Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > The Girl On The Side Of The Road.

Are You Catching My Drift Yet?

by XXPoeticTragedyXX 0 reviews

She had it in her hands and she was wearing to tear it apart until there was nothing left. “Die!”

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-06-16 - Updated: 2009-06-16 - 4468 words

There was no use in even trying, William knew he wasn’t going to get any sleep tonight. He was much too caught up in reviewing every piece of memory he had of her. He was going over every single conversation they had had so far--mainly their first--in hopes of trying to figure her out. What if she had told him her name? What if he had just been stupid and he hadn’t heard or hadn’t been paying attention? I mean, it was plausible. People didn’t repeat their names every time they saw each other. What if she though he knew her name and that’s why she wasn’t bothering to remind him? Oh, well that was just dandy. OR. Maybe she was secretly watching him! Maybe she knew he was driving himself insane thinking about her and that was part of her evil scheme to do…something. With a small sigh, William sat up in his bunk. Now that was just stupid. Earlier he had actually had some good theories but now it was just getting stupid. Evil schemes? Right.

Who are you? He though to himself and absently flipped his phone open and closed a few times. This was way past him normal behavior but the only people who seemed to notice was anyone who wasn’t him. It was different but in so many ways it wasn’t. He couldn’t find the words in his throat whenever she was around but they were all, let me tell you. Like, he knew what he wanted to say, he just couldn’t get his mouth to form the words in the right order. Not until it was too late anyway. Which made him feel weird but this was him. He had a way with words. I’m not saying he’s cocky, but he was someone who had embrace their love of words, their comfort with talking to people and this mystery girl…she stripped all of that away and then there they were, standing in front of each other and he didn’t anything left that would help him but breathing. Perhaps that was why he wanted to talk to her. Maybe it was a need to make her into a normal person, like everyone else, in his mind.

He couldn’t see Sisky through the curtain that covered his bunk but he could hear him. “Hey, Bill?“

“Yeah?“ There was no point in opening the curtain, he knew

“you know we have an interview tomorrow. And a gig. Take a break, man.”

As much as Bill wanted to throw some kind of argument back at Sisky, there really was nothing he could say. And for once, he truly was so tired that if he closed his eyes and stopped wondering, he might fall asleep. “Night, Sisky,” he replied and fixed his pillow.



“Are you with us?” Someone boomed loudly and William jumped at a hand clapping his back. He turned to look at the guitar, Jeff, who was laughing at the unexpected look on William’s face. “Looks like sweetie pie didn’t sleep much last night.”

“You have no idea,” he muttered to himself and shuffled to the stage for sound check.


Deep in the large of angst teens pushing aginst each other, she found herself pushing back, trying to stay alive and enjoy the concert at the exact same time. That was no easy feat, you know. You can’t enjoy William Beckett’s voice is some just elbowed you in the ear and left you slightly deaf. You just can’t. She was all for mosh pits and shit but tonight was about seeing William. Not seeing-seeing, just like, watching? Basically, she was there to enjoy the show and where I’m getting at is that the big sweaty dude who was pressed into her right side was dripping on her--so not cool--and the tall, whorish looking girl to girl right was making out with a different guy then who she had been five minutes earlier. And she couldn’t see who was behind her, but someone was there too. Obviously.

It had been a while since her last concert and while the memory of being surrounded by a lot of people was pretty clear, the pain of being pushed like putty, she had forgotten. And now she was really starting to hate it because William was nearing her side of the pit and she felt like taking pictures.

The girl pushed away the big sweaty dude who probably didn’t even feel her and stood on her tip toes. Aiming the camera in William’s direction, she fixed her settings and prayed to God she either got some good pics or that at least her camera would not fall and break. Someone pushed into her and she growled. This was not going to be easy. ‘Stop moving, Bill!’ She muttered and snapped at picture. “Arggh!” She looked at the blurry picture and pouted before trying again. She was never going to get a good picture if he didn’t stop moving. And to her surprise, as if he’d heard her, he stopped right in front of her line of sight, only ten feet away and bent low to sing to the fans. Instantly, the dark stage was lit brightly with flashes and William grinned for his fans and he continued to sing Neighbors. She grinned in excitement and snapped away her own pictures, delighted they were coming out great and sang along. Her smiled widened as they entered the bridge of the song, Bill’s voice low and soft. He grinned out into the crowed, studying his fans and it was at that moment that he saw her.

Right there. She was right there in front of him. He continued to sing, his eyes on her and when the tempo picked up again, he moved away quickly, gears churning. There was no way in hell that all of these instances were coincidences. How did two people meet in the place so many times by accident? No, this he would not accept. Not. At. All.

His band mates closed the song with their last note and Beckett ran to the side of the stage, “Five minutes, guys? I have some business to take of.” He pointed at the crowd and winked mysterious before disspearing back stage and turning off the mike. “Guys? Secur--” Jack stepped in front of him. “Bill, you can’t stop the show for no reason---”

“--Can I get security?”

“Whoa, what’s the problem, Bill?”

William glanced around, one hand on his hip, the other wiping the sweat from his forehead. “I’m fine, Jack, I just needed to speak to one of the security guards, that’s all.”

Jack gave him one of those ‘okay?’ looks and stared at him. “There’s no problem but you need security?”


There was nothing he could do and Jack new better than to question William when he looked this serious so he pulled his shirt up, speaking into the tiny microphone clipped onto it and spoke. “This is Jack, can we get a security personal backstage real quick?”

They barely had to wait, someone walked up less than fifteen seconds later and William’s eyes widened to the tall, hefty security staring back at him. He was a little scary, I won’t lie.

“Alright, now what’s this about?” Jack started and William shook his head. “I just need to speak with him for a second, Jack.” And with those words, Jack retreated and William hesitantly took a closer to the guard. “Could you, uh, do me a small favor? There’s a girl, um…short, Hispanic, I think, at the front of the pit...just off the center, towards the left, purple in her hair. I’m gonna need you to take her into the backroom.”

“Is she causing a ruckus?”

“Well, uhm…kinda..I mean, no, but, look just do it, please?”

“We can’t just hold her for no reason.”

“There is a reason, I just can’t tell you what yet.”

“It doesn’t work that way.”

William bit hit lip and thought quick. “She has something of mine. Now please hold her so I can get it.”
With another word, he turned and sprinted back to the stage, sweeping the microphone out of Jack’s hands on the way back. He flicked it back on and emerged from the side of the stage to an uproar. “Sorry about that guys…I think had one too many monsters before the show…Haha. Anyway, we have a little problem…in fact, we have a mess! A big BIG MESS!” He threw his hands up in the air and the arena was filled with the opening notes of “We got a big big mess on our hands.” He could only hope, so instead of worrying about it and fucking up the show, he sang, only allowing himself to glance in her direction a few times. Ha. Yeah, like that would work. He caught himself just as he was walking back in her direction and it was during the second run through the chorus that his security guard buddy parted through the crowd and tapped her on the shoulder. He couldn’t hear what they were saying but she did not look happy. In fact, she looked downright confused.

“Excuse me?” she stepped away from the guard and ended up pressed against someone who just pushed her back. “What did I do?”

“Miss, you’re going to have to come with me.” He clamped a hand on her shoulder.

“--Wait, what did I do?” She repeated and shrugged out of his hold. She didn’t want some guard pulling her out of the show for nothing, hell, what if he wasn’t even a real security guard?

“Miss, please cooperate.” That’s all he would say. She wasn’t getting any answers from but gruff versions of ‘please cooperate’ or ‘I need you to come with me.”

“Oh, no. Uh-uh, I didn’t even do anything--stop, I didn’t do anything!”

He had a pretty hold of her arm by now and she had a feeling she wasn’t going anywhere in his death grip and not only pissed her off, but it scared her. As far as she could tell, she hadn’t done anything wrong so she didn’t understand why some rent a cop was pulling her through the crowd and literally dragging her, because jackass didn’t care enough to let her keep her balance. The only thing keeping her halfway up was the mass of teenagers around her. It didn’t matter what she yelled because no one understand her words as anything but cheering so she settled for tugging and pulling against officer brownie. After making no progess, she just went semi limp and let herself be dragged out of the arena into the main lobby where people stared at her in curiosity.

Guard-man casually continued to pull her and past another set of double doors of the lobby to security. The door read security and she had a feeling she was going to be locked up for whatever reason this bozo had snatched her up. If she was locked up then she missed the rest of the concert. And she had not saved up sixty bucks just to get thrown in concert jail for absolutely no reason. “What the hell, let me go!” she let out a growl and glared at her captivator, who in turn, yanked her arm and pushed her into the plain white room where they hold people. She went stumbling through the door and instantly turned back around. “No, no, wait! Hold on, wait, is this about my camer---”

The door shut in her face with a loud bang and her mouth dropped.


“FUCKING HELL!” She slammed her hands against the door and tried the doorknob just to try. Nothing. Of course. “This is bullshit!” she yelled through the door and gave it a good kick before turning on her hell to size up the room. The result of saving up tips from work and wanting to have a good time; see the guy she knew she’d never have a chance with and just take a break? This. She got to sit in a boring, plain ass, white room with a shitty blue couch on one side and foldable chairs lined up on the other. A brown table sat in the corner and the only thing good about it was there was a coffee pot and some Styrofoam cups to go with it. She wasn’t much in the mood for drinking coffee though, she was a bit pissed that she missing concert.

Was it better or worse that she could still faintly hear William singing?

She flopped herself on the blue fake leather couch and moaned dramatically. This just made her entire evening. “Fucking woo.” She stared up at the ceiling and starting counting ceiling tiles.

“One…twoooo….tha-reee…four…five…six...seeeveenn…eight….nine…fuck this…eleven…twelve…I should bust outta here…fourteen…stupid guard, doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing…She totally lost what number she was on then and sighed. This was gonna be fun.

The clock on the wall ticked mockingly and she stared at it. Either she would go insane by the end of the night of she would take it and jump on it but one of them was going to be in pieces when that door opened.


She moved so her feet were in the air and let her head hang off the edge of the couch. The goal here: to let all the blood rush to her head and kill her. Haha, yeah, she only lasted two minutes.


She sang along with Bilvy as loud as possible. “--serious? I don’t know what to think. Is it all a lie? Well one thing is for sure I'm taken back to the glory days When we were kids without a brash or bitter thing to say. Now my life is one big make it, or break it. Hold your head high heavy heart Save your strength for the morning after. So take a chance and make it big, Cause it’s the last you’ll ever get. If we don’t take it, when will we make it?”


And now, an original play performed for your enjoyment with a complete script and shadow puppets.


Presenting the one, the only! You’ve see her, you love her! She’s the daredevil of the century and now she’ll be leaping from the couch, over the coffee table and onto the foldable chair!


“Hiiiiiiya!” “Hooooah! Konichiwaaaa, bitch!” Does a flying side kick


“This blows! I didn’t do anything!”


The clock read 11:27.


“ARGGGH!” This was it. The final showdown. I told you that clock wasn’t going to last and now it had ticked until her last nerve couldn’t take it and the knew thing she knew, she was leaping off the clock and position the foldable chair against the wall so she could reach up and snatch the clock. And when she finally it in her fingers, she ‘accidently’ dropped it and smiled before hopping off the chair and landing on it. But this is her so you should know that when her feet landed on it, she ultimately slipped and her ass made friends with the floor.

And now that clock was going down.

She had it in her hands and she was wearing to tear it apart until there was nothing left. “Die!” she yelled loudly and slammed the clock into the floor with both hands which probably wasn’t a good idea because the doorknob turned then and she noticed the music was no longer playing. Oh, shit, what if they fined her for the clock? What if they kept her here all night for vandalization. The girl looked down to clock in her hands and stared in horror. Now they actually had something to pin on her.

“Uhm…what are you doing?” His voice broke her thoughts and she stared up at William who was pushing a key into his pocket and closing the door behind him quietly. A look of confusion played about his about his face; one eyebrow raised at the scene of his mystery girl on the floor, hair messy, a clock on both hands and a semi crazed look on her face. She blinked up at him and his confusion faded to amusement. As though he was trying reeeally hard to fight the urge to say something. Like he was super excited or whatever. Her face, however, it kind of froze and she stared up at him, absently clutching the clock to her chest. He’s here. He’s here. He’s here. He’s in here and he’s staring at me. Don’t say anything stupid, I swea--oh, damn he looks good. He’s covered in sweat. Damn that’s sexy. Wo-- “Hi,” she squeaked out and to this, he broke out into a grin. The most wonderful of grins. It made it hard not to smile back but the oddity of the situation did it for her.

The brightness in his eyes softened just a little bit as he stepped out of the direct beam of light and took anther step toward her; cautios but slightly eager. “..Y-y--” He inhaled a mouthful of air and licked his lips before he glancing up at her. “You’re haunting my dreams,” he mumbled so low it came out as a series of incomprehensible sounds.

What? She blinked a couple of time trying to make sense of what she had and let the clock have some space between her and her chest; it was starting to hurt. “What?” her eyebrows crinkled and she stood up rather clumsily, setting the clock on the floor. There was no real way to get out of that one unless he changed the subject fast enough. “Nothing,” He quipped and stopped in front of her. "Did it steal your money?" His hands went on his hips and she could only assume he was making fun of her and the clock and this made her cheeks fade into a light shade of pink.

“...Uhm…Heh…No.“ She patted the clock like it was a puppy and pushed it to the side.

The two stared at each other for a small moment, perhaps lost for words or maybe they were just trying to remember something about this moment. Both stared hard, momentarily dissociated from the fact that they were still total strangers and they would have stayed that way if he had hadn’t coughed a small cough and brought his hands up to scratch the back of his head. “Sorry about the excessive force to keep you here but, uh, every time we meet you seem to run away from me…”

It was at this moment that her jaw dropped and she couldn’t help the small stream of anger flooding through her. What kind of person had you hauled out of the arena, in front of everyone, and got you locked in a tiny room just so you wouldn’t leave? When they didn’t even know you! Her natural instinct was to glare.

“This was YOUR fault? Ticket's aren't cheap, you know?” Her own hands copied his earlier and went on her hips and immediately after she felt bad because who could yell at William Beckett for locking you in a room so you wouldn’t leave?

The boy opened and closed his mouth a few times in a loss for words, his lips curving into that smile that kind of leaves you breathless when you catch it; his eyes sparkled a little brighter as he searched for his words. “Sorry? I couldn't help it!” He grin broke wider. “I was afraid I'd turn around and you'd be gone.”

Now, she is not a completely dense person but in all honestly, she totally did not catch on at that moment. “Why? Hey, look, I'm sorry about your shirt, okay? I left you money to get it cleaned...Was…it more?“

She should have know. His shirt was probably from some designer brand or whatever. It probably cost a fortune to get it cleaned. She dug her hand in her pocket for more money and nearly died when he stepped forward to put a hand on hers, his head shaking, his face red and embarrassed. “No! I don't need your money!” The words weren’t mean in a I’m-better-than-you-way, they were more of a you-shouldn’t-have-to-give-me-money. It should have been a causal moment except his hand was on hers and that made it a little hard to breathe. She didn’t stop because she was no longer getting out money, she stopped because his hand was there. (And we all know she wanted to keep it there.)

“Okay...What can I do for you then?” She smiled shyly and look down at her their hands where he clearly got the message and moved his hand a little too fast. “Sorry,” he coughed and straightened up. She gazed up at him, quite calmly but yes, she was excited on the inside as she waited. This had to be good. Why in the world would William Beckett keep her locked up in a room? She was waiting on something really embarrassing or really obvious but she hadn’t been expecting his words.

“Tell me your name?"

“My name?” She repeated confused.

“Yes, your name,” The boy gave a small laugh. “I don't know your name. And its been driving me crazy.”

How exactly did one respond to that? The only thing she could do was grin because honestly, it was funny. This whole time he’d been trying to meet her just so he could know her name? That was so silly. “My name? I thought you knew my name already..”

“I swear, I don’t!” He shot her an infectious grin and she caught it.

“Well, I'm sorry for driving you crazy?” The blush in her cheeks went darker. “Troi.”


“My name is Troian.” she spoke the words so softly they were almost a whisper. “But most people just call me Troi.”

A breath of air escaped his lungs. “I did not…” He mumbled, his words soft as his eyes traveled over her face and finally locked with hers. “Troi…” he tried it out and smiled. “You have a really nice name.”

He was really pushing it with the whole nice thing. If he was any nicer, she was going to turn so red she looked like she‘d been dipped in paint and she had a feeling she didn‘t need to look any stupid; she had already tried to kill a clock. “Thanks. Uh…so…Good job...tonight. It was a good show...the part that I saw...anyway.”

He was going to have to give her tickets or something. She was right, they weren’t cheap. And he felt it was the least he could do for keeping her in this room all night. “Thanks…So...what now?”

What now? What did he mean what now? Her eyebrows furrowed and she stared at him because she didn’t understand. “What now?” She repeated back.

"Yes, what now? Would you like to get some coffee with me or something?"

She literally fought the urge to turn and look behind her, I kid you not. “Like…go…to” Oh, yes, Troi, brilliant answer. That could not have come out any better.

“Uh…haha…that's the plan...unless you want to go with someone else, I mean…” If she said no, he was going to feel like a complete dumbass for doing all of this. And by his standards, he made enough of a fool of himself for her lately. A simple outing and some conversation was what he wanted. Please don’t say no. Please don’t say no. Okay, if she says no, just smile, say thanks and give her free tickets or something. It’s not a big deal. Shit, I shouldn’t have done this. Who the hell locks a girl he wants to meet in a room? You moron. He was ready to just be rejected and turn around and normally, William wasn’t the guy to let things like that get to him at all but this, her, right now, he had a feeling he wasn’t going to get it off his mind if she said no.

“No, no, I want to!” Okay, so that was possibly too eager. She cleared her throat and looked down. “I mean--I'd like that…” She bit her lip, “ but I don't have a ride home…”

He let out a breath and fought the cheesy grin on her face. “I'm sure I can get you there.”

“Well, I don't want you have to go out of your way--“

“--Don't be ridiculous,” He put a hand on her shoulder. “Come on.”

Ha! Like she was going to think about it twice. “Okay,” Troi beamed up at him, “Oh, wait..” She sprinted back to the couch she‘d been leaping off earlier and grabbed her camera.
He stopped to look back and wait and she caught up with him a few seconds later.

“I kept thinking the reason I was in here was because of this thing,” she told him as they made their way down the hall. When she told him this he burst into laughter and took her camera. “Oh, really?” Wrapping an arm around her, he pulled her close; his cheek pressed against hers. “Well, you can take pictures, so I think we should take advantage of that.” He finger pressed against the shutter button and they grinned.

A/N: Sorry, this had taken so long. I really don't have an excuse. xD I wrote this over three months ago. Forgive me?
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