Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Personal Oxygen

Not as Promising as it sounds

by SafeBehindMusic 1 review

Be sure to check out the note at the end. Filled with goodness. I promise.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2009-09-03 - Updated: 2009-09-03 - 1828 words

Where did my reviewers go. I hope you didnt abandone me. Haha. Okay be sure to check out the note at the end of the chapter it is something for readers of my story only.

The music stopped playing and I could feel someone moving in the room. Moving towards me was more like it.

“Mr. Shepherd, this is…” Alex had begun.

“Mr. Gaskgarth I know who this is. Go and take your seat while I have a word with our new student.”

This Shepherd sounded very short, not as in height but as in temper. He seemed to be reprimanding Alex without actually doing so.

“Yes sir.” Alex said while walking into the room.

“Ms. Jones is it not?”

“yes sir”

“I assume that you realize why I requested that you be in my class instead of in art history like your father requested?”

I knew where he was getting and him going there was so not an option. I had originally applied to the music program. After some talking to I realized that it was in fact a bad idea. Dad agreed and in the words of magicians alakazam and it was done. I was surprised to see music on my schedule but figured it was just music history. Where he wanted to go I had not intention of going. I was already a freak without him bringing that up. Especially this early in the school year. He needed to let this go. No better way to try that to play stupid.

“No sir.”

“Do you not play…..”

Boy this guy was not budging one bit.

“Not any more.”

“Excuse me?”

I couldn’t help it. Maybe if I begged?

“I don’t play anymore. Please don’t make me. I stick out enough without you and the other professors trying to play on my strengths. It’s something I am good at, yes but choose not to put out there anymore. I just…”

“I understand. But know that this class is based on participation and communication. I was giving you a heads up that eventually I will have to call on you and you will have to participate.”

Great lets see how long I can prolong the inevitable.

“Just not yet right.”

“No Miss Jones. Not quite yet.”


“I sat you in the back of the room, furthest away from the sound, your books are on your desk. The acoustics in this room are very nice.” I knew that he was smiling at this point. He was like Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde.

“thank you. Um could you show me to my desk please.”

“Not a problem.”

With that he opened my door and walked me into the room towards my desk. Then walked to the front of the room and began his lesson.

The hour and a half went by quickly and before I knew it class was over. I had enjoyed the class immensely. We covered three of my favorite pieces. It seemed that he was not a bad teacher at all. He even rewarded his students with candy when they got answers right. The students loved him.

I sat waiting for Alex to come and get me but nothing. I could hear giggling coming from outside the room and students moving to there next class or to the first lunch period. For the second time in one day I had been forgotten. I didn’t like the feeling. Maybe this would not work out. Maybe I was setting myself up for failure.

I decided to take out my schedule and see what I had next.

Moving my hand across the page I noticed that I had Physics and then lunch then Math and then Gym was my last class for the day. This made no sense. Someone should have been here to get me.

I noticed that I was not alone in the room. The floorboard creaked making my head shoot up.

“Seems like we keep running into each other.”

“Tyler? Where’s Alex?”

“he went to his next class. You were supposed to have another tour guide but I went to the office and switched him out. I have Physics next and then lunch so I figured that it would be better if less people were handling you. I mean I didn’t want you to feel like you were..Jeez I don’t know.”

I thought that it was cute that he wanted to be one of my babysitters.

“thank you Tyler. Shouldn’t we get going so that we can get to class on time.”

“yeah its not that far. Its just up the stairs and a few doors to the left. Here let me take your bag for you.”

He grabbed my bag and then like he did earlier placed his hand on my lower back and lead me around until we got to what I assumed was the Physics room.

“You’ll like this class. The school district likes to keep all science and math classes small. There are only ten people in this class and we work in teams of two. I was hoping that you would be my partner, I mean so that no one has to wait up for either of us. I just thought that it would be easier.”

He was taking physics so he must have been smart and his suggestion though he may have had ulterior motives was kind to the other students. It was thoughtful and I could appreciate that.

“Sure. I don’t see why not. Besides it wouldn’t be fair to let other students suffer because we run a little late. So shall we. The bell has not rung and I would love to be on time for once.”

“yeah lets go tackle this class.”

When we walked into the class I could tell that the blinds on the windows were open. I could feel the sun on my face. I could also feel wind when I sat down. My seat was next to a window.

“Tyler. I see you found out new student. Miss Jones I’m Ms. Carlson. I teach Physics as well as math so you will have me for you 6th period class. Here is your textbook. Let me know if there is anything else you need.”

She seemed sweet and very considerate.

“Nothing special.” I said smiling as she walked away.

“Okay so for today’s class I thought that it would be fun to start off by distributing your projects. These projects will be worth 25 percent of this semesters grade. You have been paired off and I will distribute the project to your groups.”

Then she started to move around the room.

“I hope we get a good project.” Tyler whispered in my ear.

“ I hope we get something that I can help you with.”

“I’m sure she thought of that ahead of time.”

Just as he said that Ms. Clarkson came up to our lab table.

“okay you two get my favorite. I want you to creatively work up Sir Isaac Newton. Be as creative as possible. If you need access to anything then just let me know. Celeste I was told that your computer is equipped with the programs needed for your school work am I correct.”

“yes. But that’s my home computer. This one only lets me take notes so that I can print them out when I get home.”

“well then I guess that you and Tyler are going to have to do most of this work outside of the classroom.”

“I don’t want to inconvenience him. I can work on this alone. It really is no problem.”

“Well this is a two person project. I guess if Tyler does not mind it you could work alone and I could give him another project.”

Before I could answer Tyler spoke up.

“Celeste it really isn’t a problem. We can work at the library and stuff. My schedule is usually empty after school except for track and swim club which don’t start till January. Besides I really wanted to work with you.”

I could hear the determination and the honesty in his voice. I couldn’t turn that down.

“Well as long as you don’t mind having to spend so much time with me.”

“not at all.” I could hear him smirk. I almost forgot.

“Um. Ms. Clarkson when is this due exactly?’

“At the end of the semester. Why?”

“Its just that Ms. Klein from the lit department assigned a group project as well. I just wanted to make sure that I had enough time to get everything done for both classes.”

“Well get together with the other partner and come up with a schedule that all three of you can work with. If you need anything just let me or Ms. Klein know.”

“thank you.”

Two group projects, two different male partners. I had a feeling that this was not going to be an easy task.

I had more pressing matters to deal with. I decided to skip breakfast and was currently starving.

“Hey Tyler?” I could hear him stop writing down his notes and turn to me.


“When’s lunch?”

“In about another 30 minutes.”

“Good cause I’m starved.”

“You and me both.”

I smiled and turned my attention away from my growling stomach and Tyler to Ms. Carlson in the front. She made the lecture easy to follow and called out page numbers, I was sure, for my advantage.

The class period ended and then we were off to lunch. If only that was as promising as it sounded.


Okay before I give you the news. You know the deal, Rate and review. Reviews are love. I love you so you should love me back. LOVE ME BACK!!!!

NOw for the news. I am doing a small casting call for a story called Gentlemens club. I am going to warn you that this shit is going to be smut filled to the brim and then some. It will feature guys from bands of your and my choice. Here is a little preview to see if you are interested.

Welcome to the Gentlemen's Club where all of your desires, fantasies, fetishes and dreams can and will be fullfilled, for a price. NO questions are asked no rules are spoken, the strong take over and the weak are broken. Once you enter these doors you leave the outside world behind. No troubles no worries just pure ecstasy. Just sit back, your in for a bumpy ride and once it starts you're on it till the end.

Name: Whatever you want to be called.
Age: Try to make them over 18 please.
Here is where you can make it your own: Fetishes, fantasies, desires with... Select a male.
Anything else you think I need to know.

If you are up to this make sure to have fun with it.

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