Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Personal Oxygen

I Think I'm Paranoid

by SafeBehindMusic 4 reviews

Welcome to the seventh circle of hell. Or Senior Year. Hello Alex.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Published: 2009-08-25 - Updated: 2009-08-25 - 1635 words

I'd like to thank, Monkeymayhem, DreamQueen, AaahhRealMonsters and Tryingtoohard for their reviews and their rates. It meand the world. Here is chapter one a day early. You earned it. NOw off to get chapter 2 finished.

I told you that life for me was not easy. In this case it was about to get a hell of a lot more complicated.

You see ever since my dad moved us back to the states things had not been easy. Dads business expanded and so naturally we had to move to Canada to oversee the expansion.

Things that were readily available for us over there were only available to the super rich here in the states, lets face it Canadians have better health care. Having money was not the problem. But for someone who already stuck out like a sore thumb, showing off this fact just made things worse.

My dad tried sending me to the special schools. You know schools for the "gifted". Those didn’t work. Then he tried getting me a private tutor. NOT! And then there was Sebastian. Sebastian was my first crush in the only normal school I was allowed to go to before I got Joseph. Lets just say that didn’t work out well.

So basically once things were settled in Canada, we moved back to Maryland where Jones enterprises was located. I started a summer program that would let me catch up. Too bad it was a, yeah you guessed it, a special program for gifted and special needs individuals.

How lame.

Do you know what's even worse? Being blind it gets really easy to become bitter. You notice how so many people take there sight for granted.

You also notice that because people realize that I cant see them, they tend to act like five year olds.

What they don’t realize is that though I might not be able to see them, I could feel them. That and the fact that I am not 100% blind. I have selective vision. I see shapes, some color but mostly everything is a blur. Imagine having horrible vision and then breaking your glasses of being without your contacts. You can sorta see but not really. That’s me 24/7.

I also have a pretty good sense of perception. I can tell, well feel is more like it, when someone was staring at me. I could even tell when they where staring at my chest and the fun part was, I loved telling them and hearing how embarrassed most of them get.

And then you get the assholes who really don’t care one way or another. But lets save that
story for another day shall we. Today I have more important things to worry about. My 13th school in 10 years. The irony.

My dad heard about this public school here in Maryland. I was not happy until Joseph did some research and told me the school had a above par music program. Being blind music was the one thing that I excelled at. I mean all I can do is hear. So I applied for the program but neglected to inform them of my special situation. Do I need to say how that turned out.

Sometime in the past.

"Wait are you telling me that you are currently blind?"

"Um yes. At the moment, yesterday, will be tomorrow. I don’t see how that makes a difference."

"But I."

"Are you telling me that my situation prevents me from joining this program and in turn your school."

"That, young lady is not what I am saying. What I am trying to convey to you is the seriousness of this situation."

"I don’t understand so enlighten me."

"This school is not meant to cater to children with your special needs."

"And why not?"

"We simply do not have the technology or the funds to make sure that you have the required
materials needed to excel. Our teachers are not trained for that and I don’t think that you
realize how large this school actually is. There is just no way that we could be able to get
this school ready in time for the next semester. I'm sorry but we can not admit you into the school."


It is almost easy to say that that moment was not the last time that they heard from me. The second time my father went with me and a few zero's on a check, and a new wing for the library later and I was in.

That brings me right up to this present moment. The most dreaded moment that happens when I go into the main office of any school with Joseph and things don’t go as planned.

"Can I help you?" A female voice asked me. Joseph never asked question unless they were directed to him. Naturally I had to answer.

"Umm. I'm Celeste Jones. The new student" I said while sticking out my hand hoping the person would notice. Well that and that I had stuck it out in the right direction.

"Oh. They told me a new student was starting today I didn’t realize that you would be.."

"Blind. Yeah I get that all the time."

"Actually I was going to say a girl. The admission paper said Joseph Stillwell. Oh well. Welcome to Cockeysville High School. My name is Sharon, the school secretary."

"Uh. Thanks. Nice to meet you." I said not sounding all to thrilled

"You don’t sound too excited." Sharon said.

In all actuality I was not paying much attention to her. I could hear Joseph arguing with someone. I didn’t know who with but it did not sound pleasant.

"What do you mean for insurance purposes I'm not allowed around the school with her."

"Sir. This is not possible."

"Consider me a bloody guide dog. I'm not letting her out of my sight."

"Then she has to go home. The school has arranged for a group of students to be her guides around the school."

"You are making this girl into a charity case and I am not appreciating this."

"You may feel this way but I am afraid that this is the way it is. Either that or you can take her

I could feel someone tapping on my shoulder, from the angle I thought it was Sharon as soon as they spoke however I knew it wasn’t.

"Sharon had some stuff to take care of. I'm one of the people that has been assigned to you. Its my job to make sure that you get from class to class without incident. There are two other people that will help."

"That’s what Joseph is for."

"Apparently your dad didn’t get the memo. That Joseph character is not allowed on school property."

"He's not a character." I said annoyed.
"Ok look lets try this again. My name is Alex Gaskarth and I am your guide around this
marvelous establishment."

"Look I don’t need to be someone's charity case."

"You are not my charity case. I want to do this. And not because you are hot." He said.

I couldn’t help but laugh at that one. I could here the smirk in his voice. This guy was being pretty smooth. Besides it would only be for a day. How bad could things really get. Dad would fix this first thing in the morning. That and it sounded like Joseph was about to have a major coronary attack.

"Jospeh." That was a good thing. I only had to whisper and he would hear me.

"You alright?"

"Its only for one day. I will be fine. And if I'm not then it gives daddy more to argue about.

Besides your kinda starting to make a scene. I can feel people staring. They are going to stare enough today. Lets not give them more of a reason."

"I don’t think is a good idea. This kid looks a bit shifty. Lets just go home and take care of this tomorrow. "

"No. I don’t want to miss the first day of school. Besides he cant be that bad. Well its not like I can tell. I will be alright. I have you on speed dial and if anything happens then I will call you and presto chango, you will appear. Let me be for one day. Let me try."

"Fine." With that he gave me a hug. Placed what I knew was pepper spray into my bag and then turned to the man he was speaking to earlier. "This isn't over."

I could hear the man walking my way.

"Ms. Jones. My name is Principle Weiner. Please allow Mr. Gaskgarth here to walk you to your class. Any problems. Let me or Sharon know. I have a meeting to get to but I am sure that nothing will go wrong today. Am I right Mr. Garkgarth?"

"Yes sir." I could here a foot stomp and knew that Alex must be saluting the principle.

"Get going. Wise guy."

"Welcome to senior year Celeste of as I'd like to call it the Seventh Circle of Hell" Alex said laughing like a mad man. Before becoming serious. Odd Boy.

I felt his hand close around my elbow and we were off. For some reason I felt like I was headed for disaster. But maybe I was just being paranoid.

There you have it chapter one of this experiment. There will be tons of the boys in the up and coming chapters. I am posting way sooner than I expected. This story is just flying out of me. My fingers can’t stop moving.

Well Please Comment and rate if you like what you are reading.

Thanks for giving me a shot.

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