Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Dark Parade

Her...Part 1

by SmashAuthority 0 reviews

Gerard attends an Art Gallery opening.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Parody - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-10-10 - Updated: 2009-10-10 - 690 words

A certain someones age has been changed!!!

Gerard slept well into the next morning. Finally, Raymond entered his bedroom and pulled back the heavy curtains letting in a thin stream of bright light.

"Bats are nocturnal," Came the disgruntled moan from beneath the covers.

"So are vampires, and you're neither. It's 3 PM in the afternoon and that's pushing it, even for a playboy billionaire. It's time to get up. You have to attend an art gallery opening tonight," He reminded him sternly.

Gerard sighed heavily but got out of bed. He promptly dropped onto the floor and began doing push ups as was his ritual in the morning. After he was done, he got up swiftly and took the orange juice Raymond offered him.

"You know I hate these things," He said with a frown.

"I know sir, but you never know, you might meet a nice girl there tonight,"

"Raymond, why are you always trying to hook me up?" Gerard asked with interest.

His faithful butler didn't answer. He didn't want to tell Gerard the sight of him lonely all the time was extremely depressing, he was pushing 60 and he had a girlfriend! Plus, he figured if Gerard got, ahem, busy with a nice female he might abandon this Superhero lark. Raymond totally disapproved of Gerard risking his life when he could be enjoying it. Instead of telling him his true feelings, he smiled and told Gerard he was needed downstairs and quickly scarpered.

Gerard peered down at his body. he could see the dark bruises forming already, courtsey of yesterdays incident but it didn't bother him. If this was the price he had to pay to keep Gotham safe, he was willing to pay it. Also, it was not like he ever showed his (rather well built) body to anyone-you know, as he was single and all.

He got ready and sprinted out the door, calling a hurried goodbye to Raymond, who was busy polishing some silver. The quicker he got this days events over with, the quicker he could go back to doing what he loved-kicking ass. Little did he know his life was about to be changed forever. Again.


He entered the Gotham Art Gallery amidst flashing light bulbs and scantily clad girls trying to get into his pants. He ignored them all for the time being and went to join his good friend Bob Bryar, who he had spotted at the buffet table.

"Good evening, Mr Bryar," Gerard greeted him with a warm smile.

"Well hello, Mr Way. It's nice to see you taking a break from, well, you know," Bob raised his eyebrows knowingly.

"Well, I've got to have some fun," Gerard laughed.

Bob suppressed the urge to chuckle, unfortunately, Gerard wouldn't know fun if it danced naked in front of him. Instead, he spoke hastily, "Of course, Mr Way," and continued to stuff his face with Caviar and other strange looking food.

After a few moments of polite chatter, Gerard excused himself and mingled with the rather well established crowd. Anyone who was anyone was here tonight, from royalty to society girls. Gerard greeted most of them and even flirted with some hot looking European models. He made sure a slimy looking photographer got some good pictures of said models attempting to remove his clothing-in public.

Gerard smiled on the outside but inwardly was not impressed-what kind of person did these girls think he was? Some sort of man whore? Were all woman like this? If so, he guessed he would die alone. Oh well, he still had his billions. That and Batman, and he was made up for goodness sake! Gerard began to feel one of his infamous black moods coming on so he prised the girls off him (they began to make out with each other) and wondered off quietly. He got himself a glass of champagne and walked around aimlessly for awhile, admiring the paintings and sculptures with interest. He was leaning casually against a wall, sipping his drink when he first spotted Her....

I know this is a bit uneventful but the next one is going to be interesting...
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