Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Sucks [Might chenge.]


by E-JayLovesGerard 11 reviews

Frankie gets hurt again :(

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2009-06-03 - Updated: 2009-06-03 - 2144 words - Complete

I stayed on the couch, pressing the icepack harder against my stomach. It felt a lot better, considering how strong Shannon and his punches were.
The lightening had stopped, only a few flashes remained in the sky as the storm passed. I look out the window as I laid there. Someone had a torch and the beam of light passed over the window a few times.
I could feel myself falling asleep. It’d been a long day for me and I was dead tired even though it was only 9.30.

Caviar and cigarettes
Well versed in etiquette
Extraordinarily nice

She's a Killer Queen
Gunpowder, Gelatine
Dynamite with a laser beam
Guaranteed to blow your mind
’ Gerard sang loudly.
I opened my eyes, he was almost prancing around the living room. He had a beautiful voice. Sweet, husky yet totally sexual.

‘Gee?’ I giggled, still half asleep. He stopped singing and looked at me. He had no expression for a second but that changed to a huge smile.
‘What are you singing?’ I asked. I knew the song but it didn’t click.

‘Killer Queen.’ He smiled. I knew the song, mum played it a lot. I’d even watched it live and laughed. The singer was gay. It showed in the clothes he wore, how he danced around.

‘You are so gay.’ I laughed, falling off the couch which made me laugh harder. I clutched my stomach as I tried to stop.

‘You love it though.’ He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me to my feet. I staggered a bit from the laughing but I regained my balance quickly. I took the opportunity and kissed him. I didn’t stop when he protested or when he pushed us back on the couch. He laid me down, using his hands to keep his weight off me. His body was between my legs. I didn’t take notice of his crotch against mine, I was too busy trying not to scream. Gerard was too perfect.
I kept my hand on his hips, making his body press harder against mine as his tongue danced around my mouth.
I could have stayed there forever, just kissing him with as much passion as my body would allow.

‘Anyone home? Doors unlocked so I – Oh god!’ Gerard ripped his mouth away from mine, looking over to the doorway where Nic stood with her hands over her mouth. Gerard jumped off of me awkwardly. I knew he wanted to be anywhere other than there at that moment.
‘G-Gerard…’ She stuttered, taking in what had happened. I stayed on the couch, trying to melt into the soft cushions.

‘Nic, please don’t say anything. I know it looks badd but –‘

‘Looks badd? He’s fucking 15!’ She yelled, cutting Gerard off. ‘Are you some dirty pedophile or something?’ I could hear the pain in her voice. The way she spoke made me believe she wanted to think she’d been seeing things.

‘Last time I checked, 4 years difference doesn’t make me a pedophile! And I haven’t slept with him! I wait till I know them better, unlike you!’ Gerard yelled back. I shrunk back into the couch. I always hated when men yelled, it scared me.
Nic gasped, glaring at him.

‘I don’t sleep with everyone. You do! You’re a fucking WHORE!’ And that was it. I’d had enough.

‘Fucking stop it! I don’t want to fucking hear it!’ I screamed, jumping in-between them since they’d been getting closer and closer.

‘Do you want a whore for a boyfriend?’ Nic yelled at me. I was taken aback. I wasn't expecting her to start on me. I pushed that aside.

‘Fuck you! I couldn’t care less if Gerard was a whore or a fucking circus freak! He’s nice, caring and the only person I can fucking trust!’ I screamed in her face. I knew I had surprised her. She took a step back and looked away from me. I straightened up, feeling like an idiot. I had just yelled in a girls face. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to calm myself. When I opened my eyes, I only caught a glimpse of Nic before she drew her fist back and slammed it against my face.
I dropped to the ground. She had a hard hit for a girl. That and she was taller.
I could feel blood running down my face. I brought my hand up to my nose, wiping it away. I looked up at Nic. Her eyes were wide.
I jumped to my feet and ran. I just ran like I did when Jamia had yelled at me.
I ran past the park Gerard had sat with me at. I didn’t stop. He would come looking for me and I didn’t want him to see me as I was at that moment, weak.
I kept running till I got to a familiar spot. The local cemetery. I decided, even if Gerard did follow me, he wouldn’t be able to find me if I hid behind one of the headstones.
I chose one at the back. The grave was covered in pretty red roses with a few pink ones dotting in-between the reds. I read the inscription, happy I found one with a nice name:

Elena Lee Rush

Caring mother, grandmother and wife.

There was nothing more to it. No date of birth or death. I smiled and sat next to Elena.
It wasn't long till Gerard called me. My phone vibrated and started to play Dancing Dead. I didn’t answer it straight away, knowing who it was. I sung along with the first verse then answered it.

‘Please leave me alone for a while.’ I whispered, wiping the now dry blood on my collar.

‘Frankie, please come back. It’s not safe to be out alone.’ Gerard begged. I considered going back but then I’d have to face Nic. I couldn’t.

‘No. Everyone wants to hurt me so I may as well stay away. I’m sorry, Gee.’ I said, looking at the roses again. The colour contrast was beautiful in the morning sun.

Gay boy's looking at the flowers!

“Would you leave me alone? I’m on the phone to Gerard!”

He’s waiting for you to reply.

‘Frank? I can hear you breathing. If you want to ignore me, hang up first.’ Gerard pissed off voice finally made it to my ears.

‘Sorry, I’m not ignoring you. I was talking to myself.’ God did that sound badd… ‘And… I don’t really know my way back.’

‘Where are you?’ He asked. I sighed, ready to give away my position.


‘Very original Frankie. Watch out for the zombies.’ I shuffled away from Elena, glaring at the patch of dirt her body was under.

‘Shut up! I don’t want Elena eating my brains!’ I giggled, even though I was pissed off and scared.

‘Did you say Elena?’

‘Yeah, why?’ I was confused. Did Gerard know Elena?

‘Hold tight. I’ll be there in like… 5 minutes. Don’t move or I will seriously hurt you when I find you.’ He said seriously and hung up. I was shocked. I sat there for a moment, listening to the beeping.
I closed the phone and put it back in my pocket.

‘You have a very pretty name, Elena.’ I said to the headstone. I felt like an idiot but I needed to talk to someone and Elena was the only “person” around.
I rested my head on the edge of the stone. I figured Elena wouldn’t mind.
I heard footsteps getting closer to me. I kept my eyes closed.
I felt a hand on my cheek.

‘Frankie.’ Gerard whispered. I opened my eyes. He looked like he’d been crying. His eyes were red and there were a few steaks down his cheeks from tears. I’d hoped it wasn't from me leaving.
‘Thank you for taking care of him, grandma.’ He said, looking at the headstone.

‘G-Grandma?’ I asked. I looked him in the eye and he smiled and nodded. He took a rose from the grave and smelt it.
‘I’m sorry for making you come here.’ I whispered. I thought that was the reason he had cried.

‘Don’t be sorry. I’m glad you chose grandma over everyone else. I needed the visit her anyways.’ He smiled again and put the rose back. He sat down next to me, leaning his head on my shoulder. I didn’t mind so I rested my head on top of his, feeling wrong for using his grandmothers headstone as a head rest. After a while he stood up.
‘Bye grandma. I’ll visit soon. We miss you.’ He said, taking my hand. I let him lead me from the cemetery. Neither of us spoke. We got in his car and left.
All too soon the silence got to me.

‘Can you just yell at me and get it over with? Please?’ I begged. He tore is eyes away from the road for a second and looked at me. He looked surprised. He was quiet for a moment. I was trying to prepare myself for the pain that would rip through me from his angry words.

‘Why would I yell at you?’ He asked, taking another glance at me.

‘Because I ran out like a stupid little girl and I got you upset! And Nic will hate me! Oh god, kill me now!’ I near screamed.

‘Frankie, calm down.’ He whispered as we pulled up in the driveway. He turned to me. ‘You had every right to run out, you didn’t upset me and Nic was really worried about you.’ He clarified. I breathed a sigh of relief.

‘But… you cried.’ I whispered. The tear stains were move visible now the sun was directly on his beautiful face.

‘Tears of anger, babe. I got in another argument with E-Jay after you left. Everything sorted now, don’t worry.’ He leant over the console and kissed my lips gently.
‘You missed school.’ He whispered against my lips.

‘I’ll get over it.’ I whispered back.
‘Why’d you argue with E-Jay?’ I asked when he’d pulled away after another soft kiss. He didn’t answer straight away, we go out of the car first.

‘She’s protective of Nic, like I am for you.’ He smiled as we walked through the front door. The house was dead quiet. I guessed Mikey had gone to school and everyone else must have gone their separate ways.
We lay on the couch together, watching Just For Laughs again. Gerard lay behind me, hugging me tightly as we laughed. Jimmy Carr was back and he was still as hilarious as I remembered. One reason he was the funniest comedians was because he could make fun of himself.
‘Before I forget,’ Gerard began as the ads came on. ‘Nic wants to apologize to you so she’s taking everyone to the Karaoke pub. You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.’ He added.

‘Who can turn down karaoke?’ I giggled. ‘One thing though, it’s a bar. I can’t go.’

‘Yes you can. I know the owner and I can bring whoever I want. Don’t drink too much tonight, please.’ He looked me in the eye. By the look on his face, I knew he was worried. I didn’t plan on drinking. I couldn’t control myself when I was drunk.

‘I’m not drinking. It feels weird.’ He kissed me once and turned back to the TV as the ads ended.

You will drink.” The voice ordered.

“Will not.”

Will too. It’s a pub. Everyone drinks at pubs.

“Well, I’m going to be responsible and be a strange 15 year old.”


‘Talking to yourself again?’ Gerard asked. I wondered how everyone knew about my internal battles. It’s not like I said anything out loud.

‘Yeah. I’m weird, I know.’

‘It’s not weird. I used to do it…. Not that that helps anything.’ He laughed.

‘You are one strange man, Gerard Way.’ I said, turning my head to face him.

‘I know. But you love it.’
I pushed my lips against his slightly parted ones and tangled my tongue with his. It was only 12.30 so no-one was due around. I took my time kissing him, making it last. And I was glad I did.

I thought i;d spend like 12 hours on a long chapter.... well, its long for me. I get stuck easily and I usually need Nic to help. and the karaoke part will be fun to write.... whos up for some sex? :D Tell me what you think? xox E
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