Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Pansy.

There's Always the Other side.

by michelle_ellee12 0 reviews

Once upon a time, disturbedangel6 reviewed asking if i was going to continue... she convinced me. =] SOWWY it was late but yeah... "HE SIGNED MY WENIS!"

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Parody - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-04-23 - Updated: 2009-04-24 - 582 words

The next day, the boys had performed another concert in the same stadium they had the night before. They were all kinda paranoid during the performance, because they were all freaked out by that man the night before, that threatened to knock Gee out if he stepped across the street.

Well... besides that, and because Gee's groin still hurt from when Frankie had kicked him.
It didn't hurt at first... now it's just like a freaking pendelum had cut off his balls.

Before the five boys left the concert stadium, Gerard stepped into the bathroom and checked, just to be sure. Luckily, all testacles were plainly in tact. He sighed in relief the called for the others to follow him out.
"Um... guys..." Frank said uneasily, pointing to the alley they had taken the night before. The one that had led to the sidewalk with the men in front of it, including the man that had threatened Gerard.
"Maybe... there's another way?" Bob suggested, pointing down the west side of the sidewalk. Mikey shrugged and said, "Let's just get back to the bus. I'm fucking beat, and we have to wake up early tomorrow to head off to the UK."
Then the five traveled down the sidewalk, which took them through another alley, which took them...
Across the street.
This time, it was on the sidewalk in front of the crackhouse.
The man was sitting in the same position, in the same spot he had the night before. He looked up and saw them, getting up and trudging over.
"I told you..." he grunted, "To stay on the other side of the street, you motherfucker..."

Then there was a silence.
Then the man had plastered a great big grin on his face, giving Gerard a big bear hug. "TO KEEP ME FROM GOING FANGIRLISH ON YOUUUUUU!!" the spanish man screamed happily, jumping up and down. "I JUST LOOOOOOVE YOU GUYS, YOUR MUSIC IS AAAAAH-MAYY-ZEEEENNNG! LIKE, OH, MY, GERARD!"
Bob chuckled as he got the joke. He nudged Mikey in the ribs. "Oh Ehm Gee..." he whispered, and Mikey joined him in giggling.
"Umm.. okay... well... thanks?" Gerard said as politely as he could. He was both flattered and totally freaked out, all at the same time.
"Um... could you just... sign my shoulder?" The man asked, calming down a bit. He pointed to the area just above his wenis. A/N: BTW people, the wenis is the under part of your elbow... right under the bendy part where they stick the needle to draw your blood... TRUE STORY! "Yeah... just... just right there..."
Gerard giggled nerviously as he pulled out a black sharpie and signed the man's arm.
The man then squealed, freaking everybody out. Not just the boys from MyChem.
"Heeeheeeeheeeehheeeeheee,.. THANNNKKKSSS!" the man said, all fangirlishly, before turning around and walking back down to his friends. Though the boys couldn't hear him, they saw that the man was jumping up and down and pointing to his arm, smiling widely. His friends didn't look too entirely convinced.
"Well..." Gerard sighed. "Only in San Fransisco, I suppose." With that, the five biys headed out across the street.
Before getting on the bus, they could distincly hear the spanish man shouting;


one last thing, do any of you actually say Oh Ehm Gee? Me and my friends do, but it's like an inside joke thingy, because only we know we're saying 'Oh My Gerard'.
Eees quite funny =P
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