Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cyanide

Swings and Dreams

by xxXVampzXxx 1 review

Something stupid i wrot when i was bored

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] - Published: 2009-08-11 - Updated: 2009-08-12 - 405 words

The room is white, the walls are bare. this is my new room, With a wood floor and three
windows, I cant wait till tommrow when I can make it fit my style.
"Sarah get your ass down here! NOW!"
stupid mother-fucker.
"what dad"
"go get all of your stuff from the truck, leave the furnature. We'll get that when the house is
painted. Put your stuff in the spare bedroom."
"whatever" ass head.
I go out side to dad's 18 wheller on the from lawn. Jump onto the rail and open the door I
scour the truck of my boxes. Finding them near the back all marked "sarah's freaky stuff"
Jarred, no doubt in my mind on that one. I pick up one box and place it at the end of the
truck and go back for another, when the edge of the tuck is full I jump down and begin
bringing them inside. I walk upstairs and place them in the the spare room. When all my stuff is inside, I grab my backpack, and go to explore.
Behind the back fence there are woods, I walk out the gate and into the woods. I walk along
the fence, a bout 100 ft into the trees are two swings, made from rope rapped round one of
the oak branches, with wide wooden seats. I sit on one swing singing along with my ipod, I
reach into my backpack and take out my sketchpad and start to draw.

I hum along with Tainted love when it starts to get dark. I should go home. Even though im happy right now in this peaceful place. I go home get my blankets and pillows put on my pajamas and try to sleep on the floor in my room.

I finally close my eves and get to sleep he invades my dreams, his eyes full of delight, that
cheshire cat grin across his face. I jump awake i was tangled in my covers, and tears
were running down my cheeks. I go to the bathroom, I look into the mirror my eyes are
bloodshot my hair is a mess and my glasses are lost. I spash water on my face
brush my hair cause it's bugging me but I still can't calm down. his face invads my
thoughts. I need a smoke and some air to calm down. I go to my bag and get my smokes and lighter.
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