Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Parents Suck...But Grandparents Don't!

Grandparents OWN!

by lostmyfearoffalling 13 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2009-07-20 - Updated: 2009-07-20 - 235 words

Ok, so me and my amazing grandma were talking, while I had a drawing of Frank in my lap, I might add. Anyway, we were talking about music, and as always MCR came up. So she says, "Why don't you show me some of it. I'd like to know what my granddaughter is listening to. So I pulled out my ipod and showed her Cancer. She recognized it because I play it on piano all the time. And she says, "It's a beautiful song." Teary eyed- I kid you not. And she says, "why didn't your father put that on my ipod?" (we helped her use an ipod for the first time the previous night. I was so happy. After that, I showed her Disenchanted, I Don't Love You, and lastly, the video for Helena. She loved all of it, and she actually let me explain to her what MCR are all about. It was amazing to me! My own mother won't listen to a word I say about them, not even trying to understand, and my grandmother understood everything! She requested that all the songs I showed to her be added to her ipod XD. I don't just makes me happy. She gets it. And she actually allowed me to explain to her and tell her all about it. It's incredible.

The striking irony; She happens to be my mother's mother. Haha.
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