Categories > Original > Drama > I Don't Care If It's The Moon


by BelladonnaHooker 0 reviews

You always wanna know what's going down.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2009-02-14 - Updated: 2009-02-14 - 808 words

"What do you want,Billa?" I replied wearily.
"Can I has some cooookiessss,babe?"
"Yeah,Billa,knock yourself out!" I changed fully into my pj's and opened the door.
There on the floor,sat Bill nibbling away on a chocolate chip cookie.
"Time to sleep,honey" I whispered.
"Okies.But what am I supposed to wear to sleep?" he questioned.
"I think I have some of my brother's old basketball shorts somewhere in here".
So,I started the search for some shorts.Once I found them I threw them at his face.He had already started ridding himself of clothes.
"Ooh,these are comfay!" he squealed.
"Billa,c'mon,we need to sleep" I whined.I was sure Billa would have a greater hangover than mine;he was pretty drunk.
"Can I sleep with you,though? Your couch is lumpy",he pouted.
I fell asleep a few minutes after I slipped on the comforter over my shivering body.
At around midnight,I wasn't so cold anymore.


I was so unbelievably hammered.I couldn't stop thinking about all the booze I drank and,of course, Jemme.
"Jemme?" I whispered.Her breathing slowed down and became quieter.Okay,she was asleep.
I quietly put my arm around her waist.One may think,Why does he have to wait and make sure she's fallen asleep?
Well,you see,I'm a shy little bumpkin and I'd rather she not find out about my feelings for her.I'm her best friend and I know that's all I will ever be to her.The thought of us parting one day made me a gloomy person.So,frequently,I mentally got slapped by Donny Osmond for even THINKING about thinking about that.
Creepy,isn't it?
She shifted positions and my arm flew from her limp figure.
I would be kinda freaked out if my best friend had their arm around me at midnight after a freakin' mind-blowing party.
"MmmmmmmmaaBillaaa?" she muttered,while shifting around.
I was secretly hoping she wasn't a talker-in-her-sleep-er; I was really tired.
"Billaaaaa,c'mon....I don't underst.......Billa?",she repeated through the night.Whatever she was dreaming about was past me.But it was about me,and I was anxious to learn my place in that pretty little head of hers....


I was stuck in a bright swirl of colors,image,and sounds.
It was ultimately frightening.I felt a slight warmth on my side.I didn't take the time to find its source.
Spinning out of control,I found myself at a strange scene: I was looking down upon me and Bill fighting in a car.
The yelling was loud and unbroken,therefore,hard to understand.Once I got a hold of 'gravity',I began understanding the stingy words being thrown.
"Well,am I supposed to be feeling guilty because of how I feel,Bill? I don't understand!" I yelled.
"Yes! You've put me through hell for the past month! Don't you get it? I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU,JEMME CAYDENCE! Shit!"
With that,he stormed out of the car and slammed the door shut.Then,the swirling continued.
The scenery changed.I was in Bill's room.I found a sobbing Bill convulsing on the bed,pill bottle and razorblade in hand.Oh my,God.
"BILL! BILL! BILL! ARE YOU OKAY?! BILL! WHAT'S WRONG??? BILL!!!!" I yelled.My throat throbbed.He couldn't hear me.I felt my eyes sting and overflow with tears as I watched my best friend die slowly.My knees gave,and I was on the floor.
A rush of air burst through my thirsty lungs and surprised me.I was on the floor of my room and it was dark.My mind,throat,and ribcage throbbed like mad.
"Jemme? Jemme! Are you okay?" I heard out of the darkness.I was grateful to hear the voice of Bill Kaulitz.
"Bill! Oh my,God!".I cried.I cried harder than I had ever cried.Bill's arms surrounded me as he cooed me back into perception.
"Did you have a nightmare,baby?"
"Yeah.Oh,Bill,it was horrible..." I whispered,tears finally starting to dry.
"Shhhhh,shhhh.....You wanna go back to sleep,baby? Or would you rather do something else?" he asked kindly.
"Wel,I'm too scared to go back to sleep,but I don't want to take away your sleep,Billa".
"Oh,it's no problem! Tomorrow's a Saturday,anyways".
"Thanks,Billa.I really appreciate it,honey".
"Don't worry about it,boo".
Right;don't worry about it.

Author's note: Heyyy :) R&R will get a box of Conco Heartsss 8D Lol.I actually like this chapter.Jemme's nightmare is based on a nightmare of my own.Sadly,Bill Kaulitz did not appear and coo me back to sleep -___- LAME. Lmfao.Well,Happy Valentine's Day! :D Have a good one,kiddos!
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