Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Dark Parade

A Disturbing Crush

by SmashAuthority 2 reviews

The title says it all, people...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Parody - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-09-26 - Updated: 2009-09-26 - 576 words

"I guess we're all alone now," Said The Joker suggestively, wiggling his bushy, green eyebrows.

Batman knew only too well what he meant. "I've told you before dude, I'm straight," He sighed.

"But you're wearing a tight, leather suit. How can that not be totally gay?" Demanded the clown, waving a gloved hand in the air.

Batman knew there was no arguing with this guy. He was either too hard-headed or just plain stupid-everyone knew Batman wasn't gay! Superman on the other hand...

He remembered when he had first suspected Joker had feelings for him, it was when the clown had tried to blow up a hospital and he had swooped in to save the day. Instead of trying to stab him like any self-respecting maniac, the clown had tried to kiss him, earning him a punch in the face (which had nearly knocked him senseless). The Joker further shocked Batman by bursting into hysterical tears (though no one witnessed this) and run off, completely abandoning his evil plan, leaving a stunned Batman standing there.

He had returned to his pimped-out underground cave and researched everything he could about this guy. It turned out, his real name was Frank Iero, he had no family and had practically been raised on the streets of Gotham. No one knew why he wore more make-up then a drag queen, but Batman had discovered he had previously been part of some rock band (he could never remember the name). One night, Frank had gotten stupendously drunk and bizarrley ended up carving his own face. What else could one expect from a nut job?

Anyway, since that fateful day, The Joker had tried to convince Batman that they belonged together. Batman on the other hand, found the whole thing rather annoying because he was totally straight and was willing to pulverize anyone who said otherwise.

"How long are you gonna fight your feelings for me?" Simpered The Joker, taking a tentative step forward.

Batman allowed it as he had a plan (like always). Seeing no resistance, Joker stepped forward more confidently until he was standing nose to nose with Batman (actually it was nose to chest because dude was short). He raised his hand (rather shyly), but before he could do anything, Batman grabbed his arm roughly, spun him around and slammed him into a wall with such violence, The Joker nearly passed out cold.

"You're going back to Arkham Asylum," Batman muttered into his ear.

"I'll just escape again. Nothing can keep us apart!" Screamed the clown in fury and repressed lust.

"Whatever," Answered Batman, though he knew this was probably true because the security at the asylum was almost comical.

He had just finished tying him up-something The Joker seemed to be enjoying, when the Gotham City Police Department burst in (late as always). Commissioner Mikey Way was leading the pack, when he spotted Batman he smiled gratefully.

"Dude, you rock," He said, before making his way to a very upset Joker. When he had finished hand-cuffing the clown (who was trying to wriggle away), he looked up to see Batman had vanished into thin air. He shook his head and chuckled to himself. Where would Gotham be without that guy?

* I know it's short, but that's only because it was originally supposed to be part of Chapter 2. The other chapters will be longer, I promise!!! BTW, thanks for the reviews guys-i will keep your suggestions in mind! xxx
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