Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Black Beauty

Weird Doesn't Even Cover It

by TheOnlyOneSane 0 reviews

Gerard begins to think Rose doesn't know how much he loves her, he decides to show her.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-06-30 - Updated: 2009-06-30 - 979 words

It was about noon when Gerard said that he needed to leave for awhile. The guys still were sleeping but Gee needed to go to an interview by himself.

“Love, it’s only a few hours, I'd cancel but it’s for Fuse and the band really needs this.”

“I understand completely, but if you’re leaving I’m not staying.”

Gee was still in pain but I helped bandage him so it he wouldn’t hurt himself every time he got touched.

“But Rose, please stay, Ray will make sure no one touches you.”

“How long will you be gone?”

“About three hours, do whatever you want here, just stay.”

I nodded them he kissed me on the forehead and left but then I ran straight for the refrigerator for a lemon but they were still out. I sighed and closed it. Sucking on a lemon was the only thing that calmed me down. The sourness in it just did that to me.

“If you’re looking for the lemons Frank stashed them all in his room.” I heard Mikey say.

I spun around, he was standing right behind me, and he backed up a little.

“Why would he do that?”

“For the same reason you would.” Mikey shrugged.

Mikey lead me to Frank’s bedroom and to where his underwear were. Millions of lemons were there, weird of him to do that. But that was just Frank; he was a weirdo, like me. I took one and ripped it open and began to suck on the first half. Mikey looked like he was about to laugh, but I didn’t care. I offered him the other half.

“No thanks, I’m not touching what’s been next to Frank’s underwear.” He laughed.

I shrugged and saved the other half for later.

“Come on, the other guys want to introduce themselves.”

He took me by the hand, I put the lemon in my pocket and he took me to the main part of the bus. All the guys were there. Ray and Bob were playing Guitar Hero, and failing, and Frank was trying to block their view from the screen.

They abruptly stopped playing around and came to stand around me.

“I’m Frank Iero, at your service.” Frank said proudly.

“Bob Bryar.” Bob said and hugged me.

I was a little surprised.

“Bob’s a hugger.” Frank said.

“Raymond Toro.” Ray said and shakes my hand normally. Frank rolled his eyes.

“Mikey Way.” Mikey finishes and kisses my hand.

“You’re such a goodie two shoes Mikey, idiot.” Frank said.”And we call him Milky Way.”

Mikey flushed.”I’m not the one who hides lemons in his underwear place!”

“Well I don’t have toe nail problems!”

“Guys!” Ray said. “We have a guest.”

It had only been an hour, two more to go.


I stayed in Gee’s room most of the time, the guys occasionally came in and we talked. But it didn’t feel right without Gerard. Finally he was back, I didn’t hear him but Ray did start to talk to him.

“Yeah, Frank raped her; she’s in your bedroom right now.”

Unsurprisingly Gee burst in, anger and fury on his face.

“Rose are you alright?!”

Ray started to laugh. Gerard looked relieved. He came to sit on the bed next to me.

“How was it?” He asked.


“You’ll get used to them.”

Gee grabbed me and laid down on the bed with me in his arms.

“How was the interview?”


I laughed.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he groaned a little. I let go.

“I have to be careful with you...”

“No you don’t, you can do whatever you want with me. Ignore the yells of pain, I can take it.”

“I don’t like hurting you Gee.”

“I don’t care if you hurt me.”

“I don’t really want to talk about this.”

“Then don’t talk, just promise me you won’t hold back if I’m in pain.”

I said nothing, I wasn’t going to make that promise. He sighed. Gee took my hand and slid it down to know.

“Go ahead, squeeze, and cause me the pain.”

“No! I’m not going to do that! Why would you want me to?”

“Because I want to show you that all the pain in the world won’t make me stay away from you. Just squeeze! As hard as you can and as long as you want to!”

“You’re insane!”

“Insane about you. Do it!”

I did as I was told. I couldn’t believe I did it and actually hurt him. He clenched onto the sheets as if holding on would stop the pain. The lower part of his body shot up a bit in shock. He was looking down at me, grimacing in pain. Then he looked up at the ceiling and yelled. His jeans and underwear started to slide down a bit, then I let go, but he took my hand and slid it down his underwear and that’s when I felt it,he tuged at my fishnets a little, I felt that I was on the road of losing my virginity, he made me squeeze. His yell became louder.

“No! Stop it Gerard!”

Gee let go of my hand and I shot it back out of his jeans. I was shocked. He didn’t say anything; he just stared at the ceiling. The guys were banging on his door.

“I shouldn’t have done that, I’m such an idiot.”

There was a waterfall of tears running down his cheeks.

“No you’re not an idiot, Rose, I love you so much, if you were someone else, I would have probably killed you. I love you my Black Beauty.”
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