Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Dark Parade

The Dark Parade

by SmashAuthority 4 reviews

Gerard Way as Batman? Frank Iero as The Joker? Expect chaos in Gotham, and a strange love triangle...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Parody,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-09-10 - Updated: 2009-10-17 - 661 words

I do not own any characters/plots from any of the Batman movies, nor unfortunately do I own My Chemical Romance. This is all a figment of my overactive imagination! Enjoy!

Gerard Way woke with a start in his elegant, four poster bed dripping with sweat. He sighed, it was always the same, night after night. He always dreamed of that terrible night, many years ago, when his parents had shot in front of him. He had only been 8 years old and yeah, it had scarred him for life.

The Way's had been at the Opera (something to do with bats), and little Gerard had gotten scared (he had accidentally discovered a cave underneath his parents rambling mansion a few weeks earlier, before he could remark on how cool it was, a bunch of bats had attacked him-another scarred for life moment). He had asked if they could leave and his parents, being as perfect as they were, had agreed. For some inexplicable reason, the old man had chosen to exit through the back door which would lead them through a completely disgusting alley. Naturally, a mugger had sat waiting for them, he had brandished a small gun at them and demanded all their cash. His father had tried to play it cool but damn, he got blasted straight in the chest. His mother had screamed like a banshee and thus earned herself one in the chest as well. They went down like a pack of cards before his eyes.

Before he died, his father had said "Don't be afraid, Gerard," Yeah, to an 8 year old kid who had just witnessed the massacre of his folks. Whatever, dude. Gerard had stood in the rain (something he would do in adulthood, A LOT), until a homeless dude called the cops.

Gerard got out of bed and walked across his immense bedroom to stare dejectedly out of the french windows (he did that a lot). He put his hands in his pockets and lamented on his fate. Why was the world so cruel? It had snatched his beloved parents from him, leaving him with only a multi-billion dollar fortune, fast cars, a badass mansion (otherwise known as Way Manor) and a butler. Thanks to his late father, he was one of the richest, most powerful men in the world...but still dude, life was hard.

He had felt empty, until one day, it had come to him. Why not dress as a giant bat, wear a utility belt and cape and kick some serious bad guy ass? Yes, that was his destiny, to run around after dark, fighting crime in a ridiculously tight suit. The downside was that it left little or no time for the ladies. He couldn't remember the last time he had been on a date. Oh well, he was probably too intense for the woman of Gotham, you know, as he barely smiled and stuff.

"I see you're awake, Master Way," Came a Liverpudlian voice from behind him.

Gerard turned to face his loyal butler, Raymond, who stood with his breakfast in hand and a wry smile on his lips. He knew all Gerard's secrets, including the whole superhero thing. He didn't like it, but what was he gonna do? Quit?

"I couldn't sleep Raymond. It was the dream again," He trailed off, looking intensely troubled.

Raymond frowned, "Master Gerard. If you would just stop running around at night in that ridiculous outfit, and find a nice girl, maybe the nightmares would stop."

"Who would love me, Raymond?" Gerard mused, broodingly.

"I don't know sir, a nice Brazilian model perhaps?" He suggested hopefully. He figured someone feisty would keep Gerard's dark moods in check.

Gerard sighed and turned away. Raymond put his breakfast on the table and walked away, muttering something about Arkham Asylum. Gerard on the other hand, got dressed in his finest Armani suit and prepared to face The City of Gotham. The city he kept safe.
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