Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Where Are All The People


by iluvgeeway1 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-08-30 - Updated: 2009-08-30 - 672 words

Hours later

Marissa's P.O.V

'Oh my god, I acted like an idiot in front of him! Ughh!' I thought while banging my head against my... I mean Gerard's pillow. Then I look up and look around the room, it's a bit dim but i see drawings all over the walls of random cartoons, family, and friends, also I see a black dresser in the corner with red spots of paint everywhere, a couch, a mini fridge, and a TV. The theme color of his room was red and black. 'Very nice taste Gerard.'

I see the door open and Gerard walking down the stairs carefully while he held the air mattress, but it was open and it covered his head. I got up and went to go help him. Suddenly he misses a step and falls forward towards where I ' am. On instinct I try to catch him but he's obviously heavier than me. We both fall on the ground him him on top of me.

"Fuck... sorry. Are you okay? Didi I hurt you I'm sorry I should've remembered about that last step..." He kept rambling his eyes averted from mine.

"It's okay G- Mr .Way I was gonna go take the mattress off your hands before that happened. Guess I was to late" I giggled. He looked down at me smiling his cute crooked smile, then to notice that he was still on top of me. We both noticed and turned our heads away from each other, his cheeks going pink while mine went to the color of a tomato.

"Ummm..." I said nervously ah he again offered me help up after he stood up off of me.

"Marissa, call me Gerard. Mr. Way makes me sound like a old git." He told me while grinning.
"Oh and I'll be taking the air mattress. Can't have you sleeping on the floor can I?"

"Oh okay. But if you want you bed back anytime just shove me off and I'll take the air mattress." I told him with a small smile.

"Haha never." I see him turn to look at a clock above the doorway I haven't noticed. "Well it's almost 11. We should go to bed."

"Yea..." I turn and wonder what I'm going to wear as pj's since Donna thankfully washed my clothes.

He must've noticed my confused look and said "Here use this."

He hands me a Jack Skellington long sleeve that was very big on me that it ended at my knees.

"Oh thanks so much!" I smiled and turned. He did the same and we both changed with our back to each other. I turn around to see him with nothing but boxers on. I blushed looking at his slim body.

With that we both went to bed.

Gerard's P.O.V

During the middle of the night my stupid ancient air mattress got a hole and deflated. With a sigh I got up and looked around, finally setting my gaze on Marissa. I studied her face, small cute upturned nose, pouty lips that looked kissable, pale complexion that looks smooth as a porcelain doll. Long black hair fanned around her as I see her chest rise and fall as she breathes.

I was mystified.

I don't know how long I was staring at her until she turned and faced towards me. I snapped out of it and was brought back to reality.

'C'mon Gee what the hell are you thinking? You have a girlfriend for pete sakes!'
[ 'You know you she's using you though.'

I sighed and got up. I looked up at the clock and saw it was about 3 a.m. I look at Marissa one more time and conclude she wouldn't mind that much if I slept next to her right? I mean its a full size bed and she's barely taking up any room.

With that thought I walked around the bed and laid a foot or two away from her, and slowly I fell asleep.
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