Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Dark Parade

Not You Again...

by SmashAuthority 1 review

Gerard "The Dark Knight" Way, has to foil a bank heist by his arch nemesis, Frank "The Joker" Iero, who BTW has a secret...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Parody - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-09-13 - Updated: 2009-09-13 - 746 words

After Gerard was done pretending to run 'Way Enterprises' for the day (his good friend and confidante, Bob Bryar did all the hard work), he started back for Way Manor. As he was being chauffeured home in his black (what else?) Rolls Royce Phantom, he stared out the window, completely absorbed in the complicated maze that was his mind.

When he reached home, he showered, changed into a D&G Tux and mentally prepared himself for his date, except it wasn't a real date. It was all just an elaborate ploy to keep people from suspecting his real identity. He thought he did a pretty good job of acting like a rich, spoilt playboy. There was no shortage of females admirers, but they didn't want him for him, they just wanted to be seen with him because, well, damn, he was hot.

Anyway, tonight's date was with a Russian ballet dancer. Her name was Natasha something or other, and he couldn't wait to get it over with so he could change into his Batsuit and vent his rage onto the scum of Gothams underbelly.

He took her for dinner to a very exclusive, very expensive restaurant (which he happened to own). They ate, she talked, he listened and nodded his head, you know, to be polite. After they were done, he had her escorted home, after all, he was a Gentleman, though he got the feeling she was a little disappointed the evening was over. But, he couldn't help that, he had other, more important stuff to do, like kick some major ass.

Word on the street was that a bank heist was about to go down tonight by none other than Batman's arch nemesis The Joker. As Gerard put on his heavy armor (he would have to talk to Bryar about making it lighter), he considered whether to take the Tumbler or the Bat Pod. He chose the former because, well, it was so much cooler to be seen in, plus it scared the crap out of his enemies. After he was fully dressed, Gerard took a deep breath and let his other personality take over his body.


Batman parked his sweet ride in an alley and climbed onto the banks roof. He watched through he glass to see if anything was really going down as the clown had been known to pull out sometimes (make-up emergencies). But sure enough, there he was below him, brandishing a knife at a hapless security guard. Batman frowned (with difficulty, as he was wearing his mask). Why did the clown do this? It was not like the Joker enjoyed money-he usually ended up burning the stuff. Batman knew he did it just to get his attention, for the Joker had a secret...

He was roused back into reality when he heard the clowns evil cackle. he sighed and sprang into action. He jumped swiftly through the glass and came careening down the room, landing majestically into the middle of the banks reception area. He promptly knocked out two of Jokers henchmen with a series of roundhouse kicks, sending them flying (some crazy British dude had taught him how to fight).

"Why don't you ever use the door?" Asked the Joker, irritably.

"I like to make an entrance," Growled Batman, in his ferocious, erm, Growl (it always left him with a sore throat in the morning though).

The Joker rolled his eyes and released the terrified security guard, who promptly ran for the exit. "Why do you always have to crash the party?" He asked in annoyance.

"What do you expect, that I should sit back and let you wreak havoc?"

"No," Sighed the Joker, "I want you to join me,"

It was Batmans turn to sigh, "Look, dude. We've been through this before," He started darkly, "It's never gonna happen, okay?" He glared at the man dressed in the purple suit before him with full force.

"Why do you have to be so damned stubborn?" Wailed Joker, stamping his foot in frustration. Seriously.

"I haven't got time for your theatrics," Batman informed him, before proceeding to beat the living daylights out of the remaining henchmen (who were cowering behind desks). It didn't take long before the Jokers crew was laid out on the floor, totally unconscious, leaving just the two men standing, facing each other.

[**]Okay. this chapter was supposed to be longer, but I am needed elsewhere so I will upload the remaining chapter very, very soon.
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