Categories > Original > Drama > Karin: The Inquisition


by paladin313 0 reviews


Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror,Humor - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-05-28 - Updated: 2009-05-29 - 2626 words - Complete


Chapter 9

Hondo went back to his makeshift room that was still cluttered and shabby. However, he saw a vase with some flowers in it sitting on the windowsill. He was not sure who had left them, but he did appreciate the effort nonetheless. He also found a stack of clothes and underwear sitting on a table, as well as aset of pajamas. Not only was this odd, but somehow, whoever got these knew his sizes. Along with that, he found some basic hygiene items laid out for him. He scratched his head, wondering who had done this, and how did they know about what he wore. Instead of looking a gift horse in the mouth, he took a set of underwear, his pajamas, and the hygiene, and prepared to bathe. However, the next question hit, and that was, where was the shower? He had used the toilets that were meant more for public use in the manor, but he did not know where to clean up. He knocked on the door to the main room and waited for the answer. He heard a heavy sigh, and footsteps heading for the door. He heard Innocent in a muffled voice ask, "Yeah, what do you want?"

"My apologies," he said, making a habitual bow, "but you would not happen to know where I can bathe, would you?"

He heard a groan, and another muffled question, "Don't you have that in your room?"

"Again, I apologize," he said, "but there is nothing in here."

There was a pause, and she said, "It figures! You would have to use mine!"

The sound of a lock opened, and she opened the door to him. She was standing there in a house robe and slippers. She was not immodest, but nonetheless Hondo looked away. He did see her thumb pointing to the door across the way, and kept his view away from her as he went to the door. She was becoming aggravated by this, and she said, "I'm not naked, you know!"

"Still," he said as he proceeded to the bathroom, "It is bad enough that I have to do this to you. Tomorrow, I shall try to find another way without disturbing you."

This was the most polite she had ever seen a boy act. He was actually trying to respect her, her privacy, and trying to be a gentleman. After all the refused advances, bad treatment by her to him, and how she acted when she learned that he would truly put his life on the line for her, he was still not willing to return such things for what she had done. She wanted to be mad, and mad at him, but how could she now? The emotion she now felt was frustration. By the time he reached the bathroom door, she said, "You jerk!"

"What did I do?" he asked.

"Nothing," she said, "That's why you're a jerk! You won't even do anything to make me dislike you!"

He hung his head, said, "/Hai/, (Japanese for "yes,")" and went in to bathe. Christy came in and said, "Here is the tea you requested Psy...uh...Innocent."

She looked down, ashamed that she had forgotten. Innocent smiled, and said,"That's okay, just set it there."

Christy was about to leave when Innocent said, "No, please, could you stay and have some with me?"

"Sure!" she said, acting like a pop star had just asked her out for dinner. "You know," said Innocent, as they sat down, "I am not normally the extrovert. That honor goes to my sister. Yet, sometimes I do like to talk-especially when I have something on my chest."

Christy began to pour out, and said, "I hope you like Earl Gray. Fumio is such a whiz in the kitchen! I don't think I would have gotten it right without her help and her taste buds."

"Thank you," she said, "It's very good. I'll have to have Fumio show you how to make Japanese tea."

"She wanted to, but we didn't have any," she said, "Hopefully, she and Yuriya can go shopping again."

"They went shopping?" asked Innocent.

"Well, yes, because Fumio felt sorry for the hu...Hondo, because he had nothing."

"He is a fool."

"Is he really? If he were a vampire, he would have proven himself to me."

She looked at her sarcastically, and said, "Why don't you marry him?"

Christy looked down and said, "I'm sorry for my impertinence."

Innocent sighed, and said, "It's okay-you're not used to Clan ways."

"Clan ways?"

"Like it or not, he is a Clansman, and I have to be there for him as he is for me."

The sounds of running water were coming from the bathroom, and Christy asked,"Is that him?"

"Yes," she answered, "and he was all ashamed. He said he would ask for another place to bathe the next time."

"Funny," she said, "We intended the two of you to share it."

"WHAT!" snapped Innocent.

"It is better this way," said Christy, "If he is to fulfill his pledge to protect you, he has to be able to respond quickly in any situation."

"Great," thought Innocent, "that's that last thing I need: a naked, wet, and soapy ninja coming to my rescue."

However, she said, "I found it interesting that you had it set up like aJapanese bathroom."

"When we knew you were coming, and from where," answered Christy, "We did all we could to make you feel at home."

The water stopped, and then that was followed by the sounds of someone easing himself into the bath, followed by a comforted sigh. "Oh, that feels so good after all that tonight!" was heard muffled through the door. After about thirty seconds, Innocent said, "What do you do with someone like him?"

"I don't understand," said Christy.

"He's been chasing after me ever since Karin's wedding," said Innocent, "and he just won't understand that I am not interested. Don't get me wrong, I do respect his ability to fight and protect, but I really just cannot find anything attractive about him."

"How so?" asked Christy, "He looks pretty good to me!"

"It's not that," she said, "It's not that he lacks good looks, but he acts too Japanese."

"He is Japanese," she said, "How else would you expect him to act?"

"That's not what I mean," Innocent said, "I mean, I was born and raised in Japan, although I am not Japanese, and yet I do understand Japanese culture and customs as a result. However, he just seems to go overboard on that."

"Have you ever asked him why?"

That caught Innocent. She was not sure how to answer at first, but then she said, "I never thought to ask, but I just did not think that was something you were supposed to ask. Would that not be too rude?"

Christy looked at her knowingly, and said, "Now who is acting too Japanese?"

Innocent looked even more frustrated, and she said, "Why would I ask him that?"

Christy cocked her head, and said, "Here, in America, we are so used to being up front and forward that to see such customs are odd to us. Where you think how you react is appropriate, we think it odd, but I have to think it's the same way when you see us. Regardless, maybe a change of tactics is in order."

"What do you mean," asked Innocent.

"Perhaps, if you knew more about how he though," said Christy, "You could find polite ways to discourage him from doting so much over you so much. You could come to a working understanding. It seems that you might want to, considering that you two are kind of stuck with one another for the time being."

Innocent was letting that sink in. She thought about it, and maybe it would be good to be up front and establish some ground rules. "You know, that does seem like a good idea. I'll have to try that."

"Good," said Christy, "I hope the best for you."

Christy got ready to go, but before she went out the door, she asked, "Could it also be that, if you talked to him, you just might find something to like about him? Would finding something attractive about him be so bad?"

Just before she walked out, he stepped out in his pajamas, and then fixed his gaze on the floor. "My apologies," he said, "I'll be out of here quickly!"

Christy laughed, and said, "No, its okay! I hope you liked those things we got for you."

"Was that you?" he asked.

"Why yes," said Christy, "and that was also Yuriya and Fumio."

He bowed deeply, and said, "I thank you much for that!"

"Yuriya and Fumio asked if you would be up anytime tomorrow," asked Christy,"Jean-Claude gave some money over to them, and they want to help you buy some clothes and a bed."

"I can be up and ready at about three this afternoon," he said.

Christy looked at him, and then over at Innocent as she said, "This must be so hard for you. You sacrificed everything but the clothes on your back just to protect the Fount of Psyche. We vampires owe you much in the way of thanks. The clothes were the least of what we could do for you. Well, sleep well you two. Any messages for the team you are training?"

"Yes," he said, his demeanor changing, "Let them know they need to be ready by eight tonight. We will continue with basics at that time."

"Thank you," she said, "and sleep well."

He turned to face his door, but he did not look at her, and said, "Sleep well: if you need anything, do not hesitate to wake me."

She said nothing as he went back into his room. She came behind and locked the door. However, this was followed by, "However, if you need help, and you lock the door, it will hinder me."

Nothing was said, nor was anything changed. He shook his head, and went to the coffin. It was awkward to sleep in it, yet oddly, he found it comfortable. Still, if he could get a bed, or just a futon, that would feel a bit better. This was his third night in the thing, and he always had the odd sensation that he would lay down in it and never get up again.

The next afternoon, Hondo was up promptly, and met Yuriya and Fumio for their shopping trip. It was fortunate that Richard already had driver's licenses for everyone, as well as I.D., so they could move about. The only things were getting used to driving on the right side of the road, and having the wheel on the left. After a couple of hairy moments, the two ladies were getting the hang of it. This was the first time that Hondo had seen the manor from the outside, and it looked more like a small castle than a manor. He then wondered just how much money and power the Brownlicks held over things. They descended off the hill, and the barriers quickly came up behind them. Only Yuriya could see the manor on the hill at that point. As they drove, Hondo was amazed at the beauty of the Maine countryside. He was impressed at the size and height of the White Pine trees, and the mix of pine and hardwoods. They soon found themselves in more civilized areas as they headed for the Bangor Mall. As they went in, Hondo found it interesting how easy going the people around him were. He also found the accent of their English quaint. What he liked was that this dialect of English was said at a slow enough pace for him to be able to follow. They were able to get him a whole wardrobe, and they were able to order a bed. They would have to send truck for it, considering that delivering it would be out of the question. Hondo felt energized, though, because he, for the first time in days, felt normal, knowing that he could leave the manor and try to pursue somewhat normal life. By the time they headed back, it was sunset, and they arrived right on time for supper. Karin and Sheila were both working on supper since Yuriya and Fumio were out. Karin may not have had her taste like she used to, but she still knew how to cook properly. After securing his things, he went to dinner. Innocent happened to be joining them at the same time, but Innocent did not like the fact that the only two seats left were side by side. She wanted to ask for better arrangements, but she remembered her manners, and toughed it out. Yet, all through it, he never took advantage of the situation, never spoke to her unless he was addressed, ate neatly, and he essentially acted like the perfect gentleman. What was killing Innocent, (and what she did not like seeing in herself at that moment,) was that she was looking for reasons to dislike him, and he was not providing them. This way, he was actually likeable. Sadly, this was always the way that he acted, but she, up to this point, was so self-centered, that she did not notice any of this before. Jean-Claude could not help but notice this, and he just began to grin. Yuriya looked at him, and whispered, "What's so funny?'

"Look at Innocent," he said, "I think this is the first time she has looked at Hondo without bias, and she is feeling convicted!"

"Why is she convicted?" she asked.

"She is now realizing that her hatred for him had no basis," he answered, "and that she had been completely wrong for her actions. She just does not want to admit it! However, the more she fights it, the worse for her it will get!"

"This is a good thing?" asked Yuriya.

"This is great!" answered Jean-Claude, "The more she resists, the more she is going to be attracted to him. You watch: sooner or later, they shall be inseparable"

About an hour later, Karin caught up with Anjou, and saw her in her Sailor Moon funeral sailor suit, and said, "Anjou, are you sure you want to be doing this?"

"I was going to ask you why you are not," Anjou answered blankly.

"I can't see myself doing that," said Karin.

"Why not do this?" she said, "I've seen you fight when you had to."

"Yeah," said Karin, "But I have to be near postal before I can do that."

"We've only been at it for one night," said Anjou, "Why don't both you and Kenta join us? It would not take much to catch up. It would give you something to do. Besides, we can be together more."

That shook her, and she said, "Kid, you've always had a way with words!"

After a few moments, she said, "Let me get some more appropriate things on, and tell Jean-Claude and Hondo that they will have two new students!"

"That's good to hear," said both Hondo and Jean-Claude.

Karin nearly jumped out of her skin, as Jean-Claude said, "Had you been alone, and it was one of the Inquisition, you would be dead right now. As your Clan leader, I highly suggest you two join us!"

Karin hedged for a bit, but then she said, "Okay, I'll get Kenta and tell him what is going on. Just go easy on me, please?"

Jean-Claude got a sinister look on his face, and said, "When pigs fly!"

Karin's face sunk, and she just moaned as she went to find Kenta.
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