Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Sweetheart Rebels

In Da Club

by Noizchild 1 review

Tony thinks Rose is cheating on him. So he and Q-Ball go out to spy on her. More Reviews=More chaps, so get to it!

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2009-05-28 - Updated: 2009-05-28 - 748 words - Complete

In Da Club:

It's been weeks since Rose dumped me. She must really mean it this time. She won't call me. She doesn't come to visit anymore. Rosie doesn't even holler at me in the streets. Something really has to be up. Rosie always does this to me when I screw up somehow. She gives me the silent treatment and avoids me. Usually, I don't know what I did when she does this. But this time is different. I know I cheated on her with Nikki Reed, but this time Rosie really means what she said. She dumped me and that's it.

But no! She can't really mean that! Rosie must be joking. She can't just dump me like that. We've been through so much in high school. This is just another one of her silent treatments to me. If it is, how long is she going to keep this one up? She seems really convincing this time. Now, I'm starting to think that she really means that we have broken up this time.

I don't know. I took it up with my boys on this one. I told them the whole story of Rosie catching me, her dumping me, and her not talking to me. "So," I said to them. "What do you think?" My boys thought about that for a moment. Then, Q-Ball came up with the perfect answer.

"She's cheating on you Tony!" he called out. We all looked at him like he had been smoking crack. This sounded just as crazy as his other pieces of shit that he spat out to him. But yet, there had to be a ring of truth to this one. I didn't know why. Somehow this piece of shit stuck out in my mind and wouldn't leave. What if Rosie really is cheating on me? But then again, this is Q-Ball I am talking about. He spouts out crap all of the time. Unable to make up my mind on this one, I decided to humor him a bit.

"Yeah?" I said to him. Q-Ball looked at me in pride.

"Oh I see!" he called. "You don't really believe me, do you?" I looked at him sharply.

"Q-Ball," I said to him. "First of all, you say the dumbest shit on the planet! And plus, you don't have any proof at all!" He smirked at me on that one.

"I can get the proof!" that dummy said back. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Oh really?" I asked him.

"Yep!" my boy said back to me.

"How?" I challenged him. Here it is. Usually, the dummy never has anything to add after I ask that and it all goes cold from there. I expected no less this time. But strangely, Q-Ball kept that goofy grin of his on his face.

"Simple," he replied. "We follow her out tonight!" That one threw me right off. He never in his life ever gave a smart answer like that one before in his life!

I was so startled that I asked, "Where?" Q-Ball grinned at me as he held out his finger to me.

"I have a feeling where!" he called. So here we are parked outside of Club Golden Bomb. Q-Ball and I sat in the parking lot waiting. I turned to my friend.

"Okay genius," I said sarcastically. "What's the plan?" He grinned at me still.

"I go in and watch her with the other man for a while," my boy explained. "Then when I get enough, I'll come back and report to you." I stared at him like I didn't understand any of that at all.

"That's it?" I asked him.

"Yeah," Q-Ball answered.

"And what if you don't find anything?" I asked him sharply. He shrugged at me without blinking an eye at me.

"I'll let you know," he replied. I rolled my eyes at him. This is going to be a long night, I can tell. Q-Ball unfastened his seatbelt and got out of the car. He turned back to me.

"Wish me luck!" he called. I rolled my eyes at him again.

"Yeah, yeah," I mumbled to him. Q-Ball grinned at me once more and headed into the club. I sat back in the driver's side and sighed out loud. This is so stupid! But yet, I had no idea of what was to come next. Otherwise, I would have killed that little emo boy on the spot!

I'm Into Having Sex, Not Making Love
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