Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Reprise of an Untitled Story

The Reprise of an Untitled Story

by SaveTheDay 3 reviews

The next chapter in the story of Gerard and Egan.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2009-07-10 - Updated: 2009-07-11 - 259 words

Story Notes: I ended "As Of Yet, Untitled" earlier this afternoon. The entire time, I was convinced Gerard and Egan were not done, but their story at that point could go no farther. But now, this is a new day, literally, set after Egan left Gerard's house. And there are innumerable places to go from here. I'm excited :]


The young woman wasn’t paying attention to the toddler, instead concentrating on picking coins out of her wallet to pay the cashier at the Starbucks counter. Today was the day she would make perfect change. She only emerged from her counting reverie when a loud CLANG met her ears.

“Rae,” she snapped, instantly sure it was the toddlers fault, “Come away from there.” When the little girl didn’t respond immediately, she glanced up. There, next to an overturned newspaper rack and a sloping hill of New York Times’, was her toddler. And next to her toddler was someone whom she’d never forgotten. For a moment, she wasn’t even really sure she was seeing him at all.

He stared for a moment, wondering if this was who he wanted it to be. He’d heard somewhere that everyone in the world had a ‘twin’, someone who looked so much like them that they could be mistaken for doubles of each other. Maybe this was just her look-alike. Maybe she really had a twin. Maybe she’d been cloned. Maybe she was a mirage. Then she said his name.


It was her.

Author's Note: Away we go.
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