Categories > Original > Drama > Karin: The Inquisition


by paladin313 0 reviews


Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror,Humor - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-05-28 - Updated: 2009-05-29 - 3091 words - Complete


Chapter 10

In Paris, Leo was frustrated. He had lost 14 good men in a matter of days, and they had only killed one vampire. Worse, he had underestimated how good one of his targets was, and it cost him dearly. Normally, what they sent would have been enough, but he had to admit that he really did not know just what he confronted. He had heard about the half-vampire abomination that was roaming Japan, but he did not figure he was that powerful, although there had been rumors going within the vampire world about this one from vampires they had interrogated before they killed them. It was the happenings in Japan that were rumored that caused them to start to investigate to begin with. Those vampires spoke of the Clan Revolution, and the Great Bokor War, and the giant that led them. Of course, because it came from those that had not been there, they had to assume there were embellishments and exaggerations that always accompany word of mouth stories, so what they had to assume was that he was a big man, but not nearly anything like the urban legends that were arising from all of it. However, if there was any truth to the rumors of this Clan, they would have to stop it. The purity of the human race was at stake, and this "giant" was a prime example of the sullying that could happen if the two species intermixed. He kicked himself for his haste, because the principle targets suddenly seemed to vanish off the face of the earth, and now they would have to start at square one. The first thing they would have to do is replenish their numbers, and then scour the face of the earth to find those that their initial investigations said was responsible for this ill-advised movement. Considering that there may be ashred of truth to the power of this Clan, and its influence, he would now have to be more cautious. However, he had time, because, if they were laying low,(which is what it seemed to be,) then they would not be acting so quickly. All that would have to happen is to replenish the numbers, and watch to see if one of them exposes themselves.

Hondo was surprised to see in his class one Karin Usui. "Are you sure you want this?" he asked.

"It's time for me to blossom as a vampire," she said, "I want to be more use to the Clan, and to my sister."

However, at first, she began to regret her decision. She was run ragged, and he showed no sympathy to her, as he had not to her sister. It was worse when he took her aside for the hard body training that the others had already received. She did not fancy punching pebbles and kicking logs, but it was needed. Kenta, on the other hand, seemed to be thriving in it. Because of his g'hul abilities, he was able to make the same advances that the others were making. Because of that, Karin was determined to match her husband, lest the others leave her behind. All the while, Jean-Claude was doing all he could to train his twins in the right ways of living, for that was about all that he could do. They were light years more powerful than he was, and he knew that they had to learn early to control that power, lest they become destructive. Throughout the summer, the pattern was repeated again and again, and because of the regularity of things, the summer passed quickly. By that time, they had acrack squad of elites that Jean-Claude called the A-team, modeled after the best solders of the Green Berets. The A-team of the Green Berets was experts in asymmetrical warfare, and did not operate like normal soldiers. They were allowed to drop proper military appearance so that they could go covert in their missions. They normally infiltrated foreign enemy lands, rallied and trained revolutionary forces in that land, and prepared an attack from within as their friends attacked from without. Even Karin, Kenta, and Anjou were expert in what they did. They could strike anywhere, anytime, anyhow, and succeed. The mission from that point was to stay trained, await future infiltration missions into France, and other suspected Inquisition strongholds, to first find, and then eliminate, the Inquisition forever.

It was getting close to the time to register for classes, and they were given the aptitude tests. Anjou continued with her musical theory studies, Maki and Wiener continued with their English studies, Innocent decided that nursing was her thing, but Fumio and Yuriya, because they both had to drop out of high school, went to remedial courses offered at the university to get up to speed. At the very least, they could finally achieve a high school diploma. However, Hondo and Jean-Claude both opted for physical education, considering their fitness, and Jean-Claude's aptitude at athletics. The twins were enrolled in the local elementary school, and only Kannon was left out, considering her age. He registered his family with the last name "D'amphile," lest anyone become tipped off by the last name of "Makka." Anjou went with the last name of "Marker,"for the same reasons. With that, they decided to tour of the campus after the sun had set. The University of Maine campus in the town of Orono is a smaller campus than most universities in America, but it was no less beautiful. It had an incredible mall, bordered by classrooms on one side, dorms on the other, alarge library at one end, and the campus field house on the other. Dorms were scattered all around the campus, and on one road beside it is a long row of fraternity houses. Aside the library is the student union, which includes the Bear's Den snack shop and lounge, a game room, complete with six candlepin bowling alleys, a theatre, and various other offices and usage rooms. The Maine State Theater sat on the other side of the campus, and some of the biggest acts, as well as famous guest lecturers have graced the stage. There was even an ice arena, which caught the attention of Jean-Claude. He only regretted the fact that Chiyuki and Ren had decided to continue their globetrotting, and they were not there with them. The mall was lined with lights that night, filled with all the clubs and extra curricular activities that any campus offered, each one vying for one person's attention or another. The fraternities and sororities were also out in full force, hoping to gain pledges. However, when it came to the Clan, the fraternities tried, and then saw the odd rings that sat on the hands of the Clan, and they left them alone. They were already a member of a fraternity that could have wiped out the whole campus if it wanted. Eventually, Jean-Claude came across the table for the Rugby club. He got the information he needed, but he had to find Richard first. When he found him, he said, "What about extra curricular activities?"

"What about them," asked Richard in return.

"Well, I wasn't sure how far parameters are going," answered Jean-Claude, "I mean there is OpSec to consider, (operational security.)"

Richard smiled, and said, "Now that's my boy! Always thinking for the safety of others before himself. Son, joining in with that could be the best thing you could do! This would be one of those 'hiding in plain sight' kinds of things. I am sure you are familiar with /The Purloined Letter/."

"Very much so," answered Jean-Claude.

"Then, sometimes the best way to hide something is in plain sight," said Richard, "What are you looking at?"

"Sir," he said, "I considered football, but since I played Rugby in Japan, Ifell in love with the sport."

"By all means, son," said Richard, "You are not our prisoners! You just have to let us know where you are in case there are problems."

"/YYYesssss/!" exclaimed Jean-Claude, and he thanked Richard. Richard also thanked him for his courtesy, and Jean-Claude went back to the Rugby table, ready to join. His wife saw that, and said, "Tell you what, I can have the kids meet you during practice time, and then you three can come back together."

"That will work," said Jean-Claude. He only hoped that everyone would be able to see some of his games, considering that some of the activities would take place during the day. In the meantime, the ladies were beginning to socialize with some of the other women around, and found Karin to be approachable, and Fumio to be like an older sister. Even at 42, Fumio could still turn heads. However, some of them were having problems with Innocent and Anjou. They were their normal, stoic, introverted selves, and for young, college-age girls meeting others of their peer group like this, it was disturbing. Innocent paid it no mind, but Anjou feared problems. However, one was becoming frustrated at Innocent's introverted ways.

Throughout the summer, Hondo had done all that he could to get Innocent to warm to him. While things had been better, it was not where he, or anyone else, felt it should be. She was now tolerating him, and she actually worked out aschedule where they could share the same bathroom. Innocent was at least talking to him with some small talk, but she was not allowing herself to become any closer than that. Hondo was breaking his back trying to do every little thing she asked of him, and though she appreciated the labor, she was afraid to show it all that much, because she feared giving him the wrong message, or something that he could blow out of proportion. This did not escape Christy or Bridgette's attention. They loved the Psyche deeply, but they were now no longer sure that they liked Innocent. Sadly, they knew that it all boiled down to Innocent making a defiant stance in saying she was going to decide her fate for herself. Deep down inside, she was actually becoming attracted to Hondo, but she knew that, if she even caved one inch in this regard, she would be saying that all she had been told about her fate was true.

Anjou, in the meantime, had indeed been going through the Psalms, and she had actually worked out some rough compositions to some of the shorter ones. Indeed, the structure of the Psalms lent to classical music styles, especially those of the baroque period. She could see how Handles viewed it, and she wondered if his compositions would be out of place in ancient Israel. However, as she went through Psalms, something interesting was happening. As she saw how David and Asaph were drawing strength and encouragement, she also began to see how it was that big brother was being inspired. What she read was a man who was centered and confident in what he believed. She did not know if there truly was a God, but she believed that there had to be /someone/! She had seen too much already. She had met the one known as Ryuu, who turned out to be Cain, she had seen the supernatural intervention of some kind of heavenly host, and she had seen how Jean-Claude had been empowered by something beyond. She knew that he had faced great challenges and trials, and he always managed to find joy and peace. One night, when she was at the piano, she saw a song by Keith Green called /My Eyes Have Dried/. It was being sung by a man who knew that he had drifted from God, and sought to bring things back to where they ought to be. She liked how it seemed to come from the writer's heart, and she wondered if she could be this close. When no one was around, she went over to a chair, knelt, and said, "I don't know if everything in this book that big brother gave me is true, but I have seen enough to know that you have to be there, somewhere. If you are there, help me. Help me gain peace about Francois, and about our situation. Most of all, please help me know that you are real."

She had barely finished speaking when she began to feel an energy flow through her like electricity, but it was not hurting her. She felt like she was being lifted off the floor in a kneeling position, and she felt like a warm, comforting light was surrounding her. She did not realize it, but this went on for about an hour, and at the end, she thought she heard someone say, "Yes, Iam real. Read the book."

When she opened her eyes, her heart was racing, and she was bathed in sweat head to toe as if she had taken part of some kind of athletic activity. She was breathing heavy, and she was looking around the room, wondering what it was that had touched her. The only thing she said before returning to her room was, "I didn't know you were THAT real!"

She then picked up her Bible, and went back to her room, deciding that she wanted to look at it, and find what she could find as truth, and was legend, so she could get to know the real God, and not the one that she figured that myth had created.

However, one issue did have to be faced. Jean-Claude was preparing for his first night of classes as he and his wife were preparing the twins for their first day of school. They were all working hard to get ready, but it almost seemed robotic. Jean-Claude knew his son's expressions well, and he knew his son was pondering something very deep. "What's on your mind, son?" asked Jean-Claude.

"Dad, don't you think all of this has been, well, awkward?" Mick answered.

"Well, it certainly was odd how we got here!" laughed Jean-Claude, trying to lighten things up.

"Well, I mean, that's it," said Sheila, "I mean, we're getting ready for school as if things were normal, but we can't use our real last names, we can't tell people where we live, we can't have friends over, we can't even call home to grandmamma's and see how they are doing."

"You make it sound like we're in jail or something," laughed Yuriya.

"We're not prisoners, son," said Jean-Claude, "We are just laying low until the threat rises, we can get rid of it, and then we go where we want. It's not that we are not free, we just have to be careful, and that's all."

"Well, dad," said Mickey, "Have you seen the way they treat me and sis? They act as if we're Jesus Christ or something! I know better than that, but, we can't be that important!"

"Yeah," said Sheila, "and some of the women have been muttering something about the company we keep, and that we should be separate from everyone."

Suddenly, Jean-Claude's expression changed. His wife did not like this, and he leaned back on the couch, thinking. The twins knew that there was going to be some sparks, and they knew better than to interrupt their father when he was like this. He then stood up, and said, "I'll be right back,-I'm going to pay avisit to the Usuis."

He knocked on Karin's door, she answered, and he said, "How often has Kannon been in the care of the women of this house?"

"They help me often," said Karin, "Getting things ready and settled has been achore. They have been such a help with her."

He looked around, and asked, "Is she with them now?"

"Yes, she is," answered Karin, "What's wrong?"

However, he was already heading out the door on that question. He searched the house until he saw two of the Brownlick women playing with Kannon. Instead of barging in, he took a second to listen. He did not like what he was hearing. "Now, remember, you are a queen, and you have to be ready to take charge. You cannot let anyone tell you what to do, because they could not make you anyway. You are special, and you should always remember that. People need to listen to you!"

That was all for Jean-Claude. In the blink of an eye, he snatched both women up by their collars, and they both yelped at the surprise they received. Kannon saw that he was angry, and she looked ready to cry. However, he said in the calmest voice he could muster, and said, "Honey, you did nothing wrong, okay? You are a good, good, girl. Uncle just wants you to go to mommy right now, okay. Could you do that for me?"

She was confused, and still not sure if she had done something wrong or not, but she did as she was told. When she was out of sight, he said, "We're going to have a talk!"

He went to the drawing room wherein sat Richard's office, kicked the door open, and frightened both Richard and Bridgette. Richard was livid, shouting, "What is the meaning..." but halted his statement as he pushed two of his nieces to the floor, saying, "Go ahead, why don't you tell him what you've been trying to teach my niece. Tell him what kind of junk you've been trying to push on my children!"

Bridgette was angry at first, but then he saw who it was, and then she rolled her eyes. "What have you two been doing?"

She then began to apologize profusely for this, but Jean-Claude was not satisfied, and he looked at Richard, saying, "Everyone who is here, I want them in the main room right now! I have something to say."

"Son, you are standing on the edge of..." said Richard, but he could not finish his statement. Jean-Claude was already heading out of the drawing room, slamming the door hard enough to dislodge a couple of the books from the shelves. Richard wanted to become angry, but Bridgette said, "Uncle, don't-I think I know what has made him upset."

She then went on to explain, and Richard began to shake his head. "We had peace in this house for months with them, and this has to happen! All right, get everyone to the main room! We'll let him have his say. I just hope he can get his point across without trying to chop someone else in half."
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