Categories > Original > Romance > Margo & Sonny's Infinite Playlist.

Waltz Moore

by Kill-Your-Own-Chorus 0 reviews

I look better famished baby.

Category: Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-02-07 - Updated: 2009-02-08 - 1342 words

Margo shook violently across the couch, clenching onto the blankets tightly. Jon immediately called 911 while the other boys watched in shock and horror. Sonny wanted to scream and rip out his hair and cry right now! He'd never seen Margo have a seizure before, and right now it was the most horrifying thing he's ever seen in his life. Margo's eyes opened slightly, they were rolled in the back of her head, showing only the white. Matt clenched onto his stomach as he ran out of the room. Sonny's heart pounded so hard, he thought it would shake the house down. He clenched onto Margo's hand tightly and dug his face into it. Warm tears streamed down his face.

"Please Midge! PLEASE!" He begged desperately,"STOP!"

Margo's shaking suddenly began to slow down, her breathing heavy. Jude and Scott busted into the room with water and a towel. He quickly stepped aside as Jude wiped off all the blood on her mouth and nose. Scott took her pulse while he peered at his watch.

"She's stable now," He announced as he looked back at her,"It looks like the worst is over."

Jude wrapped her arms tightly around Margo's head as Matt came back into the room. His face was pale and uneasy, Sonny guessed he heaved. Sonny wiped the tears away on his sleeve and crawled over to his girlfriend. He gently pushed her over and snuggled into the couch with her. Jude clenched onto the bloody towel and put her hand on Sonny's shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Sonny," She spoke softly,"I know you love her, but i think it's best that we let her rest alone for awhile."

Sonny eyed Jude for a moment, hoping she would get the message that he didn't want to leave. She gave him warm, comforting eyes that spoke desperately to him, begging him to do this one favor for her. He sighed lightly and gently kissed the back of Margo's neck.

"Please get better soon" He whispered as he slid off the couch. Margo shuddered a little and breathed in sharply, her eyes still screwed shut. Sonny stared at Jude sadly as Matt took his shoulder and led him out the door for some air. Derek and the other two boys quickly followed as they walked out on deck. Matt took out a pack of cigarettes and handed one to each of the boys. Just as he took out his lighter, he heard a sudden crash behind him. The four boys turned around sharply and found Sonny kicking over the trash cans. He screamed furiously as he grabbed bottles from Recycling and smashed them against the ground. Derek and Jon quickly ducked as a coke bottle flew above their heads, hitting against the metal rails and shattering to pieces.

"Sonny! What the fuck?!" Matt yelled. His best friend didn't pay attention though, he just kept screaming and yelling. He cursed at himself, telling himself how much he hated himself, how bad he wanted to die. He hated the fact that he couldn't do anything for her when she needed him the most. He grabbed another bottle and smashed it to the ground, shards flying up and grazing his cheek. Travis charged towards Sonny and pushed him to the ground, making his friend land with a thud. Matt ran over and pinned sonny to the ground as well. He writhed and wriggled around violently to escape matt's grasp, but it was no use. Matt was 6"2 and 160 pounds while Sonny was 5"4 and a mere 110 pounds.

"Calm the FUCK DOWN! Okay?! She's going to be fine! ALRIGHT?!" Sonny took in deep breaths as warm tears continued to roll down his face. Matt wiped them away with his hand and slid off of his friend. Sonny sat straight up and looked directly into Matt's eyes. Derek, Jon, and Travis cautiously walked over and stood in back of Matt. He looked over at his four friends, the ones who stuck with him through thick and thin. He sniffled a little and wiped his face on his sleeve.

"Y-y-you're right," He sniffled,"God, I'm such a pussy right now."

Matt and the others scoffed.

"Only a little," Jon spoke,"But that's only because you're head over heels for this chick" Sonny giggled lightly and got up off the ground. They both wiped off the dirt on their clothes and faced the yacht entrance. Sonny gave a look of worry and sniffled a little more. Matt and Travis put their hands on both his shoulders.

"She'll be okay Sonny," Matt assured,"She's much stronger than you think."


Margo looked outside happily as the red, crisp leaves fell into her yard. Lula, Jude, and Scott went off for a few weeks to visit Aunt Naila in Hawaii. She had just brought a brand new set of twin girls into the world, and Scott just had to see them. Margo rubbed her tummy happily, it was only a matter of time before her baby would be here soon.


Margo turned and strode over to the Toaster. Today, Sonny agreed to come over for breakfast. Margo figured she would do something nice for him, since he did everything for her. She placed the toast on the nicest plate she had and set it on the table. She had made stacks of pancakes, waffles, and sausage patties. Eggs, bacon, and toast laid aside as well as a jug of fresh orange juice. Margo was quite proud of what she had made, she figured it was her best work. Suddenly she heard the door swing open and footsteps come through. Sonny appeared from the doorway holding a bouquet of white Daisies. Margo blushed and smiled widely as he walked in and handed them to her.

"For you, my dear" He announced politely. Margo took sonny's gift and planted a soft kiss on his forehead. He smiled lightly and looked over at the large breakfast.

"Boy, did you go all out" He giggled. Margo stuck out her tongue and pointed to Sonny's seat. He sat down without hesitation and watched as Margo slid into her own. He smiled lovingly at her appearance. Her hair was in a loose bun, and she was wearing an apron that had bright red little strawberries on them. She looked awfully cute, especially with that small baby bump of hers.

"Geeze man!" Margo laughed,"Don't eat the table now!"

Sonny hadn't noticed that he had eaten so much already. He was already on his second helping. He smiled sheepishly and shrugged.

"I'm a growing boy" He shrugged. Margo shook her head as she took another pancake from the plate.

3 helpings later, Sonny laid back into his chair with a sigh. He stroked his fingers through his hair briefly and looked over at his girlfriend.

"that was orgasmic" He cooed as he rubbed his tummy. Margo laughed lightly and kissed his cheek as she took his plate. He got up from his seat and straightened out his tight black Disney shirt.

"Midgeon, where's the bathroom?" He asked curiously. Margo gave him small directions and Sonny entered the bathroom. He shut the door behind him and looked at himself in the mirror. There in the mirror was his inner demon, smiling at him devilishly. The bathroom was where all the horror took place. He felt so ugly right now. His hair was greasy and unwashed, his face full of acne and god-knows-what, how could his girlfriend ever want this? How could she have even fucked this ugly monster before him? She was perfection to him, an absolute angel. He on the other hand, was a broken bundle of nerves full of smut and angst. He wanted to be perfect for Margo, absolutely perfect.

"My face is a room full of mirrors
With crummy eyes and blistered thighs
A bent brain full of lies..."

He screwed his eyes shut as he ran his fingers down his throat. He was going to be perfect for her, no matter what it took.
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