Categories > Original > Drama > Rain Child

I’m A Bunch Of Flowers That Need To Be Arranged

by westie 0 reviews

"You used to hate her, but you had to be around her cause she wouldn’t leave you alone. But now you like everything she does..."

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2009-06-27 - Updated: 2009-10-09 - 1627 words

Chapter 10
I’m A Bunch Of Flowers That Need To Be Arranged
Seth’s POV

Two days later was Sunday. I decided to call Lily.
A deep voice picked up on the third ring. “Bur-trahnd residaahns, may I ahsk ‘oo’s call-eeng?”
My mind went blank. I hadn’t expected to talk to anyone from her family. I looked stupidly at the phone.
“Alo?” the voice inquired quizzically.
“Umm! Yes, well, this is Seth,” I stammered. “Can I speak to Lily?”
The voice seemed delighted. “Of course, ‘oo may e-speck to Lily! Ah, one moh-mentt plees.” I heard the voice calling Lily’s name. “’ere she ees.”
I smiled. “Uh, Lily…do you wanna go get breakfast?”
“Uh, sure! Let me just get ready.” She said goodbye.
“Where are you going? Who was that?” Elli asked me suspiciously as I closed and locked the door to my room. “Don’t tell me you’re going to hang out with her. You can’t be serious.”
“Elli, you know what? You sound just like mom,” I replied, a touch of annoyance in my voice. She turned bright red and glared at me. With a huff, she turned on her heel and slammed her door. I heard a click, and I knew she wouldn’t say anything to me for the next couple of days. I felt a pang of guilt, but brushed it off as I went down the stairs.
It was her own damn fault for being so fucking anal.

I pulled up to Lily’s house, got out of the car, and went through the gate. Or, at least, I hoped it was her house. I hadn’t really been able to see it last night. It was huge, with a rod iron fence surrounding the yard and a big, beautiful white porch in the front. The landscaping was beautiful. Winding paths among bushes and delicate flowers, hummingbirds darting to and fro, and he could clearly hear the gurgling of a waterfall somewhere.
I heard the front door open, and there stood Lily in a white billowy sundress, barefoot as usual. She ran up to me, admiring the flowers.
“They’re beautiful flowers,” I told her. “Do you have a gardener who does this?”
She smiled one of her trademark smiles. “No,” she said happily. “I’m the one who planted all the flowers. The bushes were done by a professional landscaper.”
I looked at her in awe. “These flowers are gorgeous, Lily,” I said.
She giggled. “Thank you. Would you like to come in?”
I blushed. “Uh, yeah, I guess so.”
She took my hand and led me to the door.
We went through the foyer, going through a door. It led to a kitchen, and a very modern looking one at that. There was a man making something in a frying pan, and a woman in a billowy white dress much like Lily's was sitting in a white wicker rocking chair reading a book. They looked up as we entered.
The woman smiled and stood, placing her book on the chair. I could clearly see the flower sticking out acting as a bookmark. She walked towards us. "Lily, les fleurs in the spotty pink vase are drooping." She had a French accent. "Thought you might want to pick some more later. By the way," she turned to me. "Ma fille, who is your friend?"
Lily beamed. "Maman, this is Seth. The boy I told you about?"
"Hi," I said, smiling slightly.
"Bonjour, mon cher garçon!" the man interjected happily.
"That means, hello, my dear boy," Lily whispered to Seth.
"Bon matin, Seth. Bienvenue sur notre page d'accueil," the woman said. "Welcome to our home."
The man tipped the omelet onto a plate and placed it on the counter.
"Seth, this is ma mere, Guinevere, and that's mon père, Richard." She pointed at her parents and they smiled. Richard put the pan on the stove and walked over to us, wiping his hands on his apron.
"So, Seth, what brings you here?" he asked.
"Oh, uh, Lily and I were going to go out for breakfast," I said, suddenly remembering why I was there.
Richard laughed a big hearty laugh. "You look so nervous, boy!" He clapped me on the shoulder in a fatherly way and smiled kindly. "Why don't you two eat here instead, oui? I make delicious omelets. How about it?"
Lily clapped her hands together and squeaked. "Oh, daddy, would you? Your cooking is tres magnifique!"
I smiled uncertainly. "Uh, sure. That sounds cool," I said.
"Ma fille, why don't you and votre ami go out on the veranda? Your father and I will join you in a moment," her mother replied with another kind smile.
"Bien sûr, maman, c'est une idée merveilleuse!" Lily exclaimed. She reached up and kissed her mother on the cheek.
"Être bon, ma fille!" Guinevere called after us as Lily ran out the sliding door, me walking slowly behind her.
I laughed as Lily motioned for me to come outside. "What were you saying to her?"
Lily made a waving gesture with her hand as we sat at the patio table. "Oh, nothing important."
"Is English your second language?" I asked curiously.
She laughed, a sound like the tinkling of small bells. "No. I was born here, and by that time my parents had learned English really well." She reached out and straightened the flowers in the vase at the center of the table. "Do you like all the flowers in my house? I think they're lovely. They remind me of the sunshine." She looked dreamily at the flowers. "I love the sun. It gives life to everything in nature." She sighed a happy little sigh.
At that moment, the sliding door slid open. Out came Lily's parents, who joined us at the table.
"De quoi deux avez-vous été parler (What have you two been talking about)?" Richard laughed.
"Papa," Lily warned with a smile. "Vous devrez parler anglais. Seth ne peut pas vous comprendre (You will have to speak English. Seth cannot understand you)."
"Cette provenant de la fille parlant français elle-même (This coming from the girl speaking French herself)," Guinevere said. They laughed.
I was completely lost. I laughed nervously. “I don’t get it,” I said.
“Lily has told you about Nikita, no?” Guinevere asked, turning to me.
“Uh, no,” I responded uncertainly. I looked questioningly at Lily.
Lily gasped and clapped her hands together. “Maman, vous êtes brillant! J'ai presque oublié!” she said excitedly.
“What?” I asked. “Hey, wait!” I laughed as Lily grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the patio stairs. The stairs led down into the labyrinthine garden, and I quickly lost sight of Richard and Guinevere through the tall hedges, trees, and bushes. Lily rushed us past turns, ponds, and large white sculptures, all the while looking for...what? I didn't know. Lily was on a mission, and I didn’t think I could stop her from finding her pet even if I tried. Kari.
She suddenly stopped when we reached a large pond, causing me to run into her. I apologized when she gave me a funny look, but I followed her as she walked around the pond. “Nikita!” she called. “Nikita- oh, there he is!” She beamed and sprinted to the far side of the pond, with me close behind.
She darted behind a tree. I couldn’t see her, but I could hear what she was saying.
“Nikita, there you are! You silly boy. Come here. I have a friend I want you to meet.” She emerged from behind the tree carrying something in her arms. “Seth, meet Nikita. He’s a peacock.” She giggled.

“She what?!?!” Elli laughed.
“Lily has a pet peacock.” How silly is that?” I laughed along with my sister.
“And she spoke French almost the entire time? Silly? This girl is fucking twisted.” Elli shook her head.
I was silent. I had found that Lily was actually quite a nice person, and I…well, I liked her. As in, liked her liked her. I mean, I had kissed her, right?
Plus, her peacock was pretty cool.
“Seth, I have no idea why in the hell you would want to go over there. She is obviously crazy.” Elli twirled her finger next to her ear. “I bet she proposes to you tomorrow, or something even weirder.” She looked out the window and laughed.
“I like hanging out with her.”
Elli turned her head slowly, staring at me. She gave me one of our are-you-freaking-kidding-me? looks.
“Did I just hear you correctly? I thought you said you liked hanging with her.”
“I did. And, actually, we’re going out.” My face had turned red. I didn’t see what Elli’s deal was. And if she didn’t like it, well… that was too bad for her.
I fell backwards off the bed. I looked up at Elli, a shocked look on my face. She retracted her fist, seething.
I touched my face. “You hit me,” I said dumbly.
“Damn right I did,” she growled. “Ever since you started hanging out with that- that freak, you’ve been different. You’re not the same anymore. You’re not like my brother. You’re her friend.” She spat the word like it was something dirty. “You used to hate her, but you had to be around her cause she wouldn’t leave you alone. And now you like everything she does. And until you realize how- how much I fucking hate you now, I’m not going to live with you. So get out.”
She got up and walked to her own room, slamming the door.
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