Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Personal Oxygen

Something Right After All

by SafeBehindMusic 2 reviews

Casting Call in last chapter. Read it. Do it. Haha.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2009-09-05 - Updated: 2009-09-05 - 803 words

When Tyler and I got to the lunchroom I noticed at once how loud it was in there. There was no way that I could last in here. Concerts where one thing I could leave if things got crazy. But this was just too much. Hundreds of conversations were happening at the same time and I was not at all comfortable with this.

Before I could utter a complaint I felt a hand close around mine.


"I’m sorry about earlier. But I figured out a way to make it up to you.”


“I got a friend of mine to save us a seat outside. It’s a lot quieter out there.”

Right as I was about to answer Jack must have noticed Tyler, Or he noticed Tyler's hand on my back.

“Oh hey Tyler. I didn’t know that you two had already met.”

“Yeah. We met when you left her earlier.” Tyler snapped.

“I didn’t leave her. I told her that Alex would come and get her.”

“Not good enough Barakat. Luckily she happened to be walking down the hall I was patrolling.”

I didn’t like the direction that this conversation was going in. Something about it was making me uncomfortable. Thankfully I heard a voice I recognized.

“Tyler. Thank you for brining us our Star. Rian was looking for her earlier but I see that you took over for him. How kind of you?” Alex said

“It was just easier that way.” Tyler said trying to lead me away. Jack never let go of my hand.

“Sure it was. Anyways her friends are waiting for her and I am sure that she is starving. After that music lecture and then Physics afterwards who wouldn’t be.”

This was my cue to break up this awkward battle of testosterone.

“I am starving actually.”

“well then lets get you some eatage.” Jack said grabbing my hand a little tighter and leading me away from Tyler.

I realized that I needed some way to contact Tylerabout the project.

“Hey Jack wait up.”

“whats up.”

“take me back for a sec.”


“Well we got paired up in physics. I need to give him my number so that he can contact me later on.”

“oh.” There goes the sad Jack again “Sure”


I felt him lead me to where we were before.

“You alright Celeste.” Tyler asked.

“yeah I just figured that I would give you my cell number so that you can call me regarding the project.”

“yeah sure. What is it.”

I gave Tyler my number and my email address and then went off to get lunch with Jack. Once we were a certain distance away from Tyler and his friends I felt Jacks mood lighten up. He actually had a little pep to his step.

“So what are you going to have to eat?”

“um. I don’t know. What do we have?’

“well we have, Pizza, and sandwiches and tacos and I don’t know what are you in the mood for and I will tell you if they have it.”

“Pizza sounds great Jack.”

“Pizza it is.”

I didn’t know why I liked Jack. Maybe he reminded me of a younger me. A me before well, before stuff happened.

“Earth to Celeste.” Jack called squeezing my hand.

“sorry. Just thinking about how good it smells in here.”

“That’s just your stomach talking.” He said laughing while leading me out a set of doors. Instantly I could feel the sun on my face and the wind in my hair. I also noticed that it was a bit quieter out here than t was inside.

“Hey Jack?”


“Thanks for this. I don’t know how you figured it out but thank you.”

“ I just figured that you needed someplace quiet. Besides Alex is the one that saved the table so you should really thank him.”

“Yeah well you thought of it.” At me saying that I could feel him bounce again. I could almost feel him smiling. Then he became stiff as a board and started leading me to the table.

“I guess I can do stuff right after all.”

Just as I was about to ask what he meant he sat me down and the introductions began.

Seems as if this story is not picking up a following. I dont know if I am going to continue this after the next few chapters. I already have them written so I might as well post. With school starting the only way I would even think of continuing was if I thought people were enjoying it.

For now I am going to post the first chapter of Gentlemen's Club soon. fill in the Casting call if you want a spot.

That is all

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