Categories > Anime/Manga > Gundam Wing > Christmas Dreams and New Year's Wishes

Part 3 Chapter 2 Enter Q-Man's

by kittnami 0 reviews

Category: Gundam Wing - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2009-09-22 - Updated: 2009-09-23 - 1987 words

Chapter 2 Enter Q-man’s

Quatre’s mansion was just as big as Duo remembered it being. Heero had to stop outside the gate and announce them into this little voice box thing before they could get in. Quatre himself met them at the door and greeted each heartily.
“Duo, it’s good to see you again! And Heero, I thought you might show up early.”
“You mean we’re still early?” Duo asked. How in the world were they still early when he had spent an extra half hour getting ready?
“Uh, yes, you are. An hour early as a matter of fact.” Quatre stated in confusion.
“You tricked me.” Duo whined as he turned to Heero with his best puppy dog eyes.
“…” Heero looked over at Duo for a few seconds before shrugging.
“Mr. Paranoia here wants to check your security.” Duo joked. He was rewarded by a warm smile that was uniquely Quatre.
“Yes, I thought he might. Rashid…” Quatre waited for his Head of Security to step up beside him, “show Heero the security grid.”
“Yes Master Quatre.” Rashid stepped away with Heero in tow leaving Duo with Quatre.
Leading the way inside, Quatre went on and on about the party and business. It was like he wanted to catch up with Duo, but Duo had never been one for business. He let Quatre talk himself out and then began answering questions.
“So, I haven’t seen you in a while, where have you been?” Quatre asked as he poured Duo a brandy. They had gone to Quatre’s study to wait for the other guests to arrive.
“I’ve been around, here and there. Mostly down in the pits, but hey, it’s all right. I have an apartment, a job, and some good kids.”
“You’re a father?” Quatre asked confused. He had been the only pilot Duo had been able to confide in about being gay and that only because Quatre himself was open-minded.
“No, um, some war orphans, gotta soft spot for ‘em ya know?” Duo smiled as the brandy seared a trail down his throat.
“Oh. I heard you moved out of Hilde’s. She found out didn’t she?” Quatre asked.
“Yeah, I had to tell her. The poor thing fell in love with me. I felt terrible, but what else could I do?” Duo asked shrugging his shoulders.
“The truth was all you could give her.” Quatre said agreeing with Duo in his own way. “So tell me more about these orphans before the other guests arrive. The latest conferences I’ve been attending have dealt with the creation of homes for the orphans running around.”
Duo sat and told Quatre all he could about Benj and the others. Quatre listened with interest and asked many questions. Finally Heero came to join them and poured himself a brandy before politely interrupting.
“Other guests have begun to arrive. Socialites.”
“Ah, yes. It’s too bad I had to ruin a New Year’s party with people whose intentions I am unsure of. I’d much rather be spending a quiet evening with you, Duo and the other pilots and such, but I am who I am.”
“Got that right, Q-man!” Duo laughed before downing the rest of his brandy.
He almost choked when Heero held him back when Quatre stood to leave. There was a weird light in Heero’s eyes that made Duo’s breath catch, but he covered it up and hoped Heero had not noticed. Quatre had noticed and to help Duo cover he coughed politely and told them suits had been prepared for them. After giving Heero directions to the room they were to change in, Quatre left with a smile and a nod at Duo.
“So, whaddya want?” Duo asked Heero casually keeping his voice straight.
“Hilde is here tonight. She came with Relena. Don’t avoid her.” Heero said nothing more to the disappointed Duo as he led the way up to the rooms.
It was expected that Heero and Duo were to be in suits. It was also expected they be given guns. It was not expected for Duo’s suit to be blue pinstripe. Surveying himself in the mirror, Duo could not help but think he looked like a gangster. The suit itself fit like a glove and made Duo look distinguished, something he had thought was impossible, but pinstripe? Heero knocked on the door while Duo was still turning around in front of the mirror.
“Hey Heero, you gotta see this.” Duo called. A sigh could be heard as Heero opened the door. “Whaddya think? I’m a regular Al Capone.”
“…Who’s Al Capone?” Heero asked after a moment.
Duo’s jaw fell clear to the floor. Who’s Al Capone? Duo smacked himself on the head and turned to look at Heero. As his eyes took in the sleek black suit with the conventional cut that looked sown onto Heero’s figure Duo’s mouth went dry. Heero stood there slightly annoyed waiting for Duo to say something. When he thought Duo had turned into a statue, Heero asked his question again.
“Who’s Al Capone?”
“I can’t believe…” Duo began and for the entire trip down to the party did his best to explain the infamous Scar face. He gave up when Heero glared at him and with an exasperated sigh went to seek out the refreshment table. Duo was starved.
Duo found the table at the other side of the ballroom. It was laden down with everything from appetizers to the makings of a seven course meal. His mouth was watering fast enough to fill the Atlantic Ocean. Taking a plate, Duo loaded up with everything he could fit on it and still look part way like a gentleman. At least he had not spilled anything on his suit yet, good thing too because he could not afford to have it cleaned before returning it to Quatre.
Finding a quiet spot to stand, Duo looked around the room. Even though it was half filled, there was hardly anyone Duo even recognized, let alone knew. He certainly did not see Hilde. He stood stock still for about ten minutes waiting for someone he knew to walk by besides Quatre. Duo was beginning to get bored. His food was gone and he had not touched a drop of alcohol since the brandy in Quatre’s study. Duo rolled his eyes to look at the ceiling when a familiar red head walked by. Looking up sharply, Duo spied Catherine. She was no doubt here with Trowa.
“Hey, Cathy!” Duo called and waved his arms eliciting many queer looks from the distinguished persons around him. He ignored them though and gave Cathy a wide smile as she came up next to him.
“Hi Duo! Happy Holidays!” Catherine said and gave him one of those little half hug things. “How have you been?”
“I’m great. You?” Duo asked glad to be talking with someone familiar.
“Oh, I’ve been wonderful. For Christmas Trowa changed his name to Triton for me! I was soo happy!” Catherine beamed.
“Wow, that is good! Where is he? I haven’t seen anyone.”
“I don’t know. He went to talk with Quatre the minute he stepped in the door. Something about the new decree for the war orphans.” Catherine said, but she seemed distracted. She was looking at something through an archway. Craning his neck, Duo took a look and saw an elegant looking Sally Po coming towards them with a reluctant Wufei being tugged along.
“Let go of me woman! I’m capable of walking on my own!” Wufei’s voice could be heard where Duo stood, causing a hearty laugh from all except the Asian.
“Oh, you big baby!” Sally smiled at him.
“Hey, Wu-man!” Duo greeted.
“How many times have I told you not to call me that?” Wufei snapped at him.
Sally and Catherine went off on their own to talk girl talk leaving Duo with the irritated Wufei. Being who he was, Duo could not help teasing the easily annoyed Wufei, just for old time’s sake. Wufei got sick of it and stormed off after Sally not too long afterwords. Once again alone, Duo decided to walk around and mingle. He skirted wide the dancing area and grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter.
There were billiards tables set up in one of the parlors or whatever rich people called the room. Duo could not believe they actually named the rooms considering the vast amount of rooms contained in even a baby mansion. It was toward the billiards table on the far right Duo headed. He did not want to be found by Hilde. A part of him wanted to be the one to spot her first, but Duo could not bring himself to seriously look. To his surprise, Quatre and Trowa were at the table he was heading for. Grinning insanely, Duo stalked up behind Quatre and clapped his hands over the blonde Arabian’s eyes.
“Guess who?” Duo said.
“Duo.” Quatre’s prompt reply caused Duo to puppy frown.
“How’d you know?”
“Your voice. Plus you are the only one that would possibly do such a thing.” Trowa’s logical and still quiet voice turned Duo’s attention to him.
“Where’s your suit?” Duo asked noticing Trowa was wearing his preferred dark green turtleneck.
“…” Instead of responding, Trowa sank a ball. (Translation for those of you who don’t speak dot: Think I’d be caught dead wearing one?)
“I’m stuck in pinstripes and he gets to be comfortable?” Duo said in mock horror as he gestured from Trowa to himself.
Quatre just shrugged, smiled, and handed his stick to Duo. Trowa looked up and Duo could have sworn he was disappointed that Quatre was about to leave. Duo could not really blame him. Trowa traveled with the circus still and even though they were very good friends, he did not get to see Quatre often.
“Well, I guess I should get back to other guests. I’m sorry Triton. I hope it’s all right if Duo finishes the game for me?” Quatre asked still playing the polite host.
“Its fine, Quatre. I’ll see you again later.” Trowa said simply as he sunk another ball.
Duo and Trowa had always gotten along well. It was almost like Trowa was nothing more than a quieter Quatre. Duo knew better than anyone that all the former pilots were vastly different, but he still could not help grouping them together. Trowa and Quatre could tolerate his presence for hours, even days on end, where as Wufei and Heero would certainly strangle him after a given period. He and Trowa caught up on old times rather quick given Trowa’s natural quiet nature. Duo respected that and simply commented here and there. In total they played something around six games before Catherine came for Trowa.
“Triton, would you mind coming with me? I need to run out to the car.” Catherine asked him grabbing his arm lightly.
“Of course, Cathy.” Trowa responded. He nodded a goodbye to Duo and quit the game that he had been winning.
Duo realized he had heard Quatre call Trowa Triton and hoped that if he ever had to do it Duo would remember. He believed that no matter how often they called Trowa by his Triton name, in the minds of the pilots and maybe even Trowa himself, he would always be Trowa Barton instead of Triton Bloom. Catherine sure seemed happy though, and Duo could appreciate happy women. Even if he was homosexual, Duo had always liked to see a happy woman, especially Hilde. When Hilde was happy she would smile and sometimes even cry. Speaking of Hilde, he really should go find her.
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