Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > It's Not A Fashion Statement It's A Deathwish

I promise...

by My--Toro--Romance 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2009-03-08 - Updated: 2009-03-08 - 1087 words

A.N. NEXT CHAPTER. Thank you lovely reviewers, have some yummy love. ON WITH IT.

Eli. xo.

Gerard's POV

I am officially the world’s biggest idiot. Not just idiot, arsehole, motherfucker, good-for-nothing-faggot-that-deserves-to-rot-in-hell just about sums it up too. God WHY! No actually, fuck god, fuck all holy wankers that had the power to help Frank but didn’t. Thanks to me and my ego, this lovely person is unconscious and it’s all my fault!

I walked over to where Frank lay and took his small hand in mine.
“Its ok, Frank. It’s all gonna be ok” Only I knew that it wasn’t. It was not ok and if that ambulance didn’t hurry the fuck up and get here soon then it never would be. Already I could sense him kind of…slipping away…I tightened my grip on his hand.

“Frank? Frank stay right here, in this body! STAY AWAY FROM THE LIGHT, I FORBID YOU TO GO ANYWHERE, I HAVE TO COUNTER SIGN ANYTHING INVOLVING YOUR SOUL!” By now I was panicking and shouting anything I thought might keep him from dying, then I had a better idea.


It was like I had flicked a switch. Straight away, the adults who had been standing, shell-shocked, on the sidewalk leapt into action. One fumbled for her cell phone and frantically began stabbing at keys. Another ran to my side and began laying him in the recovery position to stop him choking on his puke if he wakes up I guess. Others just began to block the scene from the rest of the public eye by making a human wall. Oh and the woman who called 911 also seemed to be asking for the cops as well. She’s got the right idea, if – no, not if- when Frankie wakes up, I am going to kill Bryar and his friends, then I am going to sue them until all they don’t have pot to piss in. It wasn’t much but it made me feel a hell of a lot better thinking of plans to murder Robert Bryar. A shadow fell over me.

“Uh… Hey Gerard, I saw... I saw what happened... c’mon lets get you home...” I turned and saw my brother Mikey, 2 years younger than me but wiser way beyond his years. He held out his hand to pull me up but I shook my head.

“No Mikes, I’m staying here until he wakes up. And if he doesn’t wake up here then I’ll go with him to the hospital and wait there. You go on, tell mom I might not be home ‘til later...” Mikey nodded, gave a weak smile and began walking back to his car. I sat watching where he had been long after he had gone until I was jerked out of my reverie by the harsh wailing of the ambulance siren. I jumped up and waved my arms above my head to attract their attention; they swerved and drove up on the kerb. Two men and a woman jumped out of the back with a stretcher. They carefully lifted Frank onto it, placing his head in a head brace. A blanket was tucked around his torso before they began to raise him into the ambulance. The woman turned to me and asked,

“Sir, please could you explain what went on here?” I swallowed and told her exactly what had happened, not missing out a single detail. She nodded and wrote everything down, frowning when I told her about Bryar and his friends. I looked around and saw that they had all scarpered.

“I’m also one of the hospital’s legal representatives so if your friend-”

“When my friend-”

“Of course... when your friend recovers then I will be the one who organises any legal claims.” I nodded and climbed into the back of the ambulance.

“Er, excuse me sir, family only in the ambulance...”

“You’re not family.” I retorted, sitting firmly beside Frank.

“No...I’m medical staff, I drive the ambulance... I’m very sorry sir but you’re going to have to leave.” I frowned and stood, then with one last squeeze of Frank’s hand I walked towards the door. Turning back, I whispered,

“I’ll see you later Frankie” and climbed out of the ambulance.


Mikey’s POV.

I paced backwards and forwards in the kitchen, running my hand through my hair over and over again. I had told mom that Gerard would be late home and not to wait up so she had gone to her friend’s house, I checked my watch, that had been over 2 hours ago. I thought Gerard was going to at least call to let me know where he was. Jesus. I thought, It’s like I’m the big brother here, worrying where he is, making sure his mobile is charged, giving him his money for the canteen... I lost my trail of thought as the front door banged open. Gerard staggered in, the stench of alchohol strong on his breath. He fell to his knees.

“I fucked up Mikes, I really fucked up,” Tears rolled down his face as he clung to my trousers. “It’s all my fault,” He sobbed, “all my fault...” I stood there, patting his back awkwardly.

“You didn’t fuck up Gee; you did all you could, you called the ambulance, you sat with him while they came, talked to him, and got him to safety. You did all you could.” I knelt down and put my skinny arms around him.

“It’s all gonna be okay Gee, it’s all gonna be okay.” He looked up at me, bloodshot eyes brimming with tears,

“That’s what I told him, but it won’t, it WON’T!” He looked towards the ceiling and began to scream, “WHY GOD, WHY, WHAT DID HE DO? WHAT DID I DO? WHY?!”

“C’mon now,” I murmured, pulling him to his feet. “Let’s get you some sleep and then later you can go and see him.” He slowly rose and, with one arm around my shoulders, walked to his basement bedroom. He dropped onto his bed and I pulled the duvet over him.

“Sweet dreams big brother.” I flicked off the light.


:) What do you think?

Eli. xoxo.
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