Categories > Original > Drama > How to Ruin your Life in a Year

The Clans Rise and Demise

by MissMiseryMurder 2 reviews

In this chapter we get the background info on the gang, how we came to be and so forth.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Humor - Published: 2009-08-18 - Updated: 2009-08-19 - 544 words

Melissa wasn’t always so horrible. I’m sure she was a great person and a happy kid. But I never got to see that side of her; I arrived just a little too late. I guess when you are the fourth child of six you begin to become desperate for attention. First time I met Mel was in December of 2006 we were in seventh grade. We were both at our friend Justine’s birthday party. I had just recently met Justine myself so I was a little apprehensive about this sleepover, but I warmed up to everyone just fine. We gathered in Justine’s basement around midnight to watch movies. First was stick it, next was supposed to be the scary movie, when a stranger calls. Mel was getting a little nervous during the movie so I let her borrow my new DS to play with. We bonded over my nintendogs. That’s also where I met Claire, back then we weren’t to close but now we are best friends, doing the craziest shit we can think of.
It wasn’t too long after that party that I realized the stupid drama that some of these girls liked to get into. Claire became good friends with Justine, Melissa I guess being jealous started to get angry at Claire for “stealing” her best friend (Justine and Melissa were friends for a very long time before I had even heard of either of them.) This caused lots of talk behind each others backs. I was never one to really participate in making up rumors about other people but this clan seemed to really enjoy it. When those rumors began I think is when most of us learned how to play our poker faces.
None of us had a real grasp on boys, even I who managed to snag one in January couldn’t really figure out what was going on inside their heads. I don’t really know what I did too upset Mel but I did and it didn’t become apparent in eighth grade a little while after Meredith, Lyssa, and Alicia joined this hectic group of ours.
After a tragic break up with my boyfriend of eleven months I became the whore of the group, high schoolers were my favorite. I started dating Cody. Probably the best boyfriend out there but me being the idiot I am ruined it because I was still crushed over my recent breakup. I cheated on him with Claire’s ex Jeff. He doesn’t have much a role in this story so don’t worry bout remembering him to much. After I let go of the heart broken Cody he soon went to Claire. I really didn’t care but I think the casual way I threw away boys ticked off Mel a bit because even though I was the whore of the group she made it sound like I was getting monthly abortions or something. After school ended that year I wasn’t on such good terms with Melissa. We drifted and I’m guessing her hate for me grew a bit as the temperature rose that summer. Forward messages were becoming a hit thing that year and she used that to her advantage.
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