Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Tear My Heart Open Just To Feel

Chapter 3:Your unmistakable unforgiven undenieabley not mine

by Mrs_Stump221 0 reviews

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Published: 2009-05-06 - Updated: 2009-05-06 - 473 words

A/N: HIIII I'm back so so so sorry for not updating sooner but I had some stuff going on and Im so sorry. Here is the next chapter

Chapter 3: Your unmistakable unforgiven undenieabley not mine

Mackie POV

I stared at him, Joe. Liked me, really?

That was a turn, a direction I wasn't expecting at all. I gulped nervously and he scratched his head a bit and sighed.

“I'm sorry, Mackie. I shouldn't have said that.”He said quickly standing up to leave, I went to grab his wrist but it was like I was moving too slow to catch him, I couldn't find my voice so I just screamed and he turned to see if I was alright.

“Will you give me a second to process this?” I asked him pleadingly and he shut the front door nodding a bit.

“You love me?” I asked him and he touched my face and nodded.

“Always.”He told me and I looked at him intently, he grabbed both of my hands in his and kissed my knuckles. “Joe, I-” I started but his cell phone rang and I sighed as he answered it. I could be telling him I love you too, that I would want nothing more than to be with you and he answers his phone.



“Oh my god...Are you serious?! That's oh my god...Thank you so much!” Joe yelled excitedly and hung up kissing my cheek then spinning me around. I looked at him confused as I don't know, as confused as no one's business.

“Joe..whats going on?” I asked him softly.

“We got signed...the band we're going to be touring with big name bands!!!” He said excitedly and that's when I realized why it was such a good thing to him I truly could but, He would be gone fore more than half the year. When he was home he would be home with FAMILY. Something I didn't have. I would never have.

“That's great.” I said to him quietly, hugging him back.

“You alright? You don't look alright, I have to tell the guys. I'll come by and see you first thing tomorrow.”He said to me and I nodded looking down at my feet as he left me standing there speechless. What was supposed to do now, I knew I loved him but his love for music was still a great deal larger than his love for me.

I grabbed my cell phone and began Texting him.

' I think you could find someone better than me, you always deserve better Joe, ily'
I pressed send and closed my eyes as the tears stung them, he wouldn't care. There would be tons of girls who wanted him, tons of girls who would want his babies. Tons of girls who wouldn't be me.
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