This wasn't how it was meant to be.

Every thing up to this moment in time had gone how the fortuneteller had said. My brother and I had become part of the band my chemical romance and we had release an album, tour a load, then release another one and became really big. But it was odd because almost the compete opposite had happened since then. She said we would make it big and our next album would be called the black parade. That didn't happen. Well it almost did, we were big, as I said, and we were originally releasing it in 6 months but that wasn't going to happen anymore. We were meant to meet the perfect wives and girlfriends. That didn't happen ether. Only the other day, that Lyn-Z girl from MSI had punched Gerard in the face. It was odd and now MCR had broken up and I was no longer talking to Gerard, or the rest of the band for that matter.

"Ouch" I muttered as his chin collided with a lamppost, I hadn't realised i was still walking. I looked at the lamppost oddly; there wasn't really any reason for it I just wasn't really with it. Soon after I became aware of someone tapping on my shoulder.

I turned around at the sound of the girl's voice.

"Mikey Way."


"I was wondering, why did MCR split up?"

I looked down at the not so small child (I guess I'm just tall, but she looks small); "err...mix of family problems and we just didn't want to do it any more."

"Oh...okay" the girl looked down at her shoes making her black fridge fall in her eyes. "But isn't knowing everyone looks up to you, people want to be where you are and just love your music good enough?"

"Well I guess, but our problems spread to the core braking us apart pushing us to somewhere we didn't want to go. I mean yeah it great being at the top, you might get there one day yourself,"

"You really think so?"

"Sure, anyone can get there, but remember this, patience is important."

"Wow really! Oh man... I've got to go it my friends 14th today."

"Kay...wish her happy birthday from me."

"Kay bye."


I watched her run off. It was strange how teens could make you feel guilty about almost anything. But what was done was done there was no going back. Anyhow I continued walking, it was time for a new life. On the way back to the hotel I was staying at I brought hair dye, contact lenses, more hair gel, scissors and, of course coffee.

I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, my sandy brown hair now black. I took the scissors to my head and started to cut my hair short and spiked it. Finally I took off my glasses and replaced them with contact lenses, I stepped back and looked at my self. This was now me, and I didn't like it. It made me look older and different, which was the point, but it didn't change the fact I didn't like it. It had gone less than a minute and already I missed my glasses, this really sucked.

I walked back into the bedroom and drank the rest of the now cold coffee. I fell back onto the sickly green coloured bed to think. Think about where I was to go, among other stuff. After a long time I decide on England. My brother would probably come looking for me and it was the only place I could start a fresh, since it was the last thing he would expect and I was bad at learning other languages.

Before I finally fell asleep I thought back to the conversation with that girl, by the lamppost. Why had we split up? Could have it been something to do with the last thing the fortuneteller had said? Just because you know the future doesn't mean it should happen any quicker. Had I been rushing things when I convince Gerard to be in a band with me? Maybe Frank was supposed to be in Pency Prep? Who knows but some part of me told me that it was only January 2004 and that was too early. Man why do these thoughts dog me? I already said that that was all in my past.

I closed my eye, annoyed with myself, and allowed sleep to take me.

okay the idea just slipped into my mind and i have no idea where it's going. So what do you guys think?
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