Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > The Importance of a Butterfly

Chapter 8

by ElaLovesYou 0 reviews

come on. just read it.

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-09-11 - Updated: 2009-09-11 - 437 words - Complete

Chapter 8

Sasuke used his last ounces of strength to deliver a good sound kick to Orochimaru’s chest.
Orochimaru staggered back and just as he redoubled his attempts to reinfect Sasuke, Mystique leapt at his back and quickly disarmed him.
Orochimaru stared at his attacker with apparent surprise. Then he chuckled, “A useless little kunoichi, saving the fearless legend. That will be a story to remember!”
“You will not humiliate and trick me into giving you my life as you have foolishly taken Sasuke’s. I will protect him until I am killed or die naturally. You will never have me or Sasuke ever again.”
Mystique placed herself between Orochimaru and Sasuke. Orochimaru began to draw up the strength to use one of his special attacks then he felt drained and it wasn’t an after effect of the ‘useless’ kunoichi attack.
“My chakra!” He shrieked in horror as he felt the rapidly draining levels drop more. He fell to his knees and gasped, “So. We meet again young Hinata Hyuga!”
Mystique looked up, hope shining out of her eyes. She and Sasuke might not die this day. Hinata came out of the bushes to their right on the fringe of the meadow, her eyes blazing with fury.
Her voice reflected her hatred.
“Orochimaru, leave this place. If you do so immediately I may consider giving you your powers and chakra back.”
Orochimaru looked thoughtful for a moment, and then an evil grin crossed his lips. “I think I might take you up on that kind offer… on one condition,” he let his words hover ominously for a moment, enjoying the effect. “my powers and chakra will be returned to my body and I will be free to leave to fight another day.” He raised his non-existent eyebrows at Hinata.
“Yes,” she said finally, “I will let you free on those conditions but I will make sure you honor them.” Orochimaru looked on in horror as she closed her eyes and began to form hand signs.
“There!” she said after about 200 hand signs, “he won’t bother us for a long time!” she giggled as she watched Orochimaru’s back retreat and disappear into the forest. Mystique breathed a sigh of relief then turned to see Sasuke lying out flat on the ground, a small stream of blood flowing from his mouth and forming a puddle that grew ever larger around his face.
The last thing he heard before being lost to the deepest recesses of his mind were the words of anguish spoken from the mouth of an angel.
“Sasuke, NO!!!” then the darkness overwhelmed him.
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