Categories > Original > Horror > Fatal Fairy Tales

To Grandmother's House We Go

by lost_in_the_shuffle 0 reviews

To grandmother’s house we go. That’s how it began, a simple trip, a daytime outing. Just to bring grandmother some treats, a basket full of goodies she would love. A simple trip, that ended i...

Category: Horror - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-06-06 - Updated: 2009-06-06 - 712 words

To grandmother’s house we go.
That’s how it began, a simple trip, a daytime outing. Just to bring grandmother some treats, a basket full of goodies she would love.
A simple trip, that ended in terror.
“To grandmother’s house we go,” Sasha thought and sighed as she adjusted her cape. The red one that her grandmother had made her. She hated it, but because she was visiting her mother insisted she wore it.
Slowly she trudged down the road, carrying the basket and wishing father would’ve let her take the horse.
“To grandmother’s house we go,” she hated having to do this. She didn’t understand why she was the one who always got this job. Having to take the long walk, carrying a heavy basket wasn’t her idea of a good time.
Suddenly she was pulled out of her thoughts as she heard a rustling in the bushes. She stiffened and looked toward it, trying to see what was causing the noise.
She saw nothing, and relaxed as the rustling stopped.
She started forward again, walking faster so the trip would be over sooner.
Suddenly the rustling started again and she stopped looking toward the bushes.
“Hello?” She whispered, but there was no answer.
Slowly she set the basket down and picked up a stick, before stepping toward the bushes.
“Hello?” She whispered a little louder this time, but again, there was no answer.
She backed up and began to run toward her grandmother’s house, not even bothering to pick the basket up.
She screamed as something burst out of the bushes and began to chase her.
As she ran, she dared to look back and screamed again.
Something out of her nightmares was chasing her, not quite a man, but not quite a beast.
It slobbered and howled as it came closer and she began to run faster, praying she would reach safety.
Sobbing she ran, as the creature got closer and closer.
With a scream of terror she suddenly caught her foot on an exposed tree root and fell hard.
She struggled to get up, crying with fear as her ankle gave out and she fell to the ground.
She twisted around and stared in fear as the creature came closer, howling in triumph as it prepared to pounce.
Closing her eyes and waited for the attack, praying it would be quick.
The creature neared, close enough that she could smell its fetid breath, and she whimpered.
Suddenly there was the sound of a shot and the creature yelped before turning and running into the woods.
Sasha opened her eyes as a man with a gun came out of the woods.
He helped her up and looked at her in concern.
“Are you alright?” He asked and she nodded her head.
“Thank you,” she whispered, then tried to put the weight on her foot.
“Can you make it home?” He asked and she nodded again.
Slowly she made her way to her grandmother’s house, limping but determined to make it.
Finally she reached her house and opened the door, calling out her grandmother’s name.
She listened and heard a small whimper of pain coming from the bedroom.
“Grandma? Are you alright?” She called, before going into the room.
Her grandmother lay in bed, sweat beading her forehead, lines of pain on her face.
“Grandmother?” Sasha whispered.
“My dear,” her grandmother said, “come closer.”
Sasha neared the bed, staring down at her grandmother.
“I’m so glad you’re here my dear,” she whispered as she stared at Sasha.
“Grandmother,” Sasha said, “what big eyes you have.”
“Better to see you with my dear,” her grandmother whispered with a smile as she straightened in bed.
“Grandmother,” Sasha said, stepping back, “what big teeth you have.”
She gasped as her grandmother threw the covers back, revealing a bloody spot, right where the hunter had shot the creature.
“Better to eat you with my dear,” her grandmother snarled, before lunging at Sasha.
Screams filled the woods, suddenly, abruptly ending as the creature enjoyed its meal.
To grandmother’s house we go, bringing her a basket full of treats.
But grandma is hungry for something else.
She would love to have you, for dinner.
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